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About amido

  • Birthday 01/30/1974

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  • Flight Simulators
    falcon BMS
    DCS world
  • Location
    Porto Viro
  • Interests
    cockpit build

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  1. amido

    DCS 2.9

    io spero un ATC come quello di BMS, o almeno che si avvicini
  2. amido

    mfd coguar

    ti ho mandato pm
  3. amido

    mfd coguar

    ciao, vendi anche separatamente?
  4. ciao a tutti, io ho un x56 e vorrei prendere lo stick winwing. com'è? con il mio faccio una fatica bestiale a fare aar. vorrei sapere se ha laschi nei micro movimenti o se è preciso. grazie
  5. ok, thanks a lot, always a lot of help. I'll try and see if there are no problems. again thank you very much
  6. is it possible to make a single sketch for the commands of both 18 and 16?
  7. this is what i use with arduino leonardo #include <Joystick.h> void setup() { // Initialize Button Pins pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP); // Initialize Joystick Library Joystick.begin(); } // Costante che mappa il pin fisico sul pulsante del joystick. const int pinToButtonMap = 0; // Ultimo stato del pulsante int lastButtonState[10] = {0,0,0,0}; void loop() { // Read pin values for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++) { int currentButtonState = !digitalRead(index + pinToButtonMap); if (currentButtonState != lastButtonState[index]) { Joystick.setButton(index, currentButtonState); lastButtonState[index] = currentButtonState; } } delay(50); }
  8. hello, I use this to export the ifei via lua file. IFEI_init.lua
  9. it should be one of these or all three, I attach the image. I think it's the former but I'm not sure /*------------------------------------ Visualizzazione del numero dello scratchpad --------- ------------------------------------*/ void onUfcScratchpadNumberDisplayChange(char* newValue) { /* il tuo codice qui */ ScPad[2] = newValue; // Copia i numeri nell'array dello scratchpad nella terza posizione dell'array DisplayScrn(); // Chiama la funzione Display Screen } DcsBios::StringBuffer<8> ufcScratchpadNumberDisplayBuffer(0x7446, onUfcScratchpadNumberDisplayChange); /*----------------------------------- scratchpad visualizzazione della prima stringa --------- ---------------------------------*/ void onUfcScratchpadString1DisplayChange(char* newValue) { /* qui il tuo codice */ ScPad[0] = newValue; // Copia 1st chr nell'array dello scratchpad alla 1a posizione nell'array DisplayScrn(); // Chiama la funzione Display Screen } DcsBios::StringBuffer<2> ufcScratchpadString1DisplayBuffer(0x744e, onUfcScratchpadString1DisplayChange); /*----------------------------------- scratchpad visualizzazione seconda stringa --------- ---------------------------------*/ void onUfcScratchpadString2DisplayChange(char* newValue) { /* qui il tuo codice */ ScPad[1] = newValue; // Copia il secondo chr nell'array dello scratchpad alla seconda posizione nell'array DisplayScrn(); // Chiama la funzione Display Screen } DcsBios::StringBuffer<2> ufcScratchpadString2DisplayBuffer(0x7450, onUfcScratchpadString2DisplayChange);
  10. as you can see all but one work. Can anyone help me fix the arduino sketch?
  11. hello everyone, after a month of testing I managed to fix the UFC screens, but the only one I can't get to work is the screen where the radio frequency is indicated (central top) I am attaching the sketch to understand what is wrong #include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h> #include <splash.h> #define MUX_Address 0x70 // TCA9548A Encoders address #define DCSBIOS_IRQ_SERIAL #include "Wire.h" #include <U8glib.h> #include "DcsBios.h" Adafruit_SSD1306 oled(6); char* OpQue[5]; // Create Option Quing Global Array char* Dval[5]; // Create Option Display Global Array char* ScPad[3]; // Create Scratchpad Display Global Array char tmp_string[8]; // Temp string to convert numeric values to string before print to OLED display U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X32 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_FAST); // Fast I2C / TWI // Initialize I2C buses using TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer void tcaselect(uint8_t i2c_bus) { if (i2c_bus > return; Wire.beginTransmission(MUX_Address); Wire.write(1 << i2c_bus); Wire.endTransmission(); } /* paste code snippets from the reference documentation here */ /*------------------------------------ scratchpad number display --------------------------------------------*/ void onUfcScratchpadNumberDisplayChange(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ ScPad[2] = newValue; // Copy numbers into the scratchpad array at 3rd position in array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<8> ufcScratchpadNumberDisplayBuffer(0x7446, onUfcScratchpadNumberDisplayChange); /*----------------------------------- scratchpad 1st string display -----------------------------------------*/ void onUfcScratchpadString1DisplayChange(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ ScPad[0] = newValue; // Copy 1st chr into the scratchpad array at 1st position in array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<2> ufcScratchpadString1DisplayBuffer(0x744e, onUfcScratchpadString1DisplayChange); /*----------------------------------- scratchpad 2nd string display -----------------------------------------*/ void onUfcScratchpadString2DisplayChange(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ ScPad[1] = newValue; // Copy 2nd chr into scratchpad array at 2nd position in array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<2> ufcScratchpadString2DisplayBuffer(0x7450, onUfcScratchpadString2DisplayChange); /*---------------------------- Option Screen