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  1. HI,zhe Type 003 is made by a chinese moder,here are the link https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16x421k7Ms/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=ba6a6abcbc00586dbc8f90401610bed4 ,you need to pay 10 USD to download,This mod is very excellent, the author took a year to complete, including the ejection function, as well as other Chinese navy
  2. Creating a Louisiana-class aircraft battleship MOD for F4U
  3. "I cannot log into my DCS account. I am unable to use Google Authenticator, but the login requires the verification code provided by Google Authenticator. I have already sent an email to support@digitalcombatsimulator.com, but have not received a response yet.
  4. I have the same issue. Is the problem with the collision lines resolved?
  5. I didn't make collision lines for the model, is that necessary?thank you
  6. My collision model is not functioning correctly,The model appears normal when viewed in ModeView2, but it clips through objects and the collision model does not work properly in the game.When the airplane is treated as a static object, the collision model seems to be working fine.I have bound the collision model to a parent skeleton and created an armature animation, and I'm unsure how to troublnulleshoot the issue any further.Is there anyone who knows what to do? Thank you.
  7. I have also encountered such a problem. Do you have any solution?
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