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About davidp57

  • Birthday 01/26/1973

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Metz, France
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  1. Hello, We regularily have our dedicated servers randomly quit the mission with this error message in a dialog box (meaning that, additionnaly, we need to connect to the remote server to click on the button): The last error in the log (with no other error or context linked to it) is: ERROR ASYNCNET (12668): The session has expired (401). Exiting... This is not related to the latest version, we've been having this behavior since a few weeks/months. We started a log of the date and time it happens. Can you please help us? We've got 4 servers up, and a specific one that can be used to test. Cheers, Zip.
  2. Ditto, in VR too, please remove this effect or at least make it optional!
  3. And that would work very well in multiplayer, too
  4. Thank you for the F-4E export script and profile. Here's a nice icon for this plane on your Streamdecks:
  5. Nope, and I stopped looking a few years ago. Sorry!
  6. That's not true anymore. Since a few months/years it works now
  7. Done; I merged the conflicting file and did a new commit. https://github.com/asherao/DCS-ExportScripts/pull/13/
  8. And I made another one to optimize the AH64D export (changed my life, this one); see this post by my friend Ian.
  9. Oh my, sorry Bailey I forgot that we were hijacking your thread ^^ Your repository should be the master, you're the one who reignited this torch. I don't know why I chose to fork S-D-A as your repo is more active. I'll change this.
  10. The "legacy" Git repositories for DCSExportScripts are now almost dead - they rarely update - and the one I chose to fork (S-D-A) has not seen any updates for 4 years. Don't you think it's time to start a new repo, or designate one (maybe ExoLight's, which seems on the bleeding edge) as the "master of masters"? Is there a more up-to-date "official" repo?
  11. Thanks. You may also want to change the index (for the UFC screen data) to 9 instead of 8, as in PILOT_UFCa(ExportScript.Tools.getListIndicatorValue(9)) I've done it in my fork.
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