Displays ------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionDisplay1Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ Dval[0] = newValue; // Copy the option screen 1 data into screen array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function. Only needed a single // DisplayScrn() call as not all option screens will display // something when changed but option screen 1 ALWAYS changes } DcsBios::StringBuffer<4> ufcOptionDisplay1Buffer(0x7432, onUfcOptionDisplay1Change); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionDisplay2Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ Dval[1] = newValue; // Copy the option screen 2 data into screen array } DcsBios::StringBuffer<4> ufcOptionDisplay2Buffer(0x7436, onUfcOptionDisplay2Change); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionDisplay3Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ Dval[2] = newValue; // Copy the option screen 3 data into screen array } DcsBios::StringBuffer<4> ufcOptionDisplay3Buffer(0x743a, onUfcOptionDisplay3Change); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionDisplay4Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ Dval[3] = newValue; // Copy the option screen 4 data into screen array } DcsBios::StringBuffer<4> ufcOptionDisplay4Buffer(0x743e, onUfcOptionDisplay4Change); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionDisplay5Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ Dval[4] = newValue; // Copy the option screen 5 data into screen array } DcsBios::StringBuffer<4> ufcOptionDisplay5Buffer(0x7442, onUfcOptionDisplay5Change); /*--------------------------- Option Queing 1 -----------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionCueing1Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ OpQue[0] = newValue; // Copy option 1 select value to option que array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<1> ufcOptionCueing1Buffer(0x7428, onUfcOptionCueing1Change); /*--------------------------- Option Queing 2 -----------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionCueing2Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ OpQue[1] = newValue; // Copy option 2 select value to option que array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<1> ufcOptionCueing2Buffer(0x742a, onUfcOptionCueing2Change); /*--------------------------- Option Queing 3 -----------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionCueing3Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ OpQue[2] = newValue; // Copy option 3 select value to option que array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<1> ufcOptionCueing3Buffer(0x742c, onUfcOptionCueing3Change); /*--------------------------- Option Queing 4 -----------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionCueing4Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ OpQue[3] = newValue; // Copy option 4 select value to option que array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<1> ufcOptionCueing4Buffer(0x742e, onUfcOptionCueing4Change); /*--------------------------- Option Queing 5 -----------------------------------*/ void onUfcOptionCueing5Change(char* newValue) { /* your code here */ OpQue[4] = newValue; // Copy option 5 select value to option que array DisplayScrn(); // Call the Display Screen function } DcsBios::StringBuffer<1> ufcOptionCueing5Buffer(0x7430, onUfcOptionCueing5Change); /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The option queing changes are the " : " chr on the displays. The DisplayScrn() function needs to be called for each queing change as you are updating a Oled with data from 2 sources. You need to write the option queing value & the Display value together, if you just write the option queing value then that is all that will show on the Oled. ------------------------------ Setup Displays etc -----------------------------*/ void setup() { // Setup Starts DisplayInit(); // Initialize the displays function for the first time DcsBios::setup(); // Setup DCS specific functions } // Setup ends /*--------------------- Initialize the Displays Function ---------------------------------*/ void DisplayInit(){ // start of function for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Start of for loop to option & scratchpad screens // 0 is scratchpad 1-5 are option screens 6 and 7 is comm1 and comm2 tcaselect(i); // selects the multiplexer output for a screen starting // at 0 indexing to next screen each time through loop do { } while( u8g.nextPage() ); } // end of for loop } // end of function /* -------------------------- Main Program Loop From Here --------------------------------*/ void loop() { // Start Main Program Loop DcsBios::loop(); // run DCS Bios } // End Main Program Loop /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void DisplayScrn(void) { // start of main display function for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Start of for loop to display option screens tcaselect(i+1); // Select each connected Option display on the I2C buses // " 0 " is scratchpad display hence " i+1 " to index onto the // correct bus for each Option Display screen u8g.firstPage(); do { u8g.setFont(u8g_font_helvB18); // standard nice size font for displays u8g.drawStr( 0,25,OpQue[i]); // Option selection value displayed u8g.drawStr( 15,25,Dval[i]); // Option choices displayed } while( u8g.nextPage() ); } // End of for loop to display option screens } // end of main display function u8g.begin();// Initialize displays u8g.setFont(u8g_font_helvB18); // standard nice size font for displays
  12. ok, I'm almost there, I just have to figure out how to insert the central display of the comms.
  13. thanks lesthegrngo I will try by modifying your code, I hope to succeed
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