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Everything posted by TheFreshPrince

  1. Respect for the detailed explanation of the delay, many companies would just write a standard apology text. Wish you the best to fix all the problems very soon.
  2. I didn't fly for a month and came back to the F-18 today, it's such a different jet. Very agile at low speeds, but you can also use it at altitude now. Still a bit tough to get the right speed in a dogfight as it either accelerates dramatically or slows down to a stall in only a 3G turn. You can pull constant 10G with paddle switch at 600kn and you'll still accelerate. Don't know the real jet, but seems a bit too much. But it's also possible now to get to nearly Mach2 when dropping from 40k ft. altitude from max speed (about Mach 1.8), which is nice And you can get to about Mach 1.4 above the ground, which seems faster than before. All of this tested on an empty jet with no pylons. When I started with the F-18 it was a slow duck, nothing of that is left anymore.
  3. Wow that's a big update. Looking forward to testing all the new stuff. Thank you especially for showing FC3 the love it deserves, the new textures look great!
  4. Could it be one of the IR-LEDs used for the position tracking of the helmet? I mean it's classified, so we'll never know for sure.
  5. For me, ground/terrain stutter is still a problem and with that you will not have a great "feeling of speed". The refresh needs to be very smooth and with a high rate to get this feeling. In the video above you can also see too many micro stutters. With expensive gear and maximum settings you can get rather close to the real-life smoothness in DCS, but there's always a bit missing somehow. Take these videos as another example for comparison with rl footage: And then compared to a good DCS example (with a high field of view) : It's smoother than the Caucasus example above, but not as the rl examples. It will still feel fast and give you an adrenaline rush for sure.
  6. Well, then the solution is easy. Sell the HP and upgrade your Dell desktop. Dunno how much you can get for it, but certainly enough for a little upgrade. DCS isn't that demanding anymore if you only fly in HD or 2k and can live with medium graphic settings.
  7. Although I like the current mods, with the up-to-date full fidelity Mig as a base, the future mods will be much more interesting. Same will apply for S and G models. FC3 has its place, but I think the new Mig with mods will be the way to go to experience M, S and G variants.
  8. "A long day in front of the computer" is bad for everyone and hurts my healthy eyes as well, I doubt that blue light blocking will fix this. Modern monitors with a high refresh rate and blue light filters are better than old monitors, but still not healthy to sit in front of PC for too long. Especially when you have only one eye that needs to do all the work. Also DCS is very demanding for concentration, so limiting the time and taking breaks is probably the better option.
  9. I started with the i5 6600k and a 980ti, but since then DCS has gotten much more forgiving performance wise. So you don't need an ultra graphics card anymore for decent graphics and good FPS. I upgraded only slightly to a Ryzen 5 5500 and a 2080, but the difference was already immense (nearly full settings and 70-100 FPS at 2K). Especially with MT and DLSS afterwards. So I recommed getting at least a used RTX 2xxxx (2070 super has a good price/performance ratio, but also 2080) to experience the difference with DLSS/DLAA. You can upgrade your CPU/MB if you want, but it's not necessary, if you don't want to fly 4k/VR or heavy missions. If new, 3060 (ti) is a good option. I like this ranking list, which you can use for comparisons: https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html This list shows that older graphic cards like 1080ti, 2080, etc. are still monsters compared to low-budget new graphic cards. So I`d never buy a cheap, new graphic card, but rather a used one in good condition. PS: I've meanwhile downgraded to a 1080, because the 2080 wasn't really necessary and the 1080 with a bit of overclocking still has decent graphics and good FPS at 2K. But I miss the DLAA now, so I wouldn't recommend it.
  10. Facetracking hatte ich vor 1,5 Jahren probiert, aber bin dann auf IR-Tracking umgestiegen, weil es viel verlässlicher funktioniert. Facetracking hatte damals bei mir dauernd das Tracking verloren, immer schön beim Umdrehen im Dogfight... Aber ich habe gelesen, dass es mittlerweile viel besser funktionieren soll mit weiterentwickelter Software. Man braucht aber schon ne gute Cam, damit das funktioniert.
  11. Pretty sure it was Glowing AMRAAM who produced the video?
  12. Just search for the name on Google, YouTube, etc. They've been doing this for many years apparently.
  13. Ich rechne auch mit DCS 3.0 und wahrscheinlich dem Switch auf Vulkan, vielleicht plant ED das als "Überraschung". Ansonsten kommt bald die F4 Phantom und dieses Jahr sind theoretisch einige Karten und Module geplant. Mal schauen, wann das alles rauskommt, aber im Gegensatz zu letztem Jahr, wo der Fokus mehr auf der Technik/Optik lag und bis auf Sinai und F-15 nicht wirklich was rauskam, ist in dem Video schon einiges in Aussicht. WW2 ist nicht meins, aber im Video liegt da ein großer Fokus drauf, ebenso cold war. Nur wenn dann nicht geliefert wird, wird das natürlich sehr enttäuschend. Man muss auch eigentlich mal den Fokus darauf legen, alles zu perfektionieren, was in den letzten Jahren so rauskam. Da gibt es immer noch (für meinen Geschmack) zu viele Bugs und Ungereimtheiten. Dass das Video "and beyond..." heißt, finde ich generell nicht so toll. Das macht das ganze schon vorab zu einer Generalausrede (wir haben es ja nur angekündigt...).
  14. Es wird sicher genug Mods geben, die alle anderen Versionen dann auch ermöglichen. Gibt es ja für das FC3 Modul aktuell auch schon. Leider kein einziges Bild mehr vom Eurofighter, somit ist der wahrscheinlich für absehbare Zeit Geschichte. Ein Tornado igendwann erscheint da realistischer...
  15. There already is a game in development, that has real life like graphics, called "Unrecord". When the footage was first released, nobody believed it was from a game. The developers had to prove that it's actually just a game. It's not gonna be available in VR, but my guess is that within 5-10 years maximum we'll have a lot of VR stuff with real life graphics, which is gonna be quite scary.
  16. Try SSS off, it's known to cause some troubles. Shadows also demand a lot in DCS, so lowering them might be helpful. Just try one by one and see what works and what doesn't. But my guess is your settings are too high for your hardware.
  17. It feels a bit like DCS aircraft don't have enough friction and inertia on the ground. That makes them susceptible to winds, but also they can roll and steer too fast, unlike in real life footage where you can see how heavy and hard to maneuver the jet is and how it bounces while taxiing. In DCS it feels too light and without any ground feedback, a bit like skating on ice. When taking off with a crosswind, it pushes you to the side very easily and the jet steers too much. But there was a topic on this recently, that lead to nothing:
  18. Try against F16, F14 with some altitude over flat terrain. BFM at low altitude in the hills makes them fly evasively so they can't gain the altitude. I can provide tracks if necessary, but so far I don't see any interest from ED in this topic (work in progress I guess). See also
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