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Everything posted by Trigger357

  1. I can't even get the tpod to power on. I tried doing a mission from the landing page and it works, but if I load into a MP server and rearm then update the DTC the wmd-7 is green but when I try to power it on it doesn't. For a split second the message comes on the screen aligning please wait 60 sec, and never powers up.
  2. Is there a way to set up the Arduino to use with multiple modules? Thanks
  3. Lol I did a similar thing but with a Multiplexer. I still don't have it figured all out yet but that's why I'm here. So basically the way the dcs bios library is built, is it expects a singular place holder like ,15 in the "pin" pointer. I haven't figured out how to put select pins or colum and row pins into the pin place holder for the dcs-bios instance. But I imagine you could try to create an address like button1 = [2] {col1,pin1} ; but you'll probably need to do something else with this otherwise dcs might see each time the col or row pin changes high to low as a new value and you'll oscillate your virtual buttons maybe a boolean type operation like if (col1 && pin1 = HIGH); //button is pressed Buttonstate= HIGH ; this is probably way off but maybe it help some one understand how dcs-bios works with matrices and multiplexer it is not a plug and play library when you use any other method than a basic button and led
  4. Hello I'm trying to use a multiplexer for buttons and potentiometers with little to no luck and I think it's because the header files are set up for direct connection I've tried passing each channel as its own variable and assigned them to the PIN for their respective dcs 2 POS switch but as you would guess this does nothing but cause oscillation in the virtual cockpit. I assume because the channels are switching and I can see how in the switch header its being used every pulse as a new state this creating my oscillation. Now that I understand the issue I have to solve it which I have a slight grasp but need a little confirmation. Should I edit the header file to instead of using digitalRead (pin) use something closer to what I would use to read the MUX? like mux.read? And then ofcorase I would need to include the proper struct to pull that off. Switches.cpp I've tried to change the switches header file to accept a pin array and signal pin to use with a Multiplexer this means declaring an empty array the plan is to pass the extra 4pins as binary arguments so when I add the switch to the sketch I can add the binary pointer to each dcs bios switch. Ie mux pins s0,s1,s2,s3 for mux channel one I'm leaving the size empty for now. But the dcs bios instance would look like this DcsBios::Switch2Pos masterCautionBtn("UFC_MASTER_CAUTION", [0,0,0,0] , 10); where [0,0,0,0] represents the mux channel to listen to and 10 is the pin connected to the mux signal pin. Please let me know if I have the right idea. The most I ever coded was ws2812s controlled with a pulse in on 3 inputs and reading IR hex to write a pwm to a separate output all on a pro-mini
  5. is it even possible to use Multiplexers with DC-BIOS???? does anyone have a working example? here is my sketch but its giving oscillation to the virtual cockpit buttons. i think the readpanel() function is causing the MCU to write to the Tx pin and causing my problem so I need to make an if condition and compare anew state to the old state. fa18_simpit.ino
  6. Hello, I know this is for working sketches, I would love to add mine, but I have an oscillation problem when using a MUX or multiple for pushbutton interfacing here is the code I'm using. fa18_simpit.ino I don't want to do a button matrix but may have to if I'm having trouble trying to figure out what I'm missing or doing wrong. a lot is commented out just because I'm still trying to diagnose the issue. i believe it has to do with dcs bios being interrupted by the ReadPanel(); but I'm not sure as this is my first time working with dcs bios this is the sketch I'm using to make sure the multiplexer is wired correctly ADMUX_DEBUG.ino if anyone could take a look at the F18_simpit and maybe confirm that i need some variables to store that state of each mux channel, I know it's pretty far from working like it should, as I certainly bit off more than I can chew. thanks in advance. Ok so I figured out what I was doing wrong trying to pass the mux channel as a pin. There's a couple ways I can think of to handle this. 1 modify the header file to accept a 4 bit binary address and a pin to read. This is above my skill and knowledge. 2 read the mux store the output of each channel and assign them to "something" not sure what data type I would need than place that something's in the dcs-bios ",pin" pointer so dcs bios only writes when a new channel value is written and not when a channel has been changed as my simpit sketch does...
  7. I figured as much as I've been thru every folder and file looking . Wound up being as simple as the file name had spaces in it. Now I've got that figure out. I'm now working on a solution to fix my aspect issue. Not important really I'm just messing around creating a Lua for a single monitor with 3 mfcds on the side. Think I need better understanding of the viewport functions at the bottom of the Lua code.
  8. I'm having a problem with the monitor setup options GUI. If I edit the folder name in dcs/config/monitorsetup it doesn't show up in the in game scroll down list... I've checked the .Lua by using an original directory name and copying my .Lua and it works so it's not a syntax or formatting problem. Is there a file for the monitor setup options that stores the separate names of the monitor setup file? This is the only thing I can think of that would cause this
  9. I'm having an issue where I create the .Lua I want but it doesn't show up in the option menu... I even tried editing the name of an existing one and it was the same affect. Is there a directory I need to add the monitor option to other than saved games/dcs/config/monitorsetup.??
  10. Just some descriptive comments in the Lua files would have been nice like Arduino does with example sketches
  11. fa18_simpit.ino I noticed theres not a lot of info pertaining to planning the circuits and building the code with "Arduino" and "DCS bios " or maybe its buried in the archives so I'll leave this here. This is my attempt to future proof my starting point on my flight panel build, in an attempt to use as little storage and pins as possible. you'll see I'm using a clunky but simple method to combine DCS bios global variables with ad-mux-library channels and also kept the loop as short as possible to maintain a high refresh rate as the build goes on that will likely change. I have yet to verify this even works as I am waiting for supplies and wanted a starting point with the code to familiarize with and test as i build. any ways let me know what you guys think
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