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Everything posted by Settingz85

  1. I found this workaround on an inofficial "MS Vista" Forum. Works for me on Win7 64bit. No deleting or renaming of registry Files needed.
  2. Hi all, just want to jump in here as i have the same "Cannot open debriefing file"-crash. I have found out, that this crash always comes up after i have send windows into standby/energy saving mode. A fresh windows restart and everything runs fine again.
  3. Iam still using my old MSFF-wheel pedals for rudder which works fine. I was hoping i could use the twist axis from X52 stick for left/right wheel brakes. So far i configured the twist axis as a directional axis with the saitek profile editor and assigned the buttons for left/right wheelbrake, which is Lctrl+a and Lalt+a. But im not really satisfied with the results. Overall i was misunderstanding your post, as i was believing you were talking about one axis for two functions. edit: I use rotary knob on X52 for non individual wheelbrake
  4. Hi i was trying the same thing but dcs wont allow me to sign one axis to left and right wheelbrake. How did u solve this?
  5. Yes, it happend during multiplayer and i´m 100%sure it did happened. But if its already known this thread can be closed. I was trying to reproduce this bug but for some reason the three position switch did its job.
  6. Hi all, dont know if it has been mentioned before but the landing/taxi light seems bugged to me. Once it has been deployed and lit up u cannot fully retract it. The three way switch is set to retract but on external view it is still deployed while the light itself is off. I can upload screenshots/track if u like. best wishes for weekend
  7. Holy sh***, now do this in DCS http://www.chilloutzone.net/video/bei-wellengang-landen.html
  8. Yes, "Spiegel" is a kind of gutter press. Thats why i placed this threat in "Chit-Chat" :music_whistling:
  9. Goodbye A-10 ?? From german newspaper: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/sparzwang-usa-planen-kleinste-armee-seit-dem-zweiten-weltkrieg-a-955276.html In short: USA want to cut their military Budget. A-10 fleet may be shut down. "Auch die Luftwaffe wird von den Sparmaßnahmen stark betroffen sein. So soll die Flotte der A-10-Kampfflugzeuge komplett stillgelegt werden. Die noch zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges entwickelten Jets spielen in zukünftigen Planungen des Pentagon keine Rolle mehr. Auch die U-2-Spionageflugzeuge sollen wegfallen und von der ferngesteuerten "Global Hawk" ersetzt werden." Google translator: "Also, the Air Force will be greatly affected by the austerity measures. So the fleet of A-10 warplanes to be completely shut down. The developed even during the Cold War Jets no longer play a role in future planning of the Pentagon. The U-2 spy planes should be omitted and replaced by the remote-controlled "Global Hawk"."
  10. Danke für eure schnelle Hilfe und Tipps. Ich werde mich heut abend ein wenig mit der lua geschichte beschäftigen. Bin mal gespannt mit welchen Ergebnissen. Gruss
  11. Hallo zusammen, ich wollte mich ein wenig in die Thematik des LUA export einarbeiten. Dabei habe ich mich zunächst an folgenden Beitrag orientiert http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/dev_journal/lua-export/#11 Leider endete dort auch schon alles, da ich die in dem Beitrag beschriebenen Ordner nicht finden kann. Beispiel: "Spieler können Daten aus DCS extrahieren und zusätzlich Eingabefehle nach DCS durch ein spezielles Script welches sich unter Config\Export\Export.lua befindet" Leider exisitiert kein Ordner namens "Export" Unter dem Pfad DCS/Scripts kann ich jedoch die gesuchte Export.lua finden. In dieser steht unter anderem "-- Please, set EnableExportScript = true in the Config/Export/Config.lua file -- to activate this script!" Auch diese Datei/Ordner kann ich nicht finden. Weiter noch... "--- All user modifications should go to $HOME\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Export.lua" Auch dort befindet sich kein Ordner namens "Scripts". Daher die Frage/n: Ist folgende beschreibung noch aktuell (http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/dev_journal/lua-export/#11)?? Muss ich eventuell fehlende Ordner oder Unterordner selber erstellen und die Export.Lua dorhin kopieren?? Wo befinded sich die Datei Config.Lua?? allen ein schönes Wochenende
  12. Mk82´s are dumb bombs. Try to engange at a lower altitude. CBU´s always drift away because of wind effects. Set HoF to a lower value, like 500feet.
