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Everything posted by Hawkeye91

  1. First problem I have is at times, when I load into a mission(even a cold and dark aircraft) sometimes the Buttkicker just gets a constant shake input signal that's maximum strength and giving me the clipping light on the amplifier with the aircraft still being cold and dark. This problem isn't constant, but happens often enough to be very troublesome. So far the only fix I've been able to find for it, is to completely restart my PC. Second Issue is with the Apache. Unless I turn off Gear Turbulence, I get a constant shake like above, but these are different problems as sometimes even when I turn off the gear turbulence in the Apache, it still shakes uncontrollably. Anyone have suggestions, because I'm really struggling with this software
  2. When you have a rotary encoder set to change the pressure setting (CW/CCW keybinds) it jumps in 00.05" at a time. This is unusable. I have my rotary encoder set to the lowest press time possible in the software for it (10ms). These 00.05" jumps make it impossible to set local pressure settings with hardware. I could get around this if there was also an axis assignment to for the pressure setting by changing my rotary encoder to an axis, but there isn't an axis for the altimeter setting either.
  3. Wonder if there could be some weird geometry on the carrier deck or if even just the arrester cables could be causing spikes in the calculated forces on the landing gear. In iracing, there would be weird invisible yet collidable anomalies in their laser scanned race tracks that could send your car to space or break your front end. Perhaps something similar is happening and was always present, but we just never noticed before because the landing gear wasn’t nearly as fragile.
  4. Any chance the devs could go back and implement this? Seems like a pretty simple feature to implement.
  5. I can get a stable 36 FPS per eye in large MP servers while playing the Apache until another Apache loads into the server, then my FPS tanks from a stable 36 to sub 20 FPS with terrible tearing making the experience unplayable. I'd upload a trackfile but large MP trackfiles are generally broken and too big to upload to the forum. I'm running medium-low settings My systems spec are: 3080Ti 12 Gigs VRAM 32 Gigs DDR 4 AMD Ryzen 5900x DCS installed on my NVME drive. Meta Quest 2 VR headset with 72hz with 1.3x Super Sample
  6. Just for clarity he needs the TRACK FILE that DCS generates after you finish a mission, not a video.
  7. You need a perfectly zeroed dead zone. Open your Y Axis tuning and move your stick forward and back then return to center. There are two “input” and “output” numbers. If when you return your stick to center there’s any number other than zero in output you have to bump up your dead zone. This is a work around but a terrible one because as others have said, this makes formation and AAR flying awful. Dead zones suck and ED really needs to implement a QOL fix or separate “autopilot engagement” only special dead zone. It’s a terrible compromise that we have to choose between having the AP be usable or being able to AAR.
  8. Not sure if this planned for later but making electrical system panel on right rear panel would be a nice addition to the module. The electrical system should already be simulated so adding the indications and selector knob to change electrical source for the indicator should be doable. Thanks ED
  9. One of the ways they did strategic bombing in Vietnam during days of poor visual condition was system called "Combat Skyspot" . It seems like it would be a really cool and novel addition to DCS. I know this would be something ED would have to do because it would tie in the ATC system. I just hope we can get something like this.
  10. In that case can we get a Hip II
  11. https://imgur.com/a/Gxm866R You can see in the upload the only Channels that you can see are 1, 5, 6, 7. The rest just appear black.
  12. I didn't see any notes about FM changes in the 2.8 changelog. Has anyone noticed any FM changes this patch?
  13. I can't get the Capture function to work. No coordinates show up when I hit Start Capture, no do they capture anything.
  14. They could use a little, but the F16's wheel don't run as low PSI as the F18s. They intentionally run low PSI on carry aircraft because it makes them more grippy on the deck I believe.
  15. No because it’s hitting the cutoff stop. Literally if you have the throttle in cutoff you can move it in the cutoff region with no deadzone. Try this: Move your physical throttle back just until the ingame throttle hits the idle/cutoff stop. Click the cutoff lock lever. If you pull your physical throttle back to its idle stop, it will move the ingame throttle passed idle/cutoff to cutoff. This is that deadzone everyone is talking about.
  16. It’s because part of the axis in game is used for the idle cutoff portion of the throttle range. So that first bit of your throttle is used to move from cut off to idle when starting.
  17. Yeah and that’s a major critique I have about the F14. (Still one of my favorite modules). Should things be rendered so realistically that it becomes less realistic in a practical sense to use since we are limited by our hardware? Or should the module be adapted to be as usable to us on our 2D/VR hardware? In my opinion, I’d rather be able to use the module with realistic usability than with realistic aesthetics.
  18. Few things I noticed. 1. You’re approach angle was too steep. You should be putting the first HUD reference marker at the end of the runway. I couldn’t find anything exact in our manual, but I believe that’s our 2.5 degree line. Then place the velocity vector over that line. Also the aiming reticule is like the AoA indexer on the Hornet, so align the VV with the middle of the circle. 2. Keep speed brakes stowed. You don’t need them to maintain your 10 degree AoA. Deploy them after touchdown if you want the drag assist. 3. Keep power in (minimum 7000RPM) until after touchdown. This will help so you don’t get a “sinker” at the last second. Reduce power after the mains are on the runway. Hopefully these things help! Also this guy stuck it on pretty good!
  19. I just had the ALT 2 light come on on the Syria map. Master Valve Control On just cruising around at 0.85 mach .
  20. So after watching redkites video, it appears there are more bomb depression tables but all of the Mk80s series bombs, the beluga, and the GBU bombs are missing depression tables. If you watch redkites video it appears there's the Mk80s series bomb depression tables in the exact same format and coloring as the ones in the F1 manuals that come with the module. Have these tables not made it into our manuals yet? If not, can we have them? Where are these tables redkite got ahold of? See here:null
  21. Huzza! I can finally aerobrake! Thank you Heatblur for the suspension update!
  22. There seems to be a new thing occurring with the FBW that didn't seem to occur prior to the flight model update where the F16 keeps want to pitch the nose down if your AoA goes above 11 degrees. This makes it difficult to do short field style approaches where its recommended to hold 13 degrees AoA on final for a minimum distance landing. I managed to do a decent job in this trackfile holding the 13 AoA but I felt like I was fighting the tendency of the nose to drop to 11 degrees the whole time making the approach feel very unstable from a control standpoint. From what I understand from reading the public manuals, in landing gains, above 10 degrees AoA the FBW pitch system goes into a combined AoA Command and Pitch Rate Mode, I'm not sure how exactly this should translate to how our control inputs should feel, but right now it feels like unless you hold a constant backpressure against the FBW it wants to pitch the nose down to lower the AoA. I'm using realsim's FSSB and I have the force settings set at 13 lbs of force for max pitch deflection allowing me to make really fine grain adjustments on final and right now the FBW feels really unstable with the pitch down tendency. Should the FBW above 10 degrees AoA require you to hold against the nose down tendency to maintain a 13 degree AoA? F16 Approach Pitch Occilationstrk.trk
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