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Posts posted by BavarianPilot

  1. I recording some videos as tutorial and training purpose, but the limit of view in pilot and rio pit result some bad angles on the panels instead of a good birdview. 


    How can i open the limits of view in the F14 pilot and rio seats? Tried some infos i found an copied f14 server.lua infos in to the server.lua in saved games but i can't figured out how it works.  


    Hope i can find some answers. 




    Yes, it had worked for about literally 5 minutes in DCS. Before that I've just tried motor tests via the software that came with the unit and in SimShaker.


    But again, I'm fairly confident that drivers, Windows updates, anything at PC level have nothing to do with the problem here - the all-motor-full-power-vibration starts w/o even connecting to the PC.


    I'm sure it's an electrical problem and was hoping someone had already encountered it and would give some hints on resolving it.


    Did you find any solution? Got the same problem today after hitting the test function inside Realteus own software.

  3. Gun sight disappear yesterday. We just waited to long for take off. Maybe overheating und the light bulb just stop working. Sad we cant use the spare bulbs on the right hand side in the pit.

    And guys. This old ladies sometimes not working well. Just like in this time. In my point of view its a feature for realism and not a bug.

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