  13. Hello Flightsimmers, I just did a complete new installation of BS1 (for activating BS2-upgrade). Through the process of installation i unchecked the "create shortcut" and "create start-menu icon" box. Now i have the little problem, that i cant find an *.exe or *.bat file for starting BS1. Can anyone help me out and tell me where to find the starting *.exe so i can activate/run BS1, please. *edit: found it! its in .../bin/stable You can delete this post if u like
  14. Hi all, just had a small issue about the FoV. I set the limits for FoV to 90 degree (DCSWorld\Config\View\View.LUA - edited with notepad++), which always works fine in SP. But for some unknown reason it does not always work in MP. Yesterday it worked fine (104th server), but today the set Limits seemed to be ignored (=GROF=-server). How can i force to always use my set FoV limits? This is not a 1.2.3 issue. It happend in earlier versions too. wishes
  15. I agree. Just tried MP several times always with same results as v2tec. One disconnect after another. Some players warp around or kill each other while starting up the hog. This is very very dissapointing.
  16. Läuft die FPS anzeige überhaupt? Also wenn die Tastenbelegung auf default steht. Bei mir tut sie es nämlich schon seit etlichen Versionen nicht mehr.
  17. Einen speziellen Händler kenn ich zwar nicht, aber versuchs doch mal in der Bucht oder bei @m@z0n (sry für die schreibweise, aber ich will keine Werbung machen ;) ). Nimm schon mal nen riesen batzen Kohle in die Hand, denn billig wirds nicht. Platz bräuchte man dann auch noch. Achja...Software diesbezüglich ist Mangelware. Kenn zwar eine, welche angeblich Lockon unterstützt aber höchstwahrscheinlich nicht World. Mit ein wenig know-how bezüglich der LUA-scripts und man kann sich die nötigen Daten aus World herausziehen. Wenn man dann noch C++ oder andere programmiersprachen kann dürfte es klappen, vorausgesetzt Flugsimulatoren sind relativ frei programmierbar. Aber ich denke die Chancen sind relativ gering. schönen gruß noch mir fällt grad noch was ein. such mal in der Bucht nach Rock´n´Ride Simulatoren (oder so ähnlich). Angeblich kann man die schon für einige hundert Euro schießen, allerdings scheinen diese R´n´R Stühle nicht besonder toll zu sein. Falls du es dennoch mit dem Simulator wirklich durchziehen willst lohnt sich vorab ein Besuch auf "x-simulator.de" oder "x-sim.de"
  18. Im not a pro in this game, but i always did a steep dive when using CCIP. When bombing in level flight i prefer to use CCRP.
  19. Hi all, had a weird Bug yesterday. I joined a server (think it was a STP-server) with a mission, in which ships were placed. A few minutes after joining i lost connection for some unknown reason. So i quickly joined another server (another STP-server). The first thing i did, is to take a look at the map (F10 view)to check for frequencies. This is were the ghost ship appered. The seem to be the same ships like on the server i joined before and they were clickable(screenshot has been added).I couldnt find them in external view so i guess they only appeard on the map. BTW both server ran different missions. I can upload a track if u like.
  20. Hi, i have almost the same problem since 1.2.1. The only different is, that the a-10 explodes right after unpausing the sim and i cant click the exit button. Windows Task manager is the only way to stop the sim. Reinstall the a-10 module and then using the repair function didnt help me out. Now im trying to reinstall "world". If this still doesnt help, i redownload everything again. btw: BS2 runs fine edit: Complete reinstall solved the problem.
  21. I have the same issue since i installed this mod. Beside smoke looks like squares now. Could the "better fire&smoke" mod cause this? Which file of this visibility mod is the newest one and does work without this missing texture thing?
  22. Just flew on STP VIII and 104th´s Server. I have no Cities on both of them. Before i copied High.scn3(see first post)no trees as well. I guess they are running low scene. Can Someone confirm this? Trees are now being drawn again. Integrity did not fail.
  23. Thanks for all replys. At least i have trees back and so far no integrity problems. But i am still testing.
  24. Yes, i heard of this. Many server run low scene to safe performance. But is there any way to force my Computer to use high scene? I could solve this issue in BS1 and had no problems.
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