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Marcos Paes

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About Marcos Paes

  • Birthday 03/15/1983

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  • Flight Simulators
    Flight Simulator 2020
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  1. Is there anyway to run this on a dedicated server? so i can stream the map on OBS?
  2. Thank you i got this trigger.action.outText( 'Total Aircrafts: ' .. trigger.misc.getUserFlag ( '10' ), 5 ) local bluePlayers = coalition.getPlayers(2) trigger.action.setUserFlag("10", #bluePlayers)
  3. UPDATE: This is working: local bluePlayers = coalition.getPlayers(2) for i = 1, #bluePlayers do local playerName = Unit.getName(bluePlayers[i]) env.info("Aumentando FLAG 10 para jogador: " .. playerName) local currentFlagValue = trigger.misc.getUserFlag("10") trigger.action.setUserFlag("10", currentFlagValue + 1) end But everytime the script run, it count again everyone. i want this to ignore already counted active players!
  4. I'm really new. i will try to use ur tips. thank you. Do i need Mist to use this commands? I am trying this. but nor working at all local function setFlagForConnectedPlayers() local bluePlayers = coalition.getPlayers(coalition.side.BLUE) for i = 1, #bluePlayers do local playerUnit = bluePlayers[i]:getUnit() if playerUnit and playerUnit:isActive() then local currentFlagValue = trigger.misc.getUserFlag("10") trigger.action.setUserFlag("10", currentFlagValue + 1) env.info("Pilotos Ativos: " .. trigger.misc.getUserFlag("10")) end end end setFlagForConnectedPlayers()
  5. Thank you for your response, I'm quite new to scripts, I'll try to figure out how to do what you said
  6. Hello, everyone, and sorry for the question that might seem very silly, but I'm looking to do this in a simple way: how can I count how many people are flying, and have this number of people added to a FLAG? This way, I could more accurately determine the number of enemy aircraft that will take off. We usually fly in groups of 5 to 15 people, and if I plan the mission for 15 people and only 5 show up, it becomes impossible. On the other hand, if I plan for 5 and 15 show up, it becomes too easy. So, I just wanted a script that could count how many aircraft are flying, allowing me to adjust the groups according to this number from the flag! Thank you in advance
  7. Thank you for sharing bro! I tried to use: WT.playerNear.setup("CONTADOR", 2,"flag10", 2000) But did not work at all. I am trying to make a script to count how many aircrafts are airbourne and set a flag to this number, so i can determine how many enemey aircrafts i will spawn. can u help me with this?
  8. i tried and still same problem I found 1 solution, moving my "ddi" monitor to the top of main monitor, before it was on left side. null
  9. nullI have posted 2 pictures, after and befor todays update. The bug persists, anyone know how to fix this?null
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