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Posts posted by 504Goon

  1. Your best speed for gaining altitude is about 130 km/hr, so go that fast and start climbing as soon as you take off and just keep climbing. Don't wait until you get to the mountain to start climbing. If you are getting power limit lights, you're pulling too much power. You don't need that much power to clear the mountains, just start climbing earlier. If you are close and can't get over the mountain, just climb in circles at 130 km/hr until you are high enough to clear it.


    Just a thought here.. Doesn't the HUD display ground speed instead of airspeed? Wouldn't you want to maintain 130km/h airspeed for the best climb rate, using the airspeed indicator?

  2. Hi mangaroca, that sking you used in the example is made by Brewber, and it's a 504th skin, so to answer your question, yes, it's for our squadrons use only, unless the artist decides to publish it for everyone else aswell.


    Here's couple of other skins by Brewber aswell..


    Again, with the 504th/487th logos on..:)

  3. It would have been far easier, and probably more lucrative, to do a console game, but we really wanted to do something unique and push some boundaries.


    It is truly great to have someone creating this detailed simulator for a very small group of people, compared to the regular gaming people. Big thank you for your effort, and i for one am looking very much forward to your future projects!

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  4. why is it so hard to understand for u that u put ur nose at the bandit as fast as possible. plz stop living in training exercises.

    In real life u dont know if ur Russian friend has a heater or not.

    (He probably do):) or are u taking the chance like the other guy in HL.



    There is no end to this discussion, Pilotasso U can continue to believe in F-16/F-15,

    strange enough that American air force chose to upgrade F-18 design to super hornet.


    ask u self Why not to super Eagle/super falcon :)?

    As someone has already pointed out, rate kills. So yes, you are 100% correct. And to maintaing the best possible turning rate your aircraft can offer you must do...what? :) And if the missiles are involved and you've spent all your smash in that best break turn you'll ever do and fire a low Pk shot, the other guy dumped flares pre-emptively and spoofed your missile..

  5. Actually, that's exactly what Goon said.


    Well, what i said was more like if the angles fighter loses all of his smash in the first break turn or from neutral position AND the other guy is smart enough to maintain his energy and goes vertical, the situation gets bad for the angles fighter. Must have been my english and lack of thinking while typing if you got the picture that my belief is that nose authority at slow speed isn't whats wanted. I do believe those matter the more the longer the fight lasts, but i also do believe that the longer it last the more difficult it is to compare aircraft because of different experience between the pilots.

  6. The old crusty Weapon School guys who flew the MiG-21 for CONSTANT PEG would hit the merge at 450 knots in their Fishbed against an F-15 or F-16, and the first thing they did was reef the jet into this huge break turn that bled away nearly all of their knots within about the first 180 degrees. There was no point in them conserving their knots because their strengths lay elsewhere.


    Interesting.. would the mig gain so much angles in the brake turn that it would force the other guy to expend significant amounts of his energy too in order to stay at least neutral? What i'm trying to say that if an energy fighter and angles fighter merge, and the latter expends a lot of his energy and does not get a snapshot, isn't the guy with more energy at advantage? Or will the angles fighter force the energy dude to use so much G too that he'll lose speed too?


    I know that BFM is not that simple, but again i'm just thinking about the very first couple of turns where the fighters would merge with the same energy..:)

  7. Actually, there are instances where a pilot will want to slow the fight down and use superior nose authority in order to get a guns tracking kill, snap shot or to intimidate his opponent with nose position.


    I knew someone was going to point this one out. I do realize the great benifits of high AoA capabilities when the fight starts to last a bit longer, especially if the fighters engage in flat scissors. I was talking about the beginning of the fight when the aircraft are fairly neutral. Pulling high AoA from the opposite side of the circle while the other guy is maintaining his corner would propably end up in disaster.


    I also understand that a hornet guy would not enjoy the situation with a viper pilot if the viper would maintain it's speed, but would do everything he could to get the viper guy to slow down. :)

  8. I'm pretty sure that no pilot will decide in a merge that he'll get slow to explore his superior high AoA regime. Because that is a bad choice. Rate kills, and that means staying in close proximity to corner speed. In BFM the guy with higher energy state in neutral positions will -always- have the advantage, no matter what. Sustained use of +25 or so units AoA will decrease the speed of the aircraft FAST, and that means loss of vertical maneouvring and loss of rate. And loss of options.


    oh, and not exactly my poem..:)

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