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  1. Accidentally introduced a bug into v0.14.4 which meant you'd aways get a "Livery not found" error. This has been fixed in v0.14.5
  2. Whatever the implementation, we can still retain the option to disable or adjust to align with our hardware spec. It's simply a case of priorities. Latest patch: explosive shockwave effects for foliage. So what? We spend most of the time in the cockpit. The priorities are all out of whack. I keep saying this. The mirrors implementation has been around since Lock-On. An upgraded mirror system might actually improve performance.
  3. I honestly wouldn't mind that as a temporary measure, a step in the right direction. But still, this isn't just a VR problem. The fact that the viewpoint doesn't move with head movement is one problem. The other is the stereography, but I'd settle for mirrors that don't spaz out when I move my head. The Mi-24 is perfect extreme example. There are plenty games with working mirrors, both flat and VR, without a noticeable performance hit. Current DCS mirrors tank performance, and I'm pretty sure it's because they're implemented using a 20 year old approach. Have you ever played Lock-On? Real-time rendering has come a LONG way since then. Convincing reflections can have a negligible performance hit. I don't really think there is a "best working module", because they are ALL reliant on the current mirror implementation. I also feel that making excuses for the current implementation does nothing to progress sorely needed improvements to the engine.
  4. On re-reading your post and my response, I see what you mean. It's true, that VR would require stereographic rendering for the mirror. This doesn't necessarily have to cripple performance if done correctly. The biggest problem with the current implementation is that the mirrors act like a stencil over a single viewport rendered in reverse. So when you move your head, in 2D or VR, the image in all mirrors moves as one, which is completely immersion breaking.
  5. The current implementation is more of a performance hit than a more modern implementation could be. And nobody is expecting 3D mirrors, because mirrors don't work like that. See the video I linked above for an example of the problem.
  6. It would be nice if someone from ED at least acknowledged this is an issue.
  7. Found and resolved an issue with detecting when DCS was running, if you run DCS as an administrator. Not sure how many people this will affect, but next update fixes this. Probably won't bump this thread on every single new version, just if it feels appropriate. Livery Link automatically updates anyway.
  8. Bump again. New Fulcrum announced but still having to put up with janky mirrors.
  9. Must just be a typo. I've never encountered that issue until now, but that's just the way it is when working with manual submissions. A future version will have to infer the aircraft type by the file's contents (so we can make use of other hosts like Google drive), but for now we're reliant on which category people upload their liveries to!
  10. I'll check it out. Do you have the user files URL? Was it this?
  11. I'd like to introduce Livery Link, a desktop application for managing custom liveries. I've been working on this for a few months now and although it's still incomplete, there are a few people using it and I think it's in a state where I'm happy to share with the wider community. The primary function is to make it trivial to install liveries (see the video below). In addition to this, it can also automatically share liveries with other people. So far, I loved building this, I really hope you enjoy it! Download Visit https://github.com/Camble/LiveryLink for more information click the download button for the latest version. See it in use: Key Features Paste in a User Files URL to automatically install a livery The Livery Browser displays your installed liveries with nice thumbnails Plenty of options in case you don't like a specific feature Automatically share and download liveries (with other users of Livery Link) Installation No installation required, extract anywhere you like and run. FAQs Q. How does Livery Sharing work? A. In order to share liveries to other players, they must also have Livery Link, and the server you are flying on must be running Livery Link Server. Q. How do I enable livery sharing? A. Simply install liveries with Livery Link, and use those liveries on a Livery Link enabled server. Q. How do I send liveries to people? A. If you're sporting a livery that was installed with Livery Link, it will be shared automatically as soon as you take off. Q. How do I receive other people's liveries? A. If connected to a Livery Link server and a player shares a custom livery, Livery Link will download and install it automatically. Q. What if I don't want to share liveries? A. This feature can be disabled, or tweaked to your liking.
  12. I know this is a long shot, and I've seen plenty posts asking how to set liveries on a Unit or group, but I'm looking for a way to get the livery name/id of a Unit or player Slot. I'm 99% sure the answer is going to be "it's not possible", but if the data is available I'd like to know. Thanks!
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