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About Xeno426

  • Birthday August 30

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  • Flight Simulators
    Black Shark 2, Flaming Cliffs 3, A-10C, F-14A/B, JF-17, F/A-18C
  • Location
    11th Province of Canada
  • Interests
    BattleTech, Chemistry

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  1. Sure, here you go. This is based off 2.01 version of High Digit SAM mod. It's kind of a hack job, but if you flare the FIM-43 and 9M38M will almost always miss. Without flaring, they still tend to miss. The Blowpipe just almost always misses, but it's immune to countermeasures. So that's nice, I guess. Extra HDS Units.7z
  2. It might be time to update your DCS version...
  3. Here's the changes I made. Added some gun pods, added some more controls to the joystick options, added some weapons to the A-29 selection. Couldn't figure out how to get the gun pods to use different sounds, though. A-29B changes.zip
  4. So, I figured out how to get the guns to shoot in controlled bursts. I now have a working Giat 20mm cannon pod working, using the AKAN gun pod as a model stand-in for the NC 621. I noticed there's no LODs. As an interim, I used some of the FW 190D's LODs for distances greater than 1.5km. Seems to work fine. Can't seem to figure out why the chaff and flare pop out of the pilot's head. It doesn't seem to be respecting my adjustments to the position.
  5. See the previous page. Someone already posted fixed files.
  6. I didn't edit them, an acquaintance did. He just opened up the files, set the alpha channel to "1", and saved them again (with mipmaps). That fixed the issue.
  7. I posted some fixed livery files over on the A-29B thread. https://forum.dcs.world/topic/265017-a-29-super-tucano/?do=findComment&comment=5396149
  8. Yeah, the {AIM-9L-ON-ADAPTER} is the AIM-9 the aircraft should use, along with 9M or whatever other variant is desired. Have to wonder about how realistic the CBU-97 is for the A-29B. Seems the CBU-87 is closer to the BLG-252.
  9. I tried the HIPEG (from A-4C mod), GIAT M261, and FN 400 (last two from the Gazelle). I even created a Giat NC 261 pod (using the AKAN model). The issue is that the guns cannot be selected. There's no code for changing guns in the GUNS weapon mode. Best I can think of is to add them to the rocket code like you did the AGM-65 and APKWS. I added various rockets because we've been using aircraft like this and the OV-10 over in some AirGoon missions where there's incentive to use simpler, older aircraft and munitions to do the job (it's a mercenaries campaign, smart weapons are expensive). Stuff like different smoke rockets are very useful, as are illumination rockets. Oh, and I changed the AGM-65E reference to {F16A4DE0-116C-4A71-97F0-2CF85B0313EC}, since that one includes the launch rail. Did the same to the AIM-9 entries, so they're on the proper launch rail as well. EDIT Well, I tried setting it up as a rocket launcher, and a single press will fire all the rounds. No way to get it to stop.
  10. Oh, woops. Try this link instead. https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/qlgt5i1uat4qp16/Fixed_Liveries.7z/file
  11. Can confirm, that's 100% the issue. We edited the liveries to set the alpha to 1 and it fixed the issue. If you get a weird issue where the darkened side (facing away from a light source) gets black super fast, that's just the roughmet having the same bug. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FTNja5nL0ciM7uIc13ZNMsc-5L-wAjv9&usp=drive_fs That's a link to a bunch of fixed livery files. Hopefully the creators will fix them up later. Second seat does not work. Very nice, thanks. You can probably expand this to include more rocket pod options. I went and added all LAU-68 and LAU-3 variants, plus added in all the Matra F4 pods as stand-ins for the SBAT-70 pods. I tried adding gun pods, but those don't work. Sad. I can share if with you if you want to include it with yours in an update.
