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About Bedouin

  • Birthday 11/02/1975

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World + MSFS
  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Interests
    Games, city building sims and my family
  • Occupation
    Economics & Government

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  1. Have we heard anything about if it's the Block 2 version of it or Block 1..? Do we know if there are any countermeasures on the variant we are getting..? And i guess we won't get any FLIR or terrain following Radar... Hoping there soon will be released more news and a roadmap with features for this magnificent beast
  2. And of course the CSAR mission types with Apache cover - another really cool aspect.
  3. Anyone know if the Sniper Pod is purely cosmetic or have unique functionalities...?
  4. I am using the StreamDeck XL and Normal one and a Streamdeck+ to all the cockpit interactions, works well.. A lot of work to map it all, but a very nice solution. Especially with the StreamDeck + possibility to use Dialstacks
  5. Hey, when i use snapview i have to keep the key pressed to stay in the view... is there a way to make it stay in the choosen snapview until i press a different snapview key ??? Thanks in advance.
  6. There is also the new cool Visor animation - a very nice touch
  7. I am considering downloading the mod, as this looks so awesome.. But a question on keybinds, can you do al the same keybinds as in the normal C-model or is there a variation in the mod...? thanks in advance
  8. I am planning to use the screws (like you do) and then velcro the front to the plate... Monstertech has already released a TQS specific plate
  9. From my viewpoint and understanding its as normal as most other choppers, with the collective on the left and cyclic in middle for both sides of the cockpit
  10. Canadian CH-47 with glass-cockpit
  11. But when Wags in an interview comments that it will be the next in the pipeline, then how do you conclude this statement to be wrong..? Do you got some juicy insider info you wanna share
  12. I am guessing the Kola, is still a bit far away.. read somewhere that they are 40% done since announcement... but yeah flying the Chinook on the Kola map
  13. Anything about which variant, an american F-model or the speculated italian F-model..? On a second note, is it only the SOAR versions there have refueling option..?
  14. Bedouin


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