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About Ala13_ManOWar

  • Birthday 08/01/1979

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  1. Hornet's perfect though, one can tell how it was designed from start as a true multi-role aircraft, and it's great on A/G aside from holding itself good enough in A/A. No surprise many people uses it like it was meant to be .
  2. OP is probably just confusing real airframe capabilities and performances with it's internet line, or the player in front of him, flaws, high pings and whatever. No, a 109K4 can't climb from 200ft near stall to 4K ft just like that, and so you can't do it either when flying the module. Didn't you notice that? You just saw an UFO, a consequence of high pings and lag in the lines, which we've suffered gaming online since ever. Apparently he hasn't known the old times and constant UFOs around you .
  3. Yeah, Ju-88A-4 had 4 bomb racks beneath. We don't have an A-4 though, we have an A-17 with torpedoes, 2xtorpedoes .
  4. Doesn't look like any time soon .
  5. Same all, not bad but not flying as much as I'd like, didn't even plug the controls since I can't remember now. Glad to hear from you mate .
  6. Buenas, bienvenido, Has probado ya a hacer un repair? Te actualizó a la última versión antes de intentar iniciarlo la última vez?
  7. Totally this . P.S.: hi Rock, how're you doing? being a long time. Nice to read you around here
  8. Yep, totally seems so about the power curve. In simulation it's always harder to assess that compared to RL since we're just in front of a screen with no feelings at all.
  9. Or maybe yes mate. Usually a huge problem in sims is exactly that, people tends to flatten the approach too much (Microlight like, by the way) and since you're coming in on first stage engine power, hence hanging from a high power setting engine, in the end that comes to troubles in touch down, not to mention you don't see the runway whatsoever. The other way, coming in from a "much steeper" (or maybe not that much steeper, it just looks like it's too steep in front of a screen) but second stage engine power setting (hence not "hanging" from the engine, but actually gliding) and since the higher power setting just isn't there and there's not much trouble with rolling off and flare from a lower power engine setting (so less torque to counter), and it's quite more paused and manageable. Maybe you're just performing a correct approach after all. For a better landing at latest stages I believe Mosquito is not a "cutter", you shouldn't completely cut power from the engines while flaring, lower it but not cut since that's a huge kick you don't wanna have at low altitude and speed. P.S.: first and second stage states means from engine power settings, drag, AoA and so, first stage is the one place (in the curve, it's a power diagram) where you need more power to fly slower, the second stage is where you need actually less power to fly faster, all of that due to available power, drag and AoA, it's not magic
  10. Some of those look like some polygon count lowering for performance purposes, but it'd nice to have them "fixed" if possible, at least the most glaring ones.
  11. On the ground whenever you came in single-engined obviously it's impossible to taxi properly and they didn't even tried. But I guess you mean with a whole airframe.
  12. So sorry to hear that mate. I'm Spanish myself, and while not even close to be bilingual, I handle myself with English and even I notice those "mistranslations". The side note being here, since I'm Spanish myself and enjoy speaking a bit of English, many times I can tell what the original text, in Spanish, was saying and what they wanted to translate but in the end didn't manage to. But I guess that's a luxury you, as many fellow members here, can't enjoy. So, this, yes, that's exactly the problem. I'm not sure a simple check would work here, since profesional manual translation is a hairy subject. But, I believe it comes even deeper since the Mirage is a French airframe and original manuals were probably written in French, so Spanish translation of the manual is already a translation, and you're actually trying to read the English translation of the translation. So many things happens when that's the case, so many nuances and deeper original meanings are lost in translation here, never better said. Sadly I have no fixes or solutions for that. It is what it is with regards to language barrier. P.S.: anyway, wouldn't this thread be best placed at Aerges forums? Don't know to what extent they're aware of this, but they should be. It's not that easy whenever you handle yourself just good enough in the foreign language but not so much in deeper technical manuals jargon and complex English expressions. Since you don't see that shortcoming you can't ever be aware of it in the first place. But placing the thread in there should be a first step towards that direction
