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Everything posted by Vector1

  1. my guess is maybe it's a lot bigger?
  2. Have you got SteamVR installed , Also I use SkateZilla's updater app to auto open SteamVR , before DCS opens When I open Steam from inside Pico Connect desktop I can't get DCs to open. Hope that helps .
  3. Oceandar , no advantage , it is free , and trying to compare Pico Connect visuals to Virtual Desktop, also I have found , Wi-Fi bite rate is only half of Virtual Desktops , so it might be advantageous for people that don't have Router/Modem right next to them , Like me who had to buy another modem , and run Ethernet through a wall to get the 1200 mbps that Virtual Desktop requires for the best outcome! Vector1 please read
  4. Have you got SteamVR installed , Also I use SkateZilla's updater app to auto open SteamVR , before DCS opens When I open Steam from inside Pico Connect desktop I can't get DCs to open. Hope that helps .
  5. Hi , I know this has been asked before , is there any way to resize the window to fit the screen , at the moment to very hard to see the bottom of the screen, thanks in advance
  6. Hi , found the problem , was running XRNS , that's why it was crashing when loading mission , even though Pico Connect uses OpenXR , it still uses SteamVR , so XRNS is not compatible with Steam ! , without XRNS running it works OK. I am going to try VRNS to see if that works with Pico Connect , Also as a comparison with Virtual Desktop I use Godlike, getting similar results with same settings in DCS, only difference is Pico Connect hasn't got Godlike , I use Ultra in that . PS I noticed Pico Connect only uses half the Wi-Fi Bandwidth Virtual Desktop does? Also you have to have SteamVR installed on your Computer!
  7. Hi , found the problem , was running XRNS , that's why it was crashing when loading mission , even though Pico Connect uses OpenXR , it still uses SteamVR , so XRNS is not compatible with Steam ! , without XRNS running it works OK. I am going to try VRNS to see if that works with Pico Connect , Also as a comparison with Virtual Desktop I use Godlike, getting similar results with same settings in DCS, only difference is Pico Connect hasn't got Godlike , I use Ultra in that . PS I noticed Pico Connect only uses half the Wi-Fi Bandwidth Virtual Desktop does?
  8. Anyone been able to get Pico Connect app working in DCS , without it DCS crashing ? if so help would be appreciated.
  9. Hi ,can get it to load in VR, but when try instant mission it crashes and generates crash log I sent it to Eagle Dynamics. Ps that is with WiFi, will try usb connection tomorrow. Will let you know how it goes .Vector1
  10. Eastern Mediterranean, including Italy , Malta , Libya and Egypt , that way we can use it for WW11 and modern times . Big Ask
  11. Thanks that worked , easy peasy when you know how!
  12. Hi I had different error, please see screenshot, every time I start up SimAppPro, since latest update, any help will be welcomed.
  13. Hi Anyone have new discord invite for VSN, Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi seems like your text explanation somehow mysteriously got added at the start of your post. Thanks.
  15. Please repost it ,very interested to read it , thanks in advance.
  16. Open composite obsolete now ,not supported anymore, might as well remove it.
  17. Hi you can access Pico store by changing country in your Pico account, I'm in Australia , I set my Pico account to United Kingdom , don't have access in Australia yet , could buy Virtual Desktop this way, over a year ago , also Virtual Desktop has VDXR setting that allows you to bypass SteamVR.
  18. Had my WinWing products over 2 months now, no problems so far, guess it must be luck of the draw, As far as I can see great product with lots of versatile features, for less cost!
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