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About Dracollin

  • Birthday 04/01/1982

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    MSFS X-Plane 11 DCS
  • Location
  • Interests
    Aviation, Music, Movies
  1. Apologies. I've been away due to work. Looks like some input has also been added. I should have added more context. I play on Rotorheads server, load into FARP bravo in a cold start helo and when I rearm with both door gunners I only get the LH GUNNER & not the BK GUNNER in the Crew Status Page. He is still physically visible in the helo just missing from the crew page unfortunately.
  2. Since the 2.9 update the Pilot Gunner is now missing in the Crew Status page. You can see the door gunner visibly in the helo but he's missing on the Crew Status Page for me.
  3. Crazy enough I just picked up the Mi-8 during the Christmas sale and I'm absolutely loving it. I always enjoyed flying the Huey and the Blackshark but I wanted to give the HIP a shot since it's just a big Russian beast of a helo and I'm glad I did. I purchased all of the campaigns and zipped through 3 of the The Open Border missions last night. Definitely looking forward to honing more skill in this Helo before I jump onto one of the Helo multiplayer servers and try my hand at helping out a group of Helo pilots. I can't wait.
  4. The Border campaign does warn you in DCS that you should read the documentation for the HIP regarding radio communications as the knowledge needed to know how to work the different radios will be extremely important in completing each mission. You need to be able to use the radios to talk with Airfields, FARPs, Escort pilots, Ground Crew, Special Forces crews. You will also want to know how to work the ADF as well as the ARC-UD navigation systems. In the briefing, you will also want to use the arrow button to click through the different screen shots detailing your routes as the debriefing is rather vague. The debriefing might state objective as taking off at point A and landing at point B but doesn't mention you need to land at 1 or 2 other places along the way so pay more attention to the screen shots. Your kneeboard will also outline your flight plan and include waypoints as well. The most important thing is proper tuning of the radios which included the R-863 and R-828 radios. The majority of the comms are easily done through the radio located by the co-pilots left butt cheek on the center pedestal. I started the border campaign yesterday and so far completed the first 3 missions without any problems. As long as you can finish with a result of 100, you have completed the mission. I hope this helps.
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