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Fanki 17

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    DCS World
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  1. I saw new Mi-24 Screenshots which show the new Pilot Model. Would be cool if we also get that for the Mi-8 since pretty much the same aircraft.
  2. It would be great to add in the special options menu the possibility to adjust the warning tone of the rwr in Mi24.
  3. Sounds great. Mi-24 definitely needs some campaigns to play. A really cool module but there are not really missions out there which you can play except a few ones so i am really looking forward to a Mi-24 Campaign.
  4. Pilot with aks74u would be awesome
  5. I know its a common issue but the replay function is still as bad as it ever was. Other than the first 5 min of the replay everything longer is not worth watching either. In 90% of the cases things happen which never happened when actually flying the mission so i wonder why we still even have that "replay" function when its just not working. I am really hope we get a proper replay function because for now its just not working good.
  6. I flew a few sorties with petrovich and for me he finds targets quite well. Even in absolute darkness i just have to tell him where to look and when close enough he finds what to shoot. I mean yes, you have to get close because sometimes when i am to far away he sees nothing but when close enough i am happy with him. I was playing around in the Mission Editor to test him out a bit and even when i place a few trucks in the middle of the forest which are impossible to see petro will see them but like i said, he only works when close enough. He still is an AI and behaves strange in some cases for example telling me he sees a fighter jet at 10000 feet but the ground troops which are right in front of him are for some reason not interesting and only after a few runs when the jet is too far away he sees whats on the ground.
  7. The mi24 got an update lately so its possible to trim the rudder pedals seperately which is especially useful for players who only have a joystick with a twist axis. I know that in general rudder pedals are recommended to fly helicopters properly but for those player who dont have extra pedals because maybe its too expensive or they dont have the room for it that option would help a lot. I dont know how much work it would be for the developers to make a special option to trim the peddals seperately with a button but it would help a lot.
  8. Mi8 doing firefighting over turkey. Just heared a helicopter and noticed that special gearbox sound which reminded me of the mi8 in DCS so i looked around and instantly took a photo.
  9. Since the hind has the possiblity to set the rudder trim on a extra key which makes flying since then a lot easier, atleast for me, why shouldnt the hip have that option.
  10. Wenn man das Geld hat kann man sich natürlich ruhig den teuren TrackIR kaufen nur finde ich den preislichen Unterschied enorm hoch wenn man überlegt wie gut doch mein selbstgebauter funktioniert der nur ein achtel kostet. Zwar gibt es die ein oder anderen Macken zum Beispiel dass nicht alle Achsen einwandfrei funktionieren oder dass die LEDs flackern was aber wahrscheinlich eh an der Stromquelle liegt. Wenn man wirklich viel und lange mit HeadTracking spielt und auch sonst schon viel Geld in DCS investiert hat dann ist halt das Markenprodukt für etwas unter 200€ eher eine Kleinigkeit. Wenn man aber nur alle paar Wochen eine Runde fliegt dann ist die selbstgebaute, Delan-Clip,Trackhat etc. die wohl vernüftigere Variante wenn man bedenkt wie gut es doch funktioniert.
  11. For some reason i spawn with this offset in the mig21. I could center me with numpad controls but that gets annoying after time and i dont think thats how it should be. Its also only in the Mig21, every other module works fine. DCS Repair and deinstalling the module didnt solved it
  12. Afgahnistan Sicherlich eine nicht besonders spannende Karte aber das muss es auch nicht unbedingt sein. Stelle ich mir nur nützlich für viele realistische Szenarien vor
  13. Ich mein, der Eurofighter ist schon was feines aber was mich wirklich umhauen würde wäre Mi17 H145/135 Su24 NH90 Mig27 und ein Sonderwunsch, nähmlich eine klickbare Su27. Wenn überhaupt wenigstens irgendein russischer 4th gen fighter der klickbar ist.
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