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About valium64

  • Birthday 12/15/1977

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
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    Too many! ;D

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  1. How wonderful ... maybe I have a good reason to swear for months or with regret having to abandon the F-14!After a period of absence from the cockpit due to real life problems I finally reconnect and turn on my secondary touch monitor with Helios, connect my StreamDeck and the Wharthog, enter the F-14 and find that almost nothing works anymore, it works and profiles that I had created or adapted taking months to optimize everything stopped working as Helios and DCS-Bios have been literally screwed by the latest updates and the Wharthog has to remap almost everything! Someone has already dealt with and fixed things up or started working on DCS-Bio and Helios fo F-14 after the unlucky update or I have to indefinitely retire the Tom-Cat and move on to another module because throw away hours and hours of work again that at the moment I do not have after working on it for months it makes me mad, even more if maybe shortly after fixing everything some update compromised the work again?
  2. I found that Hook bypass that was clickable and working on release v1.0 with 1.0.1 didn't work anymore. Other issue, the NAV frequency selector for ILSm and ICLS, it cannot go over 117.95 frequency settings. Are this two issue a mine problem or a common bug?
  3. Maybe they allready know, but Hook Bypass selector was working on 1.0 but on 1.0.1 didn't work anymore. On multiplayer server when switching Throttle Finger Lift engine don't run up to 60& and stay on 20%.
  4. Hi All, May someone can help me with a probem? I am able to view the Pilot Main Panel without problems but I cannot absolutely view the Pilot Left and Right panels, I have a 3-monitor configuration, but even when I launch the configurator and reset my monitors I always see only the main monitor, this using both Capt_Zeen_F-14V2.0 and Capt_Zeen_F-14V2.0b. Running Standalone DCS Openbeta updated to last version and last version of Helios too.
  5. Hi everyone, Browsing the forum and the web I am realizing that in general for DCS almost nobody uses the native program of the controller so as to take advantage of the 3-mode selector to program the buttons and thus multiply the number of settings available "in hand" by 3 or almost, I see everyone with single profile done on DCS. Now, since having the three positions you could bring on the controllers in addition to common functions also for example in one mode the functions of taxy and take off and landing, in one those of cruise and in the other those fight or in one taxi, take off, landing and cruise and in the others those of fight AA and AG I cannot explain this limiting choice. Is it a problem with the controller software that is unreliable or simply laziness or initial difficulty in memorizing everything?
  6. Ciao a tutti, Navigando sul forum e nel web mi sto rendendo conto che in generale per DCS quasi nessuno usa il programma nativo del controller così da sfruttare il selettore a 3 modalità per programmare i pulsanti e moltiplicare così il numero di impostazioni disponibili "alla mano" per 3 o quasi, vedo tutti con profilo singolo fatto su DCS. Ora, siccome avendo le tre posizioni si potrebbero portare sui controller oltre a delle funzioni comuni anche ad esempio in una modalità le funzioni di taxy e take off e landing, in una quelle di cruise e nell'altra quelle fight oppure in una taxi, teke off, landing e cruise e nelle altre quelle di fight A-A e A-G non mi spiego di questa scelta limitativa. E' un problema del software del controller che è inaffidabile o semplicemente pigrizia o difficoltà iniziale a memorizzare il tutto?
