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About TheCrysinator

  • Birthday 07/09/1994

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    DCS, Falcon BMS
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  1. I manage to "catch" it at around 86% RPM consistently with a realistic reaction time. As bradmick confirmed you should be able to recover RPM and that's currently not the case. My problem was that low RPM with no feasible way of recovering some leaves you with no headroom at all.
  2. That's why I was so irritated by the current implementation. Glad to hear it's WIP.
  3. Thank you very much for the track file. I could find the culprit. When I'm trimmed for cruise speed I don't have the necessary cyclic travel left that is required to arrest the nose down movement. Usually I don't have to worry about resetting trim because e.g. the Hind needs very gentle inputs even during auto-rotations. Today I learned..
  4. That would be very helpful. It seems like cutting the collective completely and recover RPM while slowing down just doesn't apply for the Apache. When I cut the collective the nose drops and cyclic won't arrest it until I add collective again. However, that just drains my RPM.
  5. I had the time to check again: If you drop collective immediately after the "RPM low" warning you can still save it but RPM will drop to ~85% and won't recover even with 0 collective. Don't get me wrong I just want to understand the Apache. Autorotation is easy in every other helicopter (Hind, Hip, Gazelle, Huey, Ka-50) and you have plenty of time to react. But the most modern one of them is unrecoverable if you're reaction time isn't perfect?
  6. Exactly. Because it's hard for me to understand why you would lose all control when the generator bus goes out. That would be a major oversight that at least two cold war era helicopters didn't have.
  7. I knew when the power loss would occur so I waited a second because anything else would be unrealistic and by that time I had ~75% rotor RPM, no generators and no control authority. I know it's a bad comparison but the Hind/Hip will lose both generators and you still have enough control authority to get it down even if the generators stay out (usually they come back with rotor RPM).
  8. Can confirm. Once you lose both engine or put them to idle you lose control over the aircraft. No reaction to cyclic or collective inputs. I (obviously) haven't flown a real Apache but this can't be realistic behaviour.
  9. If think that's a common theme with attack helicopters. For example I never take 100% fuel in the Hind. Maybe take less fuel or a lighter loadout when you plan to hover.
  10. I can't offer you any solution to your troubles but I want to say that it's super easy with VR and decent rudder pedals. Have you tried the coop mode?
  11. Definitely the Apache. The ASE saved my ass more than once already and it feels so good to have that additional situational awareness. The capabilities of the sensor suite is also a dream to work with. Even more so when the Apache is feature complete.
  12. Sorry for the late response but that's exactly what I meant. I mapped the second laser stage on a switch and that works fine for now. I understand that you want to limit the time the laser is on but when I'm using the gun on the move I don't want to keep pressing another trigger all the time. Also thank you all for the insight and replies. The only point left on my list is the Image Auto Tracker but I figured that it's not implemented yet.
  13. I mean yeah you can turn the brightness down but you can see that the TEDAC brightness is also affected.
  14. One option is to flip up the monocle with the I key. I'm currently trying to figure out if there is another way in another post.
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