  12. I've been attempting to create several extra warhead types for the Zuni, basing it off the existing Zuni values. While the HEAT and smoke rounds work fine, I've found the illumination rounds to be confounding. So far I've got something that doesn't crash the game on startup, but other rockets on the aircraft won't fire and trying to shoot the illumination rockets crashes the game without any obvious errors in the log. Though on startup, it gives me an odd error in the logs. ALERT wInfo (Main): While loading weapons.nurs.ZUNI_MK33_OV10: Error while loading ./Scripts/Database/Weapons/schemes/rockets/nurs-light.sch: Parameter not defined: launcher.server Here's the current code I've got for the illumination rockets. local LocStr = { mm = _("mm"), PodZones = _("Pod Zones"), Type = _("Type"), UnGdRkts = _("UnGd Rkts"), HE = _("HE/FRAG"), HEAT = _("HEAT"), ILUM = _("IL"), SMKWT = _("Smk Wht"), WP = _("Wht Phos"), RP = _("Rd Phos"), SMKRD = _("Smk Rd"), MK33_name = _("Zuni MK 33 IL"), MK34Mod0_name = _("Zuni MK 34 WP"), MK34Mod2_name = _("Zuni MK 34 RP"), MK32_name = _("Zuni MK 32 ATAP"), MK33_name_sh = _("Zuni Mk.33"), MK34Mod0_name_sh = _("Zuni Mk.34Mod0"), MK34Mod2_name_sh = _("Zuni Mk.34Mod2"), MK32_name_sh = _("Zuni Mk.32"), } local LAU10_mass_empty = 47.6 local LAU10_cx = 0.001708984375 local ZuniFM = { I = 27.744, L = 2.4, Ma = 0.50851, Mw = 3.28844, caliber = 0.13, cx_coeff = { 1, 1.5, 0.68, 0.7, 1.75 }, freq = 7, mass = 57.8, rail_open = false, shapeName = "zuni", wind_sigma = 10, wind_sigma_z_coeff = 1, wind_time = 2.1, } local Mk71Mod0 = { boost_factor = 1, boost_tail = 1, boost_time = 0, fuel_mass = 24.5, impulse = 205, nozzle_orientationXYZ = { { 0, 0, 0 } }, nozzle_position = { { -1, 0, 0 } }, smoke_color = { 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 }, smoke_transparency = 0.1, tail_width = 0.13, work_tail = 1, work_time = 1.4, length = 1.94, total_mass = 36.1, } ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO = { category = CAT_BOMBS, name = "ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO", user_name = _("Zuni Flare"), wsTypeOfWeapon = {4, 5, 49, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER}, --{wsType_Weapon, wsType_Bomb, wsType_Bomb_Lighter, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER}, class_name = "wAmmunition_viHeavyObject", scheme = "bomb-light-2", model = "s-8_om_parashut", type = 2, mass = 3.17, hMin = 25, hMax = 2000, VyHold = -50, Ag = -5, fm = { mass = 3.17, caliber = 0.13, cx_coeff = {1, 0.39, 0.38, 0.236, 1.31}, L = 0.237, I = 1 / 12 * 3.17 * 0.237 ^ 2, Ma = 0.68, Mw = 5.6, chute_diam = 0.64, chute_Cx = 3, chute_open_time = 1, chute_Ma = -1, chute_Mw = 5, chute_Kmx = 1, wind_sigma = 0, }, light = { start_time = 2, duration = 70, light_position = {0.225, 0, 0}, light_color = {0.55, 0.55, 0.55 * 0.8}, light_attenuation = 675, -- * 3 ! smoke_position = {0.225, 0, 0}, smoke_color = {0.952, 0.952, 0.952}, smoke_transparency = 200 / 255, smoke_width = 1, }, anim_constraints = { main_chute_min_arg_val = 0.8, lead_chute_min_arg_val = -1 }, anim_constraints_check_delay = { delay_par = 1 }, lead_chute_draw_arg_anim = { K_t = 2 }, shape_table_data = {{ file = "s-8_om_parashut", username = "ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO", index = WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, }}, targeting_data = { char_time = 20.5 } } declare_weapon(ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO) ZUNI_MK33_XENO = { --traditional rocket setup category = CAT_ROCKETS, name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", user_name = _(LocStr.MK33_name), display_name = LocStr.MK33_name, display_name_short = LocStr.MK33_name_sh, scheme = "nurs-light", class_name = "wAmmunitionNURS", model = "zuni", mass = Mk71Mod0.total_mass + 20.8, wsTypeOfWeapon = {4, 7, 33, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER}, cx_pil = 0.00016444708447773, shape_table_data = { { name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", file = "zuni", life = 1, fire = {0, 1}, username = LocStr.MK33_name, index = WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, }, }, control = { delay = 15.1 }, Launcher = { ammunition = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, ammunition_name = "ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO", delay = 15.1, }, dist_max = 5000, dist_max_ballistic = 8000, dist_min = 1000, max_TOF = 15.5, -- exaggerated a bit to avoid AI overshooting the target due to non-instant deceleration of the flare element properties = { dist_min = 1000, -- min range, meters dist_max = 5000, -- max range, meters dist_max_ballistic = 8000, max_TOF = 15.5, -- exaggerated a bit to avoid AI overshooting the target due to non-instant deceleration of the flare element }, fm = ZuniFM, engine = Mk71Mod0, } declare_weapon(ZUNI_MK33_XENO) declare_loadout({ category = CAT_ROCKETS, CLSID = "{LAU10_MK33_XENO}", wsTypeOfWeapon = ZUNI_MK33_XENO.wsTypeOfWeapon, attribute = {4, 7, 32, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER}, Count = 4, Cx_pil = LAU10_cx, Picture = "LAU10.png", displayName = "LAU-10 pod - 4 x " .. ", 127" .. LocStr.mm .. " ZUNI, " .. LocStr.UnGdRkts .. " MK 71, ".. LocStr.ILUM, Weight = LAU10_mass_empty + 4 * ZUNI_MK33_XENO.mass, Elements = { { ShapeName = "LAU-10" , IsAdapter = true}, --rockets itself { ShapeName = "zuni", Position = {0.1, 0.049, 0.072} }, { ShapeName = "zuni", Position = {0.1, 0.049, -0.073} }, { ShapeName = "zuni", Position = {0.1, -0.095, 0.072} }, { ShapeName = "zuni", Position = {0.1, -0.095, -0.073} }, }, JettisonSubmunitionOnly = false, }) I've tried adding explicit entries for both Client and Server, but that hasn't had any effect either. Though it does have the advantage of not causing crashes when trying to fire: it just doesn't fire at all. ZUNI_MK33_XENO = { --traditional rocket setup category = CAT_ROCKETS, name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", user_name = _(LocStr.MK33_name), display_name = LocStr.MK33_name, display_name_short = LocStr.MK33_name_sh, class_name = "wAmmunitionNURS", model = "zuni", mass = Mk71Mod0.total_mass + 20.8, wsTypeOfWeapon = {4, 7, 33, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER}, cx_pil = 0.00016444708447773, client = { category = 3, class_name = "wAmmunitionNURS", control = { delay = 15 }, displayName = LocStr.MK33_name, display_name_short = LocStr.MK33_name_sh, engine = Mk71Mod0, fm = ZuniFM, launcher = { ammunition = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, ammunition_name = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, server = 0, }, model = "zuni", name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", properties = { dist_max = 5000, dist_min = 2000, max_TOF = 15.1 }, scheme = "nurs-light", shape_table_data = { { name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", file = "zuni", life = 1, fire = {0, 1}, username = LocStr.MK33_name, index = WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, } }, user_name = _(LocStr.MK33_name), wsTypeOfWeapon = { 4, 7, 33, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER } }, server = { category = 3, class_name = "wAmmunitionNURS", control = { delay = 15 }, displayName = LocStr.MK33_name, display_name_short = LocStr.MK33_name_sh, engine = Mk71Mod0, fm = ZuniFM, launcher = { ammunition = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, ammunition_name = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, server = 1, }, model = "zuni", name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", properties = { dist_max = 5000, dist_min = 2000, max_TOF = 15.1 }, scheme = "nurs-light", shape_table_data = { { name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", file = "zuni", life = 1, fire = {0, 1}, username = LocStr.MK33_name, index = WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, } }, user_name = _(LocStr.MK33_name), wsTypeOfWeapon = { 4, 7, 33, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER } }, shape_table_data = { { name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", file = "zuni", life = 1, fire = {0, 1}, username = LocStr.MK33_name, index = WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, }, }, control = { delay = 15.1 }, Launcher = { ammunition = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, ammunition_name = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, delay = 15.1, server = { category = 3, class_name = "wAmmunitionNURS", control = { delay = 15 }, displayName = LocStr.MK33_name, display_name_short = LocStr.MK33_name_sh, engine = Mk71Mod0, fm = ZuniFM, launcher = { ammunition = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, ammunition_name = ZUNI_MK33_FLARE_XENO, server = 1, }, model = "zuni", name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", properties = { dist_max = 5000, dist_min = 2000, max_TOF = 15.1 }, scheme = "nurs-light", shape_table_data = { { name = "ZUNI_MK33_XENO", file = "zuni", life = 1, fire = {0, 1}, username = LocStr.MK33_name, index = WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER, } }, user_name = _(LocStr.MK33_name), wsTypeOfWeapon = { 4, 7, 33, WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER } }, }, dist_max = 5000, dist_max_ballistic = 8000, dist_min = 1000, max_TOF = 15.5, -- exaggerated a bit to avoid AI overshooting the target due to non-instant deceleration of the flare element properties = { dist_min = 1000, -- min range, meters dist_max = 5000, -- max range, meters dist_max_ballistic = 8000, max_TOF = 15.5, -- exaggerated a bit to avoid AI overshooting the target due to non-instant deceleration of the flare element }, fm = ZuniFM, engine = Mk71Mod0, } declare_weapon(ZUNI_MK33_XENO) Has anyone else been successful at creating their own illumination flares or rockets? It'd be nice to look at something that works to compare and see where I've gone wrong.
  13. I'd actually argue those tags should go at the end of the name so that the unit shows up in the proper alphabetical order in the ME drop-down list. While the display_name and username fields determine what it shows up in the game, the "name" field and the unit's entry name determine where it shows up in the drop-down list. Quite a few mods don't do this and that's why stuff like the OV-10 appears before the C-130 entry in the ME list rather than after the Mirage 2000.
  14. Sure thing. This includes updated lua files that try to add all the weapons it has. Some parts are commented out because they lack appropriate animation arguments or connectors. Most of them include comments for what the ideal name/argument would be to allow the item to work correctly. Given the size (and detail) of these models, it would be *very* helpful if we could get some simplified LOD models of the ships. WWII Japanese Yamato Class.7z
  15. Very cool. Feel free to use those Yamato/Musashi files I posted. I also updated the current version with some custom sounders. I can share it if you want.
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