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About M3D4

  • Birthday 02/02/1983

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS WORLD 2.7.#
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Digital Modeling, Digital Art, much more

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  1. Hey bud. thanks for being interested. here is a working discord invite. im updating to this today. https://discord.gg/wctRnQRx
  2. HANGER XIII Looking to build a small VR only aviation family. Those who love aviation and aerospace and VR. We as humans were put on this earth not to fly, but we are damn good at it! Hope to fly virtually with you soon, and maybe IRL. A new discord server specifically for this: *** https://discord.gg/wctRnQRx DOWN VOTE ALL YOU WANT HATERS!!!
  3. HANGER XIII Looking to build a small VR only aviation family. Those who love aviation and aerospace and VR. We as humans were put on this earth not to fly, but we are damn good at it! Hope to fly virtually with you soon, and maybe IRL. A new discord server specifically for this: *** https://discord.gg/wctRnQRx DOWN VOTE ALL YOU WANT HATERS!!!
  4. HANGER XIII Looking to build a small VR only aviation family. Those who love aviation and aerospace and VR. We as humans were put on this earth not to fly, but we are damn good at it! Hope to fly virtually with you soon, and maybe IRL. A new discord server specifically for this: *** https://discord.gg/r9Ny3s2aTp DOWN VOTE ALL YOU WANT HATERS!!! I LOVE YOUR HATE!!!
  5. I cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not. Also, don't know why I'm getting so much flak for this on reddit and such. Just looking for people who enjoy the VR immersion in DCS over that of a monitor. I have a lovely 48in monitor, but for me VR in DCS is much better than on my monitor. I couldn't find what I was looking for in any squadron I joined. Never found any VR pilots in those Squadrons. I understand not everyone has a machine that can do it too, but also not my problem that I have an ok PC that I use for my job that happens to be able to have great VR performance.
  6. Oh, you have a problem with this too?
  7. HANGER XIII *Looking for only 10 members to join in on a VR only flight group. 11 TOTAL. Looking to build a small VR only aviation family. Those who love aviation and aerospace and VR. We as humans were put on this earth not to fly, but we are damn good at it! Hope to fly virtually with you soon, and maybe IRL. A new discord server specifically for this: *** https://discord.gg/FhaUMcknEs Just message me you when get there, and I'll respond asap. https://forums.eagle.ru/clubs/475-hanger-13-vrf-1-redrippers/
  8. HANGER XIII Looking to build a small VR only aviation family. Those who love aviation and aerospace and VR. We as humans were put on this earth not to fly, but we are damn good at it! Hope to fly virtually with you soon, and maybe IRL. A new discord server specifically for this: *** https://discord.gg/FhaUMcknEs Just message me you when get there, and I'll respond asap. https://forums.eagle.ru/clubs/475-hanger-13-vrf-1-redrippers/
  9. try adding disable_write_track = true into you autoexe.cfg file in your saved games folder and inside the Config folder. I had a hard stutter every 4 seconds constantly regardless if I was High or low level or rolling constantly. I believe it disables the recording of the tracks. worked for me after a year of trying to figure it out. Or you can use the file i have loaded on to this. Use Notepad++ to change if you want to take everything else out but the disable_write_track = true AMD 2950X TR 64GB DDR4 RTX 3090 autoexec.cfg
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