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About MortalMando

  • Birthday 02/24/1985

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS exclusively

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  1. Recently I changed GPU to a 4090 and resolution + monitor to 4k. Although there is still a lag it is less noticeable. On some servers it seems to be a larger issue then on others. Although the initial video I posted to showcase the issue didnt have any units on the map.
  2. Im pretty sure it has something to do with the cooldown on the laser. It would be awesome if there would be some documentation from ED to see exactly how it is intended to be working. Also there is a issue with rippling off 2 Karens. 1 of the missles loses track and hits the ground on a regular basis (I wouldnt say always but very consistently, there was never a situation where both hit the target that I observed). Its a little like looking into a crystal ball never sure what behaviour is intended.
  3. Hey mate, much appreciated. We do what we can to show how interesting helo ops can be
  4. Never saw that before. Is there some combat damage causing the Abris RAM to fail?
  5. Please consider axis commands for shkval contrast and brightness. edit: nav-, formation-, anti coll-, blade tip lights are mission keybinds. Currently it’s one button with a on/off behavior. I would like to see either up, down or on - off with 2 buttons. That would be great guys.
  6. Sounds great for hostile targets but I fear there might be a lock on a lot of things then that are not even vehicles?
  7. There seems to be a recent bug with fix point aligning where the shark is unable to get data via the shkval method. It worked fine before the 2.9 cycle. The shkval is also unable to target lock the ground (street) at least in most of the cases. This was doable pre 2.9. please give this a look. I think providing a .miz might not be necessary because it is any file. I will provide one nevertheless if needed of cours. Thank you.
  8. As mentioned in the title: once the rotors over 60% rpm the rotor tip light become invisible for the player. I’m pretty sure that it’s invisible for other teammates as well. Take any dcs .miz it’s not working anywhere. im surprised this hasn’t been reported yet.
  9. Willkommen bei der Helldiver Chariot Company (HDCCOY), HDCCOY bedeutet Teamplay in DCS. Wir haben es uns als Redfor Helo Gruppe zur Aufgabe gemacht, ein schlagkräftiges Team aufzubauen, dass den Nachteil an Technik auf dem Gefechtsfeld durch Koordination wett macht. Dabei fliegen wir auf den meisten PvP Servern wie: Buddy Spike 80s, DDCS, ECW usw. Im PvE sind wir auch unterwegs, allerdings ist das nicht unser Schwerpunkt. Wir sind der Meinung, dass Spaß in DCS aus dem Zusammenwirken mit anderen Simpiloten, Immersion, Herausforderung und der Bereitschaft entsteht, sich im Team zu koordinieren. HDCCOY Platoons: 1st Platoon HERESY - KA50 2nd Platoon VIOLENCE - Mi24 3rd Platoon LIMBO - Mi8 Details: Sprache: deutsch/englisch Funk: englisch Mission time: 1930Z Training & Mission days: mehrere Was wir suchen sind: In erster Linie andere coole und erwachsene Leute, die Teil eines Teams werden wollen und Spaß daran haben Redfor Hubschrauber zu fliegen. Du solltest außerdem die Bereitschaft mitbringen, dein Wissen und deine "Pilot Technique" erweitern zu wollen. Die Erfahrung hat uns gezeigt, dass du auch mit weniger Flugstunden gut ins Team passen kannst, wenn du den richtigen Ehrgeiz mitbringst. Voraussetzungen: 18+ Jahre oder älter kein Mitglied in einem anderen Squadron Teilnahme an den Main Events (2/wo) Du bist in der Lage: deinen Hubscharuber aus dem "Cold & Dark" zu starten hover check und hover taxi durchzuführen Funkgeräte zu bedienen (SRS) eine Landeprozedur zu fliegen (Kneeboard wird bereit gestellt) Module (Maps): persian gulf sinai syria Module (Helo): KA-50/ Mi-24/ Mi-8 Solltest du den KA50 fliegen wollen, kann es von Vorteil sein auch eines der anderen Module zu fliegen. (Nicht notwendig) Wenn du dich durch unsere Vorstellung angesprochen fühlst oder du Fragen hast, schaue dich gerne auf unserer Webseite um oder check ein paar unserer Videos aus. Die Kontaktaufnahme findet über die Webseite statt. Wir freuen uns dich kennen zu lernen! Website: https://www.helldiver.org/ YouTube:
  10. Thank you for your interest in the team. Check your PM's.
  11. A few KA50 just left the factory with their new “Helldiver Woodland Camo” inspired by the Mi24 440th livery. All details included. The Maiden flight is planned for this month.
  12. @LuseKofte variety is cool if you consider yourself more of a lone wolf.
  13. Hey @_Defi cool that you are reaching out and thanks . We are not so much a group for beginners, simply because we try to focus on tactical implementation and integration of helo teams into the battlefield. Still if you need some help just generally to understand the helo, say hello on our discord. We could offer some advice that would have helped when we started and we generally have some cool guys around.
  14. Either way, I feel that it will be harder for redfor groups in dcs to compete in pvp servers with the other side. Releasing a lot of cool blue for jets and rotors would leave quite a mark on how other squadrons are organized. As a leader of a redfor helo group I hope to get at least a modernized version of anything that is out for us already. I wouldn’t even shy away to pay full price for an upgrade.
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