events = { [1] = { type = "mission start", t = 69000, }, -- end of [1] [2] = { type = "took control", t = 69000, }, -- end of [2] [3] = { type = "under control", initiatorPilotName = "Новый позывной", target = "Pilot #004", t = 69000, targetMissionID = "371", }, -- end of [3] [4] = { type = "engine startup", place = "Saint Omer Longuenesse", t = 69019.7, placeDisplayName = "Saint Omer Longuenesse", initiatorMissionID = "372", }, -- end of [4] [5] = { type = "engine startup", place = "Saint Omer Longuenesse", t = 69019.7, placeDisplayName = "Saint Omer Longuenesse", initiatorMissionID = "373", }, -- end of [5] [6] = { type = "engine startup", place = "Manston", t = 69019.7, placeDisplayName = "Manston", initiatorMissionID = "347", }, -- end of [6] [7] = { type = "engine startup", place = "Manston", t = 69019.7, placeDisplayName = "Manston", initiatorMissionID = "370", }, -- end of [7] [8] = { type = "takeoff", place = "Manston", t = 69032, placeDisplayName = "Manston", initiatorMissionID = "368", }, -- end of [8] [9] = { type = "takeoff", place = "Manston", t = 69037.5, placeDisplayName = "Manston", initiatorMissionID = "369", }, -- end of [9] [10] = { type = "mission end", t = 69075.578, }, -- end of [10] } -- end of events callsign = "Новый позывной" triggers_state = {} result = 0 world_state = { [1] = { alt = 4566.1088867188, type = "FW-190A8", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = 19034.666015625, speed = 116.4234085083, heading = -1.5217497348785, y = 49488.9765625, unitId = 38, }, -- end of [1] [2] = { alt = 4571.9228515625, type = "Bf-109K-4", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -3382.62109375, speed = 115.02565002441, heading = -5.3091177940369, y = 3908.8608398438, unitId = 41, }, -- end of [2] [3] = { alt = 4566.6879882813, type = "Bf-109K-4", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -3368.8977050781, speed = 115.26582336426, heading = -5.3091177940369, y = 3803.603515625, unitId = 42, }, -- end of [3] [4] = { alt = 3656.7373046875, type = "Bf-109K-4", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -30512.388671875, speed = 115.06398773193, heading = -2.9249527454376, y = -4634.23828125, unitId = 45, }, -- end of [4] [5] = { alt = 3649.5102539063, type = "Bf-109K-4", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -30457.87890625, speed = 113.9506149292, heading = -2.9255537986755, y = -4550.1953125, unitId = 48, }, -- end of [5] [6] = { alt = 3657.5065917969, type = "FW-190A8", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = 11938.129882813, speed = 115.00830078125, heading = -4.948103427887, y = 17601.619140625, unitId = 46, }, -- end of [6] [7] = { alt = 3654.7604980469, type = "FW-190A8", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = 11989.6171875, speed = 115.19390869141, heading = -4.948103427887, y = 17514.109375, unitId = 47, }, -- end of [7] [8] = { alt = 7618.2739257813, type = "FW-190D9", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -23067.875, speed = 109.2077331543, heading = -3.1722824573517, y = 13402.384765625, unitId = 49, }, -- end of [8] [9] = { alt = 7608.5712890625, type = "FW-190D9", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -22976.404296875, speed = 109.0708770752, heading = -3.1722810268402, y = 13470.108398438, unitId = 50, }, -- end of [9] [10] = { alt = 7619.4272460938, type = "FW-190D9", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = 6805.2734375, speed = 107.39823150635, heading = -4.4422960281372, y = 52040.09375, unitId = 51, }, -- end of [10] [11] = { alt = 7650.0590820313, type = "FW-190D9", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = 6886.08984375, speed = 112.46836853027, heading = -4.4409532546997, y = 51986.390625, unitId = 52, }, -- end of [11] [12] = { alt = 68.487495422363, type = "Bf-109K-4", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -16843.701171875, speed = 8.8520994186401, heading = -3.1685411930084, y = 45326.5625, unitId = 372, }, -- end of [12] [13] = { alt = 68.487480163574, type = "Bf-109K-4", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -16869.119140625, speed = 5.9755983352661, heading = -1.2133073806763, y = 45128.06640625, unitId = 373, }, -- end of [13] [14] = { alt = 4570.4721679688, type = "SpitfireLFMkIX", country = 4, coalition = "blue", x = 22573.072265625, speed = 115.02082061768, heading = -1.5495158433914, y = -27129.0234375, unitId = 353, }, -- end of [14] [15] = { alt = 4566.7875976563, type = "SpitfireLFMkIX", country = 4, coalition = "blue", x = 22500.3046875, speed = 114.95758056641, heading = -1.5495158433914, y = -27058.412109375, unitId = 354, }, -- end of [15] [16] = { alt = 2434.1508789063, type = "SpitfireLFMkIX", country = 4, coalition = "blue", x = 33226.859375, speed = 115.01699829102, heading = -0.19471037387848, y = -11196.547851563, unitId = 355, }, -- end of [16] [17] = { alt = 2420.3193359375, type = "SpitfireLFMkIX", country = 4, coalition = "blue", x = 33073.12109375, speed = 118.54524993896, heading = -0.19471083581448, y = -11238.8515625, unitId = 356, }, -- end of [17] [18] = { alt = 4571.0395507813, type = "SpitfireLFMkIX", country = 4, coalition = "blue", x = 9109.9697265625, speed = 115.01488494873, heading = -2.4539098739624, y = -43234.546875, unitId = 361, }, -- end of [18] [19] = { alt = 4565.3413085938, type = "SpitfireLFMkIX", country = 4, coalition = "blue", x = 9119.2412109375, speed = 114.1858215332, heading = -2.4544680118561, y = -43134.81640625, unitId = 362, }, -- end of [19] [20] = { alt = 50.895004272461, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 52697.46484375, speed = 7.0807189941406, heading = -2.4038646221161, y = -15979.696289063, unitId = 347, }, -- end of [20] [21] = { alt = 50.896148681641, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 52740.296875, speed = 6.7881178855896, heading = -2.2547702789307, y = -15931.197265625, unitId = 370, }, -- end of [21] [22] = { alt = 6095.2368164063, type = "P-51D-30-NA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 49366.375, speed = 105.9962310791, heading = -2.6565256118774, y = -7953.0966796875, unitId = 357, }, -- end of [22] [23] = { alt = 6087.8955078125, type = "P-51D-30-NA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 49395.5625, speed = 105.87800598145, heading = -2.6568064689636, y = -7859.69140625, unitId = 358, }, -- end of [23] [24] = { alt = 6400.5112304688, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 34945.6875, speed = 106.0069732666, heading = -1.7104759216309, y = -58691.56640625, unitId = 363, }, -- end of [24] [25] = { alt = 6392.37890625, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 34888.23046875, speed = 106.8041229248, heading = -1.7104761600494, y = -58603.77734375, unitId = 364, }, -- end of [25] [26] = { alt = 6399.9916992188, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 45421.4375, speed = 106.01958465576, heading = -4.5265665054321, y = -31960.509765625, unitId = 365, }, -- end of [26] [27] = { alt = 6390.724609375, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 45504.359375, speed = 106.49834442139, heading = -4.5265665054321, y = -32027.490234375, unitId = 366, }, -- end of [27] [28] = { alt = 1407.7464599609, type = "P-51D", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 51646.4921875, speed = 111.14111328125, heading = -2.8574316501617, y = -16452.689453125, unitId = 367, }, -- end of [28] [29] = { alt = 403.14862060547, type = "P-51D-30-NA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 51580.3984375, speed = 110.15084075928, heading = -4.4982314109802, y = -12658.294921875, unitId = 368, }, -- end of [29] [30] = { alt = 341.23245239258, type = "P-51D-30-NA", country = 2, coalition = "blue", x = 51700.625, speed = 107.67334747314, heading = -4.497486114502, y = -13310.97265625, unitId = 369, }, -- end of [30] [31] = { alt = 562.62408447266, type = "FW-190A8", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = -14546.799804688, speed = 106.72886657715, heading = -5.3402690887451, y = 46659.94921875, unitId = 371, }, -- end of [31] [32] = { alt = 4571.0263671875, type = "FW-190A8", country = 66, coalition = "red", x = 19108.998046875, speed = 115.02056884766, heading = -1.52174949646, y = 49412.6328125, unitId = 37, }, -- end of [32] } -- end of world_state