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  1. Wow, I had no idea about this possibility. They are always teaching me new things. THANK YOU!
  2. I understand. This has arisen because I am on a mission in which I have to reinforce a coastal area and the UH-1H does not have the capacity to load mortars, or infantry with RPG.
  3. That mortars and other light artillery pieces can be cargo for the UH-1H. Also be able to transport infantry with RPGs.
  4. Thanks AdrianL. I understand then that it may be a DCS error. I shared this mission in previous versions and the purpose of that climate was what made the mission attractive.
  5. Affirmative, I cleaned the folders you mention. Is it possible that this only happens in missions that were edited in previous versions? In a newly created mission this has not happened, but in a previous mission the problem is present. I share mission for review: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZswumraoyLIoZxo_7ukq1c_bKzEZgfR9/view?usp=sharing
  6. Taking a world map as a challenge is great news. It offers an infinite range of possibilities and roles that are closer to reality.
  7. I don't know if it has already been reported, but after the latest updates, the operator platform markings look like this in the rain.
  8. After almost a year without touching the UH-1H, I have decided to give it a second chance. It's my second passion, after the Hornet. Surprised that the impact of machine guns and rockets on the infantry is not yet present, but they hardly do any damage to a speedboat. I have waited for the discount to buy it again because all the modules of my old account were given away and I am glad that I did not pay 100% of their price, because I consider that this module is completely abandoned and in its current state it is not worth more than that I have paid. It is not a destructive review, I just ask for a little love for this mythical wonder.
  9. Gracias a ti. Tengo imaginación pero no soy un gran editor, los comandos de voz seguirán sonando incluso si no has despegado, porque los he programado por tiempo, no por disparador, ¡Soy un desastre! Pero hago lo que puedo. Un saludo!
  10. That I am unappreciated in the Hispanic community is evident when I decide to post a Christmas greeting on the Spanish forum and receive zero responses. It is a shame and very sad that the environment in which we move is so toxic and hostile. Envy, grudges, rivalries ... That's why I want to thank everyone in the international community, even though I don't speak English. Thanks to the people who support me, those who despise me have ended up in the drawer of irrelevant things.

    A hug!

  11. Refueling is not an isolated problem, the (AI) Hornet has other problems, such as stopping on the runway very quickly when landing, refusing to attack targets having weapons to accomplish the mission, etc. I share your argument 100%
  12. ***Misión desincronizada tras la última actualización*** Estado actual: ACTUALIZADA. NOTA: Tras la última actualización, la inteligencia artificial ha tenido algunos cambios tales como mayor distancia en el rodaje entre los puntos y mayor tiempo para entrada en formación. Antes de la entrada en formación, los puntos inician los virajes sin alabeo y en un momento dado hacen un viraje brusco, hay que tener cuidado con esto. 1- Se han eliminado las counicaciones de viraje de los dos puntos de ruta iniciales porque es absurdo comunicar un viraje coordinado sin que los puntos hayan entrado en formación. 2- Se ha añadido un mensaje para evitar la confusión desde el despegue hasta la reunión con el líder. Perdonad las molestias. Mensaje inicial. He creado esta pequeña misión sincronizada recreada en el desfile del 12 de Octubre para practicar la coordinación, el vuelo en formación y el reabastecimiento en vuelo con el tiempo justo para formar con el cisterna y conectar a la sonda. He ajustado los tiempos lo mejor posible. Esta misión tiene algunos objetos personalizados como la textura del Leopard de la División Acorazada, es posible que quien no lo tenga instalado, vea texturas faltantes que no afectarán al resto de la misión. Aquí se puede descargar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NLMY4phXvWOSgX-5HiNUE0_93KdaX1qj/view?usp=sharing Quiero compartir también la mejora de las texturas de los Hornet españoles por defecto. Estas pinturas están creadas sobre la base de las texturas originales y no hay ningún elemento en ellas que pertenezca a otros escuadrones virtuales. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z_5T347fwRz1caikzoGbHe0lkfYlfVYd?usp=sharing Un Briefing rápido. No hay que hacer nada, somos el punto 4 y nuestra misión es seguir al líder, no hay más. La frecuencia del Cisterna está insertada en la radio COMM 1. Información adicional, llevamos poco combustible y no es necesario despegar en postcombustión, todo lo contrario, hay que darle tiempo al punto 3 para no comernos su chorro o despegar antes que él. Otro dato. La misión es instantánea, los puntos empezarán a rodar inmediatamente tras iniciarse la misión. Si queréis configurar algo, debe ser durante el rodaje al punto de espera. Un placer compartir.
