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About Mightyrobert

  • Birthday 09/16/1978

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  • Flight Simulators
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  1. Mediafire links work for someone? I always see this: "Generating new download key We are generating a new download key for this file. Click the button below to continue." I have tried several browsers and nothing. :(
  2. In mission 7 of the campaign the necessary triggers are not being fired to consider "mission successful". I've tried doing it several times and nothing...they are not fired. I have played it by launching it from the mission editor, I've added triggers to debug and see if it correctly detects the elimination of the two armored vehicles and 50% of the infantry, and then yes, both debug triggers and the ones that bring the mission... it has happened to someone else who has commented on the recording that I uploaded to youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8--Y3oZF78 I don't know what could be happening, it's weird as hell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ En la misión 7 de la campaña no se están disparando los triggers necesarios para darla por exitosa. He probado hacerla varias veces y nada...no saltan. La he jugado lanzandola desde el editor de misiones, le he añadido triggers a modo de log para ver si detecta correctamente la eliminación de los dos blindados y del 50% de la infanteria y ahí si, se lanzan tanto los triggers de log como los que trae la misión... Por lo que veo le ha pasado a alguien más que me ha comentado en la grabación que subí a youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8--Y3oZF78 No se que puede estar pasando, es raro de narices.
  3. A mi me ha ocurrido igual varias veces. Se ve en el video a partir de ese instante: https://youtu.be/WharbMPmXNI?t=1351 En estos dos uso otra secuencia de apagado y no ocurre. Apago antes la batería: https://youtu.be/BHwk8TXOBuc?t=2838 https://youtu.be/D8--Y3oZF78?t=2612 No tengo el .trk, lo siento. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The same thing has happened to me several times. It is seen in the video from that moment: https://youtu.be/WharbMPmXNI?t=1351 In these two I use another shutdown sequence and it doesn't happen. I turn off the battery before: https://youtu.be/BHwk8TXOBuc?t=2838 https://youtu.be/D8--Y3oZF78?t=2612 I don't have the .trk, sorry.
  4. I've got same problem and If AI manage to take off from the carrier in vtol, they are not able to set the nozzles to 0 and they go all the time hoovering until they fall into the sea. Imposible to do something interesting with harrier in this moments. This is a shame.
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