  7. Hi, I have two DCS installations, the Stable and the Open Beta, both of which install on an additional disk with the folders in both savegames in the user folder. I performed exactly the same procedure for both release by installing the DCS-Bios v0.10.0 on the PC, modifying in both installation the "script \ Export.lua" with the command for enabling BIOS and "script \ bin \ Config.lua" with the port modifyed to 1725 in the same way, copied to both installation savedgame in "script" the "DCS-ExportScript" folder of version 1.2.1, if launching the two versions alternately if I open DCS-BIOS Hub from web browser in DCS Connection I see both installations green with all three ticks for each activated, runnung the two release alternatively with a mission started in Lua Console i see the DCS Connection green as in the Dashboard I see green both Virtual Cockpit and Lua Console, but from the Stable installation if I test the connection from the StramDeck with the DCS Interface v1.0.3 plug-in installed and port changed to 1725 everything works correctly and I see the commands sent and the values of been read, if instead I launch the Open Beta it does not connect or write anything. I also tried renaming the Open Beta installation and re-launching an installation in the same path then remove the new installation and restore the original but nothing changes. Some idea?
  8. Hi, I have two DCS installations, the Stable and the Open Beta, both of which install on an additional disk with the folders in both savegames in the user folder. I performed exactly the same procedure for both release by installing the DCS-Bios v0.10.0 on the PC, modifying in both installation the "script \ Export.lua" with the command for enabling BIOS and "script \ bin \ Config.lua" with the port modifyed to 1725 in the same way, copied to both installation savedgame in "script" the "DCS-ExportScript" folder of version 1.2.1, if launching the two versions alternately if I open DCS-BIOS Hub from web browser in DCS Connection I see both installations green with all three ticks for each activated, runnung the two release alternatively with a mission started in Lua Console i see the DCS Connection green as in the Dashboard I see green both Virtual Cockpit and Lua Console, but from the Stable installation if I test the connection from the StramDeck with the DCS Interface v1.0.3 plug-in installed and port changed to 1725 everything works correctly and I see the commands sent and the values of been read, if instead I launch the Open Beta it does not connect or write anything. I also tried renaming the Open Beta installation and re-launching an installation in the same path then remove the new installation and restore the original but nothing changes. Some idea?
  9. Ciao a tutti, sono alle prime armi con DCS e mi trovo di fronte ad una scocciatura aggirabile ma che mi piacerebbe poter risolvere all'origine se possibile. Il problema è che In Windows e nell'interfaccia principale di DCS fino al menù Opzioni il Layout della tastiera e l'input dei tasti corrispondono, e ad esempio se seleziono CONTROLS e immetto nel campo di ricerca il backlash "\" mi appare il simbolo correttamente, non appena lancio una qualsiasi missione di volo o training alla pressione del backlash non corrisponde l'azione assegnata, se provo ad aprire il menù di pausa ed entrare in assegnazioni se vado sul comando assegnato, lo apro e provo il backlash come input mi legge l'apostrofo, stessa cosa per tutti gli altri tasti dei caratteri speciali. Praticamente DCS mi forza internamente la lettura degli input per la tastiera internazionale USA. Ok, non è un problema insormontabile, uno si segna tutti i caratteri speciali e li ri mappa nei profili per avere il tasto fisico corrispondete alle varie descrizioni dei manuali e se ne frega del reale input di lettura ed è a posto, salvo che deve far sto sbatti per tutti i profili di tutti i moduli che ha e che comunque se dovesse esportare in HTML la mappatura dovrebbe poi modificare anche gli HTML per avere una reale corrispondenza, ed avendo una stupenda G915 Layout svizzero italiano che è identico al layout italiano nativo mi rode anche l'idea che per avere totale corrispondenza dovrei acquistare anche una tastiera dedicata a DCS dato che tale problema lo ho solo con questo programma. Qualcuno ha mai affrontato il problema e ha qualche dritta da darmi? Grazie per le eventuali dritte, buon anno e volo a tutti!
  10. valium64

    Benvenuti !

    Ciao a Tutti, Simone da Massa, nome in codice Valium64, appena avvicinato al mondo dei simulatori di volo e già ho capito che sarà una lunga storia di preparazione, spese ed apprendimento, parto con un X-56 e una Stream Deck XL e spero che leggendo aggiro e col vostro aiuto riuscirò a saltarci fuori! Buon volo a tutti!
  11. Hello everyone, Simone from Italy, code name Valium64, just approached the world of flight sim and I have already understood that it will be a long story of preparation, expenses and learning, and I hope that reading around and with your help I will be able to jump there out! Safe flights to you all!
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