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About this Squadron

For Australian DCS players.
  1. What's new in this squadron
  2. Hey everyone. The 161 SQN is running a dedicated server for you guys to enjoy. It's kicking out of Sydney and great pings for both Aussies and the Kiwi's. All welcome. Happy flying.
  3. Sounds good, working alot at the moment but getting a few more mates setup on A-10. Some reason the emails don't update me on this section that often, so send me a PM if you guys organizing something. Only problem is a server that has both a graphics card and fast upload speed.
  4. Hey Taipan, now that the patch is out we have had a gret resurgance in pilots both A-10 & KA-50, keen to meet-up and have a fly?
  5. Oceanic wing will be keen to meetup with you guys for a fly. We're kind of waiting until the compatibility patch comes out though, as lots of us have black shark as well but not everyone has A-10.
  6. Gday all, Quick into, I am an expatriate Aussie living and working in the Middle East. Totally hooked on DCS A10c, hope to fly with you all in the near future. Cheers Glenn aka SANDMAN
  7. Hey all, just putting the word out that AEF 161 SQN have 2 nights a week that we get together and have a fly in multiplayer. All Aussie pilots are welcome. Tuesdays and Sundays 7:30pm. We use the shared DCS Community Teamspeak 3 channels for comms, and all are welcome to join in. For more info check out the 161 Squadron page on the AEF website for details. CLICK IMAGE :pilotfly:

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