  13. Yes, and no. I believe someone probably mentioned yet, but the real inner and huge problem is expectations. The second anybody says anything is under development, or they're trying to, the second some people (we can't blame everybody for that) is eagerly awaiting for whatever it is, and some of them get really insistent about the subject, with crazy arguments like "I'm awaiting since ever", "this is never gonna happen", "they don't deliver as -promised-", and so, and so, and so on. But those people don't realize those and false arguments, telling people somebody is developing anything doesn't mean they will reach their goal, at all (we've seen that with many third parties, many, no longer existing, do you recall some third party was gonna develop a Super Hornet even before the legacy Hornet we have now? no? that's it), they plan to, they'd like to, but sometimes it just isn't feasible for whatever reason, their resources, their team, their budget, or just insurmountable problems they face at some point. AND those expectations are really bad, they become "promises" nobody made in the first place, they become even almost paranoid ideas about teams no longer developing whatever it is, "they've ditched it but they wouldn't tell", and even worse. Do I have to recall some third parties have even disappeared due to those crazy ideas spread? third parties and their teams are humans after all, they aren't impervious to wild, constant criticism, not just here, in here mods and some of us try to chill the thing (because we've seen so much in here, don't get me wrong, we aren't in ED's payroll, but sincerely it's exhausting), but go to Reddit were ED's mods can't do a thing about it, or whatever the external source it is. Those people, while saying they only care and worry about DCS and it's benefit, are really harmful in the end to third party teams and to ED themselves. I haven't paid a thing yet, I've only seen a few screenshots and small videos I like and are nice, I want the module badly of course, but I don't feel myself entitled to demand anyone, third party or not, to finish a damn tough job like making a module is because I'd like to see it in-game right now, or yesterday better. Third parties are humans like me, they bleed when punctured, they suffer with harsh criticism, why would I want them to feel bad about the hard work they embarked in? They're already aware about the timings and the time they've already spent developing a module to the nut, and I haven't bought a thing to the day. Why the wild criticism? is it gonna finish sooner with it? I bet no, perhaps the opposite… Heatblur case is a different kettle of fish, they've already taken people's money (mine for sure) for a module they promised, or kind of, for a date they couldn't fulfil in the end. Ok, fine for me, I won't change my mind and I want Phantom badly, if it takes a few more weeks to finish and polish it the way they mean it to be great, why would I critique them for trying to do their best and deliver what they feel people who paid are ought to? It's great from their part, of course it is, but they had a commitment due to the pre-sale being already there, they had to. On the other hand, M3 haven't charge a penny from anyone yet, not mine for sure, they don't have to deliver and fulfil any promise already made because there is no promise, yet they're still a rather small team (I believe it still is) and if they were here speaking and all, on top of creating even more hype and expectations, while they write here they wouldn't be working on the module, which not only is a module but a huge assets pack and all together with it. I have no problem in letting them work on their goal, releasing a great module, and I'm sure in the end they'll gonna make it sooner than later and crush expectations. But releasing a great module takes time… and this one is huge… Since I haven't bought anything yet and I'm only waiting patiently I feel no urge to demand them a thing. Why some people do? I wouldn't know. Just let them work… Patience mates… patience… P.S.: the 8 years wait said by some people is just false, there might be mentions to it, intentions, but that's not 8 years of development time whatsoever, so why some people want to feel like they're waiting since 8 years ago, I wouldn't know. to recall something, Hornet was gonna be "the next module" after A-10C in 2010, but it happened only a few years ago due to the need for many things, a formal contract with the builder, lots of information, and a platform that allows you to have all the features they wanted the module to have. That's a wait mate, knowing they were trying to get a Hornet module but couldn't deliver yet due to the lacks in the platform we call now DCSW. Yet it's here in it's full glory now despite they had to change game and graphics engine twice or thrice in the meantime, and we're heading towards a fourth engine core change which will allow even greater things. Great things take time. Patience mates, patience…
  14. If there were any more automated functions anywhere it wouldn't be the very first modern low wing monoplane with retractable gear and closed cockpit (Type 5) fighter in History .
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