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About desoter

  • Birthday 09/10/1992

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS and X-Plane 11.
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  • Interests
    Simulations programs, physics and software engineering
  1. Hi, I'm playing DCS 2.7.14 stable and with mission 6 I'm having a hard time to complete it. I tried several times but after Su-34 gets its clearance to attack nothing happens and it simply goes back to base. I know the objective is to stay lower than Su-34 and I think I got that part correct but even if I was not good at it, there is a trigger to fail the mission? What other condition may I have to hit in order for the Su-34 to attack? Thank you! EDIT: with version 2.7.16 is now working and I completed successfully the mission. One difference I noticed between the versions is that Su-34 missiles' support are there (rendered) while earlier they were missing/invisible.
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