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  1. I'm pretty sure they're waiting for the edge, with the changed engine, it would be easier to implement a radar system.
  2. so it's most manouvarable at 0,7 mach which is about 450 knots, pretymuch same as f16, but most of it's turning rate is better at lower speed compared to other aircrafts. f18 isn't ment to dogfight
  3. I hope they're gona do the man in black one...
  4. That's a bit too few for a "true" strategic game, but yeah i'm always up for it.
  5. no, that's the destructo laserbeam pew pew pew
  6. gotta improvise man, the sounds aint gona capture themselves
  7. I know, i'm just saying that the pricier missile gets better stuff
  8. Isn't tacan straight in the runway, shouldn't you wait till you're about 10 miles away before you start banking?
  9. Here's a trick that i needed a long time to figure out. When you're on final aproach, as always, the velocity vector (small green thingie in the middle), shows where' your airplane is heading. If you put that velocity vector above the runway, that's where the airplane will go. So, when you're going down, put the velocity vector at the beginning of the runway (where it's a bit darker because of all the skid marks), that's where your airplane will go, don't worry just yet about diving nose into it. When you're getting closer, don't adjust your aoa by putting the nose up or down, adjust the speed with the throttle, what i also didn't know for a long time was how to properly use aoa. It's really intuitive, just look at the 0 in the middle, that's what you want it to be at. So, how do you get there? Well, you see strange markings like / \ and \ /. Imagine those as arrows. / \ points up, which means your nose should go up, and thus you should decrease speed, as the aircraft's nose goes up from your velocity when you decrease speed. (and straightens up with velocity when you speed up). Now the last part which is mostly wtfvbbbdsg part because most people think that they should point their nose up when they land. That's a lie, don't point your nose up... Don't believe me? Check the manual to see what aoa is too big when you're taking off. For most planes it's about 10 to 15 degrees, in f16 i think your aoa is 12 to 16 degs. So what does that mean? It means you should actually aim your velocity vector below the horizon, different aircrafts have different sweetspots, f16 for example has 4 degrees below the horizon, which means you should point your nose/velocity vector there, (it looks like a dashed line), and when you land, your aircraft will still be decelerated because physics that's why (you're actually "looking up with the nose as in the movies when you land at that spot". And then you gently push the controls down when your airspeed is at a minimum. This doesn't go for just f16, it goes for pretymuch every airplane, i hope i've cleared a lot of confusion that newbies have. Thankyou :)
  10. Only halfway wrong this time. F22s use AESA radar (apg 77) which can put multiple frequencies including broadband into the area at different points and because it uses electronic prf, it can switch frequency on any pulse. For dummies that means that it's radar is REALLY REALLY hard to detect / distinguish from the background noise. And by really hard i mean nearly impossible.
  11. Now go check the price difference between meteor and 120c
  12. I would like to see scramble or intercept option on advanced waypoints. Basically the airplanes would scramble to a target when the enemy is in either defined radius around an airfield or a selected troop. Or they would scramble and attack the enemy when they get detected on an ewr/radar.
  13. It's cus devs play falcon 3 online too much
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