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    "The Hornet Mafia is cookin' the books..."

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  1. Was Heatblur like "We're gonna completely take the flaps away above 225kts, make it a lot draggier, and significantly decrease TWR at slow speeds just to top it all off and make this update a real peach..."?
  2. What a no-chill non sciency thing to say in such a sciencyish environment. that wasn't very sciency of you bruther. Do I need some kind of official standing to say "I don't know, man...I'm not sure about this guy or any of the stuff he's saying..." after I watch a youtube video?
  3. I'm my intellectually disabled opinion it's odd that GR and GS are considered legitimate sources and held in such high esteem within this sacred house of learned doctors
  4. Quick question. Was F110 thrust increased or decreased? Was airframe drag increased or decreased?
  5. I think I remember watching the first installment of this and vaguely remember thinking "this doesn't seem like anyone is really fighting too hard to see if any of this actually works" but again, I'm a insufferable detestable piece of trash that's not well read, socially developed, or intellectually developed enough to carry on any kind of conversation and is overall unworthy to even interact with anyone on these forums in an capacity
  6. yeah sorry man. my apologies for skepticism/questioning viability(what a detestable insufferable cretin I am) of information/content regarding the HBF14 from grim reapers and growling sidewinder that are either released prior to September-November 2020 OB update which is when an absolute paradigm shift in the HBF14B's performance not even remotely in a good way occurred on on my end(or everything else around it changed around me when I was flying in it). And/or also my skepticism of GS because he posts videos flying a PakFa, F22, F35, Su30, Rafale, EF2K mod and makes a clickbait titled video with it like it's an "officially licensed Rafale vs EF2K module dogfight" in DCS then says in fine print it's a mod or just overall vibe I get from his content that it's all canned versus whatever opponent he can find, prop up as a quality opponent, and beat. Not arguing the success of either channel. Clearly GR and GS both established a brand of content, have a large following, and large audience with the sponsorships they pull, but I have a hard time buying in to any of the info in their videos.
  7. don't link be growling sidewinder videos either don't send me links of growling sidewinder videos either
  8. grim reapers isn't credible dude, plus when was that made? 3 years ago? if it wasn't made in the past 3-6 months there's little to no useable info in it. even if "the tomcat hasn't changed and lines up with EM charts better than every other DCS module ever made" something is different and it's not being accounted for in videos that are 3 years old
  9. To be completely honest, if someone actually made a "1v1 guns BFM in HBF14B on dcs world public multiplayer dogfight servers for dummies" that was a 10 ep youtube instructional series made by someone credible streamed live in the wild of public DCS dogfight servers with producer/instructor under a pseudonym flying versus whatever rando is in the server(without affiliation or colluding with server admins, the respective socmed communities associated with server, or opponents on the server) and then recorded and posted on yt that some lowly piece of worthless uninformed clueless garbage like myself could use/apply and have it actually work and making them less of a worthless uniformed clueless garbage piece of trash I'd be pretty stoked on that content
  10. I was just asking questions. and again, I'm clearly not socially or intellectually developed enough to operate on the elite level of everyone else here or carry on any kind of discussion about anything
  11. What an insight. Have you considered becoming a instructor at red flag? There's so much dense actionable profound information here.
  12. sorry man. I'm stupid garbage. I lack the vulcan logic and 1 million IQ like everyone else here. I just want to know how to not be trash at 1v1 guns BFM in the F14B again and stop losing in less than 60 seconds every single fight no matter what I do like I do now every session I fly then the having to cope with the self loathing of being so bad at something I used to think I was alright at (even though in reality I was maybe okay-ish at on my best day in the best/META module)
  13. glad you're having a good time. welcome to the party. thanks for pointing this out. appreciate the feedback. all constructive criticism (or just outright personal attacks) are welcomed
  14. how was I supposed to react to a reply like "or you could just git gud"
  15. Then I spend the night laying awake in bed trying to think of all the reasons for this to be the case now when it seemed less so before. Usually my major suspicions are: 1. I just suck more now 2. some aspect of (a) flight model(s) have changed that I completely missed the boat on 3. "house always wins" as far as the server/mission/admins 4. some kind of improbable(not impossible to rule out) "the world is conspiring against me" theory 5. all of the above
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