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About PilotNeedGunner

  • Birthday October 4

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    Dcs, IL2
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  1. You're thinking about the relationship between velocity, cyclic, pedal, and throttle input in a linear fashion. Also, the way to fly a helicopter is not to wait until something happens before you react, as this will lead to always chasing the equilibrium. Rather, you want to anticipate what the helicopter will do for any given input and counter it with opposing input before the helo responds. In a hover for instance, you simultaneously apply left pedal while raising the collective. In above ETL forward flight, you may need to apply forward cyclic to keep level flight as well as left pedal when adding collective. Don't wait until you see the helo rotating right before applying counteracting input. This goes for transitioning from forward flight to hover during landing as well. As you approach the landing zone and getting slower, you'll need to apply more collective to arrest descent all the while applying more left pedal. As you get below ETL, you'll have to reduce or increase pitch up attitude depending on your closure rate and account for translating tendency by more applying left cycling as well. As you get used to the helicopter's behavior you begin to recognize the telltale signs of when you need counteracting inputs. Hope this helps.
  2. Um... I don't know if you've noticed, but your turns were definitely not "smooth", because your stick deflection was dancing all over the input display rectangle. What you've experienced was most likely a low G condition (different from mast bumping) because you pushed the cyclic forward during every turn recovery. The difference between the last turn before the crash and all the previous turns was that you had a rapid left cyclic input then a sudden max forward cyclic deflection without recentering the stick or made any attempt to apply aft cyclic to reload the rotors. Helicopters don't take kindly to wild cyclic deflections.
  3. I have no issues flying the Apache, and I am fine with the FM. When I say Apache riddled with bugs I mean George not spotting, lasing, or shooting hellfires at enemies that I can see with my eyes. I don’t know if this bug is new, but George won’t fire the 30mm for some reason, and I was in a stable hover 100ft from the enemy vehicle and gave him fire at will. As you have mentioned, George is practically useless. Even when I replace George with a human CPG there are still various desync issues, which I thought were supposed to have been fixed. I’ve looked at the various servers during the last couple of days, and have not seen more than 3 Apaches in any one server at a time, and it’s usually 1-2 Apaches.
  4. Okay, I figured out the answer to my initial question. Nobody flies the Apache anymore because it’s riddled with bugs that makes flying it not fun.
  5. I checked rotorhead and 4ya, both had maybe one AH64 on. It was late at night though, I’ll try again today.
  6. I am on open beta. Maybe it’s a timing issue.
  7. Am I missing something here or are all the servers devoid of AH64 pilots? Just a couple of months ago everyone and their mom was flying it, and now I browse through the servers and there is, on average, one AH64 per server.
  8. For some reason I can't get George to even look at where I'm tell him. I've got my boresight aligned, and when I tell him to look at a BMP that I can see with my naked eyes just 3km away he keeps slaving to where I'm looking then targets that are over 10km away. This make the game impossible to play and the apache practically useless without a huma CPG. Please fix this.
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