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Jack Bauer

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About Jack Bauer

  • Birthday 03/04/1994

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    Digital Combat Simulator | Xplane 11 | Prepar3d
  • Location
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    Flight Safety Professor and General Aviation Regulations Specialist
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  1. Work like a charm! Final code: local jetGroup = mist.getGroupTable('1º Defense Squadron') jetGroup.lateActivation = nil jetGroup.category = "PLANE" jetGroup.country = 18 jetGroup.route.points[2].x = cityIntel.point.x jetGroup.route.points[2].y = cityIntel.point.z mist.dynAdd(jetGroup)
  2. After reading the following topic with no success: I was trying to edit a late acivated group route through this lua code using mist: cityIntel = trigger.misc.getZone(city); -- Activate Group Group.activate(Group.getByName('1º Defense Squadron')) jetRoute = mist.getGroupRoute('1º Defense Squadron') jetRoute[2]["x"] = cityIntel.point.x jetRoute[2]["y"] = cityIntel.point.z mist.goRoute('1º Defense Squadron', jetRoute) The group is configured as in the attached image, but when it gets activated, it flyes to "DP" and gets RTB. The coordinate of "DP" remain the same as in the editor instead of changing to coded zone coordinate. If I run mist.getGroupRoute before and after the group is activated, the result is the same, and mist.goRoute is always returning true.
  3. @rato65 still interested in development? Please PM me Brazilian_Navy.zip
  4. New release is out! Releases · ygorma/DCS-Brazilian-Navy (github.com) Added working Exocet Missile, Aspide (x8 AA) Missiles and Bofors 40mm cannon (AA) to the Niterói Class ship; Added SH-60B livery; Reworked routes, runways and parkings of NAM Atlântico; Fixed Garcia d'Ávila's helideck height for AI traffic. Sorry guys, I've been flying too much.
  5. Same issue here! Ultra slow lobby, planes stuck. Tried different missions and also got the same result. High processor usage while first phase loading. During the second phase loading, the process memory stucks between 3.2 and 4.0 gb and process stops responding. Running VPS Windows 10 x64, SSD, i5 760 2.8, 12GB DDR3. Formated the drive multiple times. Multiple repairs, and installations. I cant believe that Eagle Dynamics has such so much information about dedicated servers spread through the forums by the users and so much outdated. There must be a manual with common issues and server configuration. dcs.log
  6. Brazilian Navy really uses the 70B, which is export version of the 60B. Any way to add the 70B with the same model of the 60's? Fala.BR - Plataforma Integrada de Ouvidoria e Acesso à Informação.pdf
  7. Wait, some sources that indicates that they use a 70. I will confirm that information with the navy.
  8. They operate de SH-16, which is the Brazilian designation for the SH-60B. Here is evidence from the official brazilian navy website: 1° Esquadrão de Helicópteros Antissubmarino atinge marca de 8.000 horas de voo em aeronaves SH-16 Seahawk | Marinha do Brasil And here, other general evidences: First two Marinha MH-16s arrived to Brazil (helis.com) La Marina de Brasil recibe los nuevos helicópteros Sikorsky SH-60B Sea Hawk (infodefensa.com) Chegam ao Brasil os dois primeiros helicópteros SH-60B (MH-16) Seahawk da Marinha - Cavok Brasil - Notícias de Aviação em Primeira Mão
  9. So It's better wait for an Eagle Dynamics update, since change the core files may compromise other modifications.
  10. Simple request. I've tried to add a livery to the SH-60B but it's not showing for the Brazilian side. livery = { {"texture SH-60-OKRAS.bmp f2 g0", 0, "SH-60", false}; {"texture SH-60-OKRAS.bmp f2050 g0", 0, "SH-60", false}; {"texture F-14-NAVY.tga f2 g0", 0, "MARINHA", false}; {"texture Wint-2-drive.tga f2 g0", 0, "Wint-2-drive", false}; {"texture MI8-WINT.tga f2050 g0", 0, "MI8-WINT", false}; {"texture nomera.tga f2 g0", 0, "numeral", false}; } name = "Brazilian Navy" countries = {"USA","Brazil","BRA"} -- I've also tried with "Brazil" and "BRA" isolated It's only showing to USA. The chopper realy exists.
  11. Niteroi class firing an Exocet! (Harpoon actually, exocet is not available in the game) Next release, Niterói class will have all animations and weapons ready to fire!
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