  13. I don't know when dynamic numbers were added to the Spanish Army CH-47Ds, but thank you!
  14. Comparto tu argumento. También tengo misiones en las que recibo un ¡Imposible de cumplir! con todos los puntos a favor para cumplirla. No tengo ni idea de programación y desconozco en qué algoritmos se basa una (IA) para cumplir una orden, pero como dices, hay veces que no ayudan. Quizás probando a diferentes altitudes, distancias del objetivo y velocidades...
  15. Ok I understand. In the first post I understood that it was a characteristic of flat shadows and not an error, so I made a second post. If it has been recognized as an error, no problem, we wait for it to be resolved. Thanks.
  16. I already reported and I don't know the exact moment the shadows were lost, I guess in the latest updates.
  17. I don't understand the reason for reducing the graphic quality offered so far in flat shadow settings. Before this, I struck a good balance between quality and performance. Now they force many people to choose between quality and performance. My particular request is that they return the shadow of static objects to the flat shadow preset, so as not to force people to select an option that at other points on the map and in the mission will cause a noticeable decrease in performance. Many people with limited PC specs constantly ask me how can I get quality and performance with a 6GB GTX1060 and now frankly I don't know what to answer them, because now I have to choose between nice or fluent. I used to get both.
  18. As the title says, stationary airplanes don't cast a shadow on the ground. I don't consider it a big deal, but I'm just reporting for your review. Thanks.
  19. I don't know if it's a new feature, a DCS bug, or my computer bug, but after the last update, the Supercarrier markings are not visible.
  20. I agree with the theory, but in all my tests there were flares in the seeker's field of view, with a schedule of ten repetitions of two flares per second. Something, therefore, is wrong, be it the ability of the manpad or the effectiveness of the Hornet's flares. I like that manpad is efficient because 50% of the time it is my ally, but something is not right if in 80% of the tests, the flares do not work against the threat.
  21. My opinion is that it doesn't matter how slow and heavy you fly, if the flares emit enough heat to deflect the IR missile.
  22. I'm not going to discuss it, but the flares should be effective. I accept the takedown if I haven't seen the missile coming, but if I know where it's coming from and I'm throwing flares at it, I must be able to evade it. I did these tests after seeing the footage of heavy duty military aircraft flying slow and heavy in the retreat from Afghanistan and I thought in DCS those flares would have no effect on a slow heavy aircraft, if an F-18 at mach 0.8 is no it is able to evade a manpad with a program of 2 countermeasures per second and ten repetitions. But as I say, it is not my intention to argue, just to give another point of view. So there are two options, the manpads are beyond your capabilities or the Hornet flares are like skim milk.
  23. As a UH-1H pilot I like that the manpads are efficient because they are part of the role I perform as a virtual helicopter pilot, but I did some tests with different countermeasures programs, at different speeds and it is true that from an F -18 it costs a lot detach from one of its missiles. In the first test I did a pass at mach 0.8 within range, firing two flares at 1 second intervals with ten reps. The manpad caught up with me. On the second pass, I fired two flares at 0.5 second intervals with five reps at mach 0.9 with evasive maneuvers and was also hit. It was like carrying a missile connected to a probe behind the plane. The flares had no effect. On the third pass, I set two flares at 0.5 second intervals with ten reps at mach 0.9 speed and evasive maneuvers and this time I managed to dodge them, but I was left with the feeling of having to use too many flares for just one. manpad. It is not a criticism, it is something I attach simply to provide another point of view.
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