events = { [1] = { type = "mission start", t = 0, }, -- end of [1] [2] = { type = "took control", t = 0, }, -- end of [2] [3] = { type = "under control", initiatorPilotName = "birdie", target = "Aerial-1-1", t = 0, targetMissionID = "3", }, -- end of [3] [4] = { type = "engine startup", place = "Kuweires", t = 79.4, placeDisplayName = "Kuweires", initiatorMissionID = "55", }, -- end of [4] [5] = { type = "mission end", t = 375.896, }, -- end of [5] } -- end of events callsign = "birdie" triggers_state = {} result = 0 world_state = { [1] = { y = 83217.625, x = 103469.625, heading = 0, unitId = 30, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [1] [2] = { y = 83178.671875, x = 103457.4921875, heading = 0, unitId = 31, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [2] [3] = { y = 83194.9453125, x = 103468.2421875, heading = 0, unitId = 32, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [3] [4] = { y = 83183.8125, x = 103468.3359375, heading = 0, unitId = 33, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [4] [5] = { y = 83195.796875, x = 103480.921875, heading = 0, unitId = 34, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [5] [6] = { y = 83202.2265625, x = 103457.03125, heading = 0, unitId = 35, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [6] [7] = { y = 83191.3671875, x = 103449.6484375, heading = 0, unitId = 36, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [7] [8] = { y = 83175.125, x = 103468.859375, heading = 0, unitId = 37, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [8] [9] = { y = 83164.3359375, x = 103458.390625, heading = 0, unitId = 38, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [9] [10] = { y = 83214.625, x = 103457.3984375, heading = 0, unitId = 39, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "Soldier AK", }, -- end of [10] [11] = { y = 83206.734375, x = 103473.8359375, heading = 0, unitId = 40, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "UAZ-469", }, -- end of [11] [12] = { y = 83184.9453125, x = 103480.0859375, heading = 0, unitId = 41, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "UAZ-469", }, -- end of [12] [13] = { y = 83166.3828125, x = 103476.421875, heading = 0, unitId = 42, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 17, type = "UAZ-469", }, -- end of [13] [14] = { y = 83097.0703125, x = 103372.734375, heading = 0, unitId = 61, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 81, type = "Tor 9A331", }, -- end of [14] [15] = { y = 83180.9609375, x = 103438.1640625, heading = 0, unitId = 62, speed = 0, coalition = "red", country = 81, type = "Scud_B", }, -- end of [15] [16] = { alt = 367.68841552734, type = "Mi-24V", country = 80, coalition = "blue", x = 126014.6796875, speed = 6.9758744239807, heading = -4.4828667640686, y = 154207.734375, unitId = 55, }, -- end of [16] [17] = { y = 154382.5, x = 125530.03125, heading = -2.8137707710266, unitId = 56, speed = 0, coalition = "blue", country = 80, type = "Paratrooper AKS-74", }, -- end of [17] [18] = { y = 154383.078125, x = 125535.21875, heading = -1.2748138904572, unitId = 57, speed = 0, coalition = "blue", country = 80, type = "Paratrooper AKS-74", }, -- end of [18] [19] = { y = 154385.625, x = 125533.1484375, heading = -1.5458831787109, unitId = 58, speed = 0, coalition = "blue", country = 80, type = "Paratrooper AKS-74", }, -- end of [19] [20] = { y = 154389.609375, x = 125533.1953125, heading = -1.5161123275757, unitId = 59, speed = 0, coalition = "blue", country = 80, type = "Paratrooper AKS-74", }, -- end of [20] [21] = { y = 154388.34375, x = 125533.3671875, heading = -1.5303988456726, unitId = 60, speed = 0, coalition = "blue", country = 80, type = "Paratrooper RPG-16", }, -- end of [21] [22] = { alt = 671.72412109375, type = "FA-18C_hornet", country = 80, coalition = "blue", x = 209804.09375, speed = 0.00023096847871784, heading = -4.4204845428467, y = 148528.734375, unitId = 3, }, -- end of [22] [23] = { y = -27739.119140625, x = 106238.4453125, heading = -6.0310912132263, unitId = 2, speed = 13.888879776001, coalition = "blue", country = 80, type = "CVN_73", }, -- end of [23] } -- end of world_state