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  1. Perdonad que repita el post Si alguno os habéis pasado por la web de Soldados y os habéis querido dar de alta, había un error tipográfico y ninguna solicitud me ha llegado. Pido disculpas por tan bobo error. Este ha sido subsanado. Si quereis volver a pasaros, Hola a todos. Acabo de crear un grupo para jugar misiones cooperativas de todo tipo, ademas de compartir buenos ratos y conocimientos de nuestro simulador favorito y todo lo que lo rodea. La web y el foro estan en pañales. ire añadiendo contenido con vuestra ayuda. Si estais interesados, sentios libre de cotillear, y si os gusta ...pues apuntaos web : https://soldadosdefortuna.webador.es/ foro: https://soldadosfortuna.foroactivo.com/ Un saludo a tod@s Bestiajez
  2. Bestiajez

    Nuevo grupo

    Hola a todos. Acabo de crear un grupo para jugar misiones cooperativas de todo tipo, ademas de compartir buenos ratos y conocimientos de nuestro simulador favorito y todo lo que lo rodea. La web y el foro estan en pañales. ire añadiendo contenido con vuestra ayuda. Si estais interesados, sentios libre de cotillear, y si os gusta ...pues apuntaos web : https://soldadosdefortuna.webador.es/ foro: https://soldadosfortuna.foroactivo.com/ Un saludo a tod@s Bestiajez
  3. I already checked the operation of the manpads and it would be suitable for a model like infantry with AK or the Georgian with M4. The serious question is how to make any manpad behave like one of the aforementioned mods. Regarding the creation of new weapons, I don't think it would be a problem defining them in a .lua, as many as mods we want. I have some, a beretta M9, a HK_G36, a Barrett etc. although crude, the problem is the movements... and that it doesn't fall to the ground when starting to walk. Someone solved that problem with a skin of the skydiver with AK, making him go constantly on his knees, I saw a video and it was funny, but a base to start from. I think ED threw it at him. I tried to replace the shapes of a BTR of CH for those of the insulgent with AK...it's a model that is kneeling, and it worked, but obviously it moved like a vehicle and fired like one. You can define an AK, that's not a problem. The main problem is that when you kneel your point of vision is very low and it mixes with the grass on the ground. only sees well on clear terrain. More ideas?
  4. No no. obviously cannot do the same. what I did was simply an experiment. I am currently working on the definition of the new weapons and implementing them in the mod. The main problem right now is that I have reached the same point where another well-known modder has. the mods literally "fall" to the ground when taking the first step. There are several models of soldiers integrated into DCS that I really don't know what they are used for...they don't appear as AI units, but there they are, with everything ready to be used...and they would be very valid to be used bazar/world/shapes/soldier_us_00.edm for example... look at it with modwieviewer and you'll see that it completes all the functions... I'll keep investigating.
  5. I started a couple of weeks ago to develop the mod you say. I'm still in the information gathering phase. I know attempts have been made, but they all stayed in the development phase. It is an arduous and complicated task, but from what I have seen not impossible. I did an experiment replacing the skin of a vehicle with an infantryman. The result was bad, but promising. As they have already said, it will not be similar to weapon 3 in any way, since we do not have building interiors or many other things, but if it works, it will work, you can make specialists from a base soldier (Rifleman), like medics , engineers, snipers etc. I don't know how long the job will take me since I'm new to modding. but to be done, it will be done.
  6. maybe using the parameters of the RN28 and modifying the visual effects. A normal explosion adding a shock wave, but with a soft color and a rate of transparency instead of completely transparent as it appears in DCS? I speak from complete ignorance
  7. Disculpad. El server se cayo y no lo puse en marcha de nuevo. A ello voy. Gracias. A ver si puedo terminar de desarrolar un par de Mods que tengo a medias y monto en el server unas misiones cooperativas con unidades de tierra y aire. Que tengo una campaña entera ideada que puede ser divertida.
  8. Hello everyone Currenthill, I'm starting to design mods (at least I'm trying to), but I get lost easily. I have noticed your mods, especially the Sniper AMR. I have tried to study the .lua and design my own for the description of my mod and its weapons... But DCS doesn't even see it. Any advice?
  9. New sever in tests Server name: soldados de fortuna Map: Mariana Islands At the moment with a Combined Arms test. Mission "World of tanks" You can imagine what is going on. Choose a tactical commander slot in the desired coalition and choose the vehicle you want to drive. Comment your opinions Новый сервер в тестах Имя сервера: soldados de fortuna Карта: Марианские острова На данный момент с общевойсковыми испытаниями. Миссия "Мир танков" Вы можете себе представить, что происходит. Выберите слот тактического командира в желаемой коалиции и выберите технику, которой хотите управлять. Прокомментируйте свое мнение
  10. Nuevo sever en pruebas Nombre server: Soldados de fortuna Mama: Islas Mariana De momento con una prueba de Combined Arms. Mision "World of tanks" os podeis imaginar de que va la cosa. Elegir una ranura de comandante tactico en la coalicion deseada y elige el vehiculo que quieres conducir. Comenta tus opiniones
  11. Gracias!!!. Pude solucionarlo gracias a mi hija (que programa), chatgpt otro usuario llamado CHUMP, que me dio la idea de unas librerias adicionales (MIST). Se trataba de hacer una cuenta atras, y el caso es que es extremadamente sencillo en cualquier lenguaje de programacion. Pero al acerlo en .lua, que es por lo visto un desarrollo especializado para scripts de C, el juego, o bien lo ignoraba, o me lanzaba un error. local tiempo = 60 print(tiempo) while tiempo > 0 do tiempo = tiempo - 1 print(tiempo) os.execute("sleep 1") end Como ves es extremadamente sencillo. pero no funcionada. El que me ha funcionado es mas chungali por que tiene que llamar a dos funciones descritas en MIST...pero bueno, ha funcionado. Estoy depurando errores en la mision y Mañana sabado a eso de las 18.00 hora España, la subire a la zona de users files Enormes gracias por el interes.
  12. is perfect!!!!! THANKS THANKS THANKS!!!!!
  13. Hi people Very good people. I need to create a script inside a mission that counts down from 60 seconds. I have spent several hours and it does not work for me. I have been messing with lua programming and there is no way. even chatgpt has programmed one for me that doesn't work either... I've looked at pages and pages and it always gives me an error. If you can give me a hand. Thanks in advance!!!
  14. Muy buenas gente. NEcesito crear un script dentro de una mision que haga una cuenta regresiva de 60 segundos. Llevo varias horas y no me funciona. He estado trasteando con programacion lua y no hay manera. incluso chatgpt me ha programado uno que tampoco funciona...he mirado paginas y paginas y siempre me da error. Si podeis echarme una mano. Gracias de antemano!!!
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