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About 72AG_terror

  • Birthday 04/13/1978

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  1. Don't forget that autopilot only have +/- 20% range of the engine power to maintain set altitude, so if you are in a break turn or flying into a mountain at 250 km/h... don't count on it too much or you will crash, pull the collective yourself in situations where radical changes in alt are possible. Also, don't forget that there is a switch of what altitude you want to hold - radar or barometric. [next section is all AFAIR] The other RL vs. DCS issue is much trickier. Imagine you have alt hold enabled. In RL to move the collective you must disengage the CB. So what happens is - you release the collective lever AND simultaneously disengage altitude holding by autopilot. When you let go on the lever - you engage AP AND set a new alt to hold for it. In DCS it is possible to move collective WITHOUT disengaging CB (I guess 80% of virtual pilots do this). So if you have alt hold channel enabled then AP is still working and working against your movement of collective lever. And so if you, say, lowered your collective by 60%, you would, in fact, have the AP fighting against you with its 20%, so you will have 60% - 20% = 40% as it tries to hold the old alt. If you don't pay attention to it altitude dynamics of the chopper can be rather unpredictable, especially in NOE flight. :)
  2. Well, I normally see this (AP disengage) happen when I try to engage autohover lower than 3m (it does not work lower than that - safety requirements). Strangely enough the chanells blink as if they would come on again when you climb over 3m but instead they disengage completely there, I don't know if it is a bug or feature. So you engage AH when conditions are not met (you are lower than 3m) - you get chanels off, the emergency autopilot disengage button does the same. Maybe there are some other conditions when you should not engage auto-hover?
  3. Баг с Х52 С Х52 замечена следующая особенность - если на кнопку назначена Advanced command (т.е. отдельные функции на нажатие, удерживание и отпускание кнопки), то её нажатие и удерживание сильно затормаживает игру (ФПС падает до 1-2). Актуально, например, при использовании первого положения курка для включения-выключения пушки (нажал - сгенерировалось нажатие и отпускание С - включился режим ПУ, отпустил - снова нажатие-отпускание С - режим ПУ выключился). ЕМНИП, то же и в ГС было.
  4. Вопрос такой: Пытаюсь установить демку и когда она доходит до собственно установки (копирование файлов), выскакивает окно ошибки с вот такой надписью: Кто знает, что это за ошибка и как с ней бороться? Антивирус и иже с ним отключать не предлагать - уже пробовал, не помогает.
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