[Menu] WindowsTitle=LOCFG - Lock On Flaming Cliffs' Configurator MenuFile=File MenuQuit=Quit MenuLanguage=Language MenuHelp=Help MenuAbout=About... MenuPlay=Play! MenuOption=LoCFG options MenuMinimize=Minimize in systray MenuClosePopup=Close this popup MenuStartMinimize=Launch minimized MenuStartWithWindows=Start with windows Applyed=Settings applied Loaded=Settings loaded Saved=Settings saved File=File MenuCreateServer=Open a server MenuJoinServer=Join a server MenuJoinIP=Enter new IP address MenuLOTATCClient=Launch LoTATC client MenuLOTATCServer=Launch LoTATC server MenuReloadSettings=Confirmation pop-up before reloading LockOn settings [Message] ReloadAll=The program detected that LO config files have been changed (probably during your last LockOn game session). Do you want to reload the whole actual LO configuration in LOCFG ? Password=Server password PasswordEmpty=Leave empty if no password IP=Server to join IP address [Error] RegNotExists=Unable to find the Lock On Flaming Cliffs installation path. The program will be closed. EmptyFile=Unable to load settings of this file: Loading=Error loading file settings: Applying=Unable to apply Lock On settings for the following reason:: LoadDefault=Do you want to load the default file ? CanopyNotFound=Unable to find a folder named "CANOPY" in the following folder: ServerNameEmpty=Unable to create a server, the server's name is missing in the "multiplayer" tab PlayerNameEmpty=Unable to create/join a server, your nickname is missing in the "multiplayer" tab MaxPlayersEmpty=Unable to create a server, the max players setting is missing in the "multiplayer" tab InvalidResolution=invalid resolution LOTATCClient=Unable to launch LOTATC Client (check installation of the software) LOTATCServer=Unable to launch LOTATC Server (check installation of the software) [Button] ButtonApply=Apply ButtonSave=Save ButtonLoad=Load ButtonCancel=Cancel ButtonSaveHint=Save settings to a file ButtonLoadHint=Load settings from a file ButtonCancelHint=Cancel current modifications ButtonApplyHint=Apply modifications to Lock On settings [Graphics] TabSheetGraphics=Graphics TabSheetGraphicsCockpit=Cockpit TabSheetGraphicsStandards=Standard TabSheetGraphicsOptimization=Optimizations TabSheetGrapchisScreenshots=Screenshots GraphicsCockpit=Cockpit display settings GraphicsStandards=Standard graphics settings GraphicsOptimization=FPS optimization GrapchisScreenshots=Screenshots parameters TextureLevel=Planes textures quality TextureLevel0=Low TextureLevel1=Middle TextureLevel2=High Precaching=Ground textures precaching range Precaching0=25km - RAM 256MB to 512MB Precaching1=50km - RAM 512MB to 1GB Precaching2=100km - RAM 1 GB and more WaterQuality=Water textures quality WaterQuality0=Low WaterQuality1=Middle WaterQuality2=High - clouds reflections WaterQuality3=Very high - FPS killer FogQuality=Fog quality FogQuality0=Low FogQuality1=Advanced(+plane's headlights) - FPS killer LightsLevel=Lights LightsLevel0=None LightsLevel1=Weapons LightsLevel2=All VisibilityRange=Static objects visibility range VisibilityRange0=Near VisibilityRange1=Middle VisibilityRange2=Far - FPS killer EffectOptions=Effects quality EffectOptions0=None EffectOptions1=Low EffectOptions2=Middle EffectOptions3=High Exhaust=Heat Blur ShadowLevel=Shadows ShadowLevel0=None ShadowLevel1=Active planar ShadowLevel2=All planar ShadowLevel3=Full LandOptions=Land textures sharpness (meters) InfoTextureSharpness=a lower value gives better FPS LandDay=Daytime textures sharpness - default: 10000/40000 - recommended: 8000/20000 LandNight=Nightime textures sharpness - default: 8000/15000 LandObjects=Static Objects: LandTextures=Land Textures: ScreenShotName=Screenshots names prefix ScreenShotQuality=JPEG screenshots quality - Value from 0 to 100: ScreenShotExtension=Screenshots filetype Mirrors=Mirrors Mirrors0=No Mirrors1=Yes - FPS killer MirrorResolution=Mirror Resolution MirrorResolution0=Low MirrorResolution1=Middle MirrorResolution2=High Reflections=Canopy reflections Reflections0=None Reflections1=Activated RussianHUD=HUD in russian Canopy=Canopy scratches CanopyDisable=Canopy scratches are active. You may deactivate it to get better FPS. CanopyDisabled=Canopy scratches are inactive. CanopyButtonDisable=Deactivate canopy scratches CanopyButtonDisabled=Activate canopy scratches CanopyInfo=The following folder has been renamed "CANOPY_OLD" in order to deactivate the canopy scratches: CanopyRestore=The following folder has been renamed "CANOPY" in order to activate the canopy scratches: TabSheetResolution=Resolution GameInterfaceResolution=Interface && InGame resolution MovieResolution=Movies resolution Resolution=Resolution Aspect=Aspect FullScreen=Full Screen InfoAspect=Caution: the "aspect" parameter'll be reset to 4/3 (1.3333...) when you'll change your settings in Lock On. Bits=Color bits ResolutionAdd=Add this resolution to the list ResolutionDelete=Delete this resolution from the list Optimization1=Textures/Canopy Optimization2=Clipping/Lod Optimization3=Objects density MFD=MFDs textures clearness - default: 10000/25000 OptimizationInfoTextureLevel=Optimizations for the following visibility range setting: OptimizationInfoTextureLevel2=This "Master" Visibility range setting may be modified in the "Standard" Tab OptimizationVisibilityRange0=Near (Low) OptimizationVisibilityRange1=Middle (Medium) OptimizationVisibilityRange2=Far (High) [Multiplayer] TabSheetMultiplayer=Multiplayer TabSheetMultiplayerClient=Client TabSheetMultiplayerServer=Server MultiplayerClient=Client connection parameters MultiplayerChat=Chat window parameters MultiplayerOption=Server options PlayerName=Nickname ChatHeight=Chat window height - in pixels from the top of the screen ChatDelay=Time before message disappearance (ms) ClientPort=Client connection port ConnexionType=Connection speed ServerDefault=Default server IP ServerList=Known servers list ServerListAdd=Add selected server to the list ServerListDelete=Cancel selected server from the list ServerListOpen=Load server list from a file ServerListSave=Save server list to a file ServerListOpenDialog=Load server list from... ServerListSaveDialog=Save server list to... MultiplayerServer=Server connection parameters ServerName=Server name ServerPort=Server port ConnexionTypeServer=Server connection speed MaxPlayers=Max players Interface=Clients are allowed to connect from ShowMessage=Activate ingame log (eg: XX kill BLUE MiG-29S with R-73) DisableCombatViews=Allow external padlock views (F5 && Ctrl-F5) CameraTerrainRestriction=Minimum camera altitude = 1 meter TabSheetF4View=F4 view F4View=F4 view settings - NB : clients always have server F4 view settings F4ViewButton=Launch F4 view settings panel F4ViewAircraft=Show camera position for aircraft's type F4ViewOk=OK F4ViewCancel=Cancel ServerPassword=Password [View] TabSheetView=Views TabSheetGlobal=Global TabSheetCockpit=Cockpit Global=Views global parameters ViewAngle=Field of view (minimum && maximum) ExternalMouse=Mouse moves view in external views CockpitMouse=Mouse moves view in cockpit views Enabled=Yes Disabled=No ViewANgleMin=Minimum field of view (degrees) ViewANgleMax=Maximum field of view (degrees) ViewANgleDefaultTrackIR=Default TrackIR field of view (degrees) HUDColor=Default HUD color HUDColorChange=Change GroupBoxDefaultCockpitView=Default camera position in cockpit ViewAngleDefault=Default field of view (°) (without TrackIR) VAngle=Vertical position HAngle=Horizontal position [Backup] TabSheetBackup=Backup BackupInfo=Create and load backups of your config files LoadFromFile=Load parameters from file... SaveToFile=Save current parameters to file... LoadDefault=Load LOMAC default parameters... LoadLockonSettings=Load current LOMAC parameters... Config\graphics.cfg=Graphics parameters, optimizations, screenshots Config\cockpit.cfg=Cockpit parameters Config\network\config.lua=Client && server connection parameters Config\network\stats.lua=Server stats view option Config\view\server.lua=Server options && F4 view settings Config\view\view.lua=HUD color, mouse moves and field of view settings Config\view\snapviews.lua=Default cockpit camera position ChooseAFile=Select a file in the list above AutomaticBackupMessage=This program backed up the following files automatically: AutomaticBackupMessagePath=Backup files have been saved in the following folder: AutomaticBackup=Automatic backup AutomaticBackupButton=Automatically back up your config files Config\producer.cfg=Force Feedback settings Config\World\World.lua=Setting for the date of missions InputBackup="Input" folder backup (keyboard && joystick settings) InputBackupButton=Back up your keyboard and joystick assignations settings InputSaveOk=The "Input" folder backup has been created and stored in the following folder: InputSaveError=An error occured during the backup of the "Input" folder InputSaveInfo=To restore a backup, copy the content of the backup folder in the following folder: StarForce=StarForce activation BackUp (for FC downloaded version only) StarForceButton=Back up StarForce activation RegStarForceSaveError=An error occured during StarForce activation back-up. RegStarForceSaveOk=StarForce activation back-up completed. You'll find the backup file (.reg) with the following path: StarForceInfo=To reactivate StarForce from the backup, launch (double-click) on the registry file (.reg). [Other] TabSheetOther=Others FFB=Activate force feedback FFBYes=Yes FFBNo=No MissionDate=Missions date InfoMissionDate=Allows a change to day/night period, and Moon's position && aspect