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Everything posted by SharpeXB

  1. Yes this behavior seems too odd to be realistic. Yet I’ve never seen this acknowledged by ED or any SME. A real aircraft that behaved this way would seem very dangerous to operate.
  2. You can use the Save and Load profile function to copy controls setups from one module to another. These need to be general commands of course like pitch, roll, wheel brakes etc. This will also copy the response curves as well. So for example you could set up your rudder pedals with the rudder and toe brakes plus any response curves. Save that and then load it into any module. The same will work for the stick with pitch and roll etc. Any of the general commands and things like zoom view will work.
  3. It’s possible to move the pilots head up and down with TrackIR running. If I recall the key command is RShift+RCtrl+Num8 or Num5
  4. Culprit was a defective CPU. Replacing that fixed the problem.
  5. It’s an easy fix. Just find your new device IDs by pressing a controller button for each one in the menu to assign a command. That will generate the lua. Then just copy and paste those file names containing the ID onto your old device .lua files.
  6. I don’t know of any other or better head tracking device than TrackIR. Tobii is a bit different as it’s actually face and eye tracking. Many people seem to get good results from both. I’ve never used anything but TrackIR so I can’t speak for other options. My guess is that wearing sensors is just inherently more accurate.
  7. Have you tried the view setting where you can see the lights location on the camera? Then set the camera angle so they’ll be in the center. I have a fairly large screen but don’t have any trouble with getting it aligned.
  8. This is where I’ve seen this recently. It’s the first question asked here. Sure there are many ways that statistic could be described. I would take this response at face value. He says “players” and that they’ve never been online. So it’s not about playtime hours or anything else. I assume they have a way of determining who a “player” is besides simply someone who downloaded the free game.
  9. ED has stated several time that 90% of the players have never been online in MP. The survey no doubt reflects his subscribers and not the player base in general.
  10. I have to imagine it’s possible. Anything is possible with enough effort. But a simple cheap twist joystick would be so much easier. A gamepad does work really well for the TEDAC. The biggest problem I would have with a gamepad is the inverted Y-axis since I used them a lot for FPS games. That’s a reflex you can’t unlearn
  11. Yes it looks like this guy uses one. Maybe he has a guide somewhere.
  12. I’ve been instructed in the past not to run as Administrator.
  13. Actually what Save and Load Profile does is allow you to load a configuration from one module to another. They’d have to be universal commands for it to work well. For example you could assign toe brakes and response curves to your rudder pedals and load them into any module from one to another.
  14. Every stick has maybe a bit of play or looseness in its springs etc. Mine is a bit worn but the sensors are still good. That wiggle room is about all I move it when connected. I think having a very light spring is a good thing. If a stick has this as adjustable that’s something to try. Same with the throttle, mine is very light and I can just touch it to move it back and forth. It’s not a matter of somehow finding the right position, you move it tiny bits like your foot on the gas pedal in your car.
  15. Yeah I had this down so well I could sleep through it. And then the new FM was a bit of a WTF wake up. But a little retuning is all it takes. Possibly increasing the curve a tiny bit might help depending on the controller and mine are old and spikey, I don’t think dead zones help though.
  16. Sorry, I’ll refrain from being negative about these things. Tippis has been on my ignore list for a long time and I don’t respond to him. 

  17. Oh they could look a lot better in 2D. The performance impact could just be handled with a graphics setting.
  18. The features of other games aren’t relevant to DCS
  19. You can fly missions using unlimited fuel if you’re not confident in being able to AAR. That doesn’t prevent you from attempting it or practicing during the mission. Finding the tanker with the TACAN is not the part of this training that requires so many hours to master. Again you come across like someone who doesn’t know what this involves or how to train at it But see that’s exactly what AAR training involves. Many many hours spent in a “mini game” quick mission flying formation on a tanker.
  20. How does seeing your aircraft fill with fuel 1000 yards from the tanker have any training value? It just doesn’t. And those other steps like finding the tanker aren’t the part people have trouble with and require all the practice. Honestly it seems like you don’t know how to do AAR. Perhaps you should learn how before trying to come up with suggestions to help train at it. Almost like unlimited fuel. Many servers discourages things that result in reckless gameplay. Easy access to fuel would certainly be one of those things.
  21. You can practice getting closer and closer and steadier without your plane magically filling up. That doesn’t have any training value. It would absolutely affect the gameplay since it’s almost akin to giving everyone unlimited fuel. Easy effortless hockey stops at the tanker “fill-up zone” and running around the game on burners. Plus it would act as a noob magnet. It’s a challenge to keep servers free of team killing noobs crashing their planes into each other taking off down taxiways and such.
  22. Seeing your plane magically fill with gas 1,000 yards from the tanker from a giant sized basket or a 1,000’ long probe has no value in training anyone. People would certainly want it disabled online. That’s another reason there’s no point in having it.
  23. Game flight mode is gone. Or in the process of being removed. I don’t think it exists anymore. You can practice right now without any additional aids. Why do you need the plane to magically fill with fuel? How does that help? It doesn’t. That’s why this suggestion never makes sense.
  24. There are already aids and workarounds for this. AAR just isn’t an obstacle like you’re making it out to be.
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