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  1. Hi zeagle, did the project went offline?
  2. D500

    system failures

    Will system failures be included with the initial release?
  3. Thanks for the info! Appreciate it.
  4. This I checked. But in the ME there are no failures available for now. F18 for example has.
  5. Does anyone know if it is planned to implement system failures in the f16c?
  6. The open design of the campaign is especially what I prefer the most! Go on with this kind of style Bunyap! It is what a simulation needs.
  7. How to trigger the Bogey identification radio call. I am flying pretty close to the SU24 but it doesnt trigger anything.
  8. Thanks Redglyph for sharing your experience. Will try it again. I remember some forum posts whith a discussion about the engine performance of the belsimtek huey. Could also be the case that in this mission with 19 degrees outside air temp. the weight with the armament is to much.
  9. I only encounter this in Mission 3. The Mission where you hav to take off at the FARP an you have to hook the cargo. The problem occurs either with cargo hooked or without. The Huey with the proposed loadout in this mission seems kind of overloaded. But I left the payload like in the Mission Sheet/ Briefing. My DCS Version is the current one, updated 28 April (today) Exact step after Mission is load: - engine start up - choosing and hooking cargo on ground/ but problem even occurs without - try the hover check to take off from hover (of course heading in the wind) = There is my Problem, hovering is impossible without tremendous excess of the exhaust temp limit (610 degr. I guess) even with this excess it is virtually impossible to go into hovering or even take off.
  10. Mission 3 I am unable to take off in Mission. Limit one is always exhaust temp. Also it appears like a fuel leak. Fuel goes down in a rapid manner. I am sure I missed something here.
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