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About Desuetude

  • Birthday 01/01/1977

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  • Location
    West Coast USA
  1. I've been having that problem too. Setting exclusive is fine for now as DCS is the only trackIR title I'm playing at the moment, but it used to work without that.
  2. I agree, coming to the F18 after the A10. They say the second plane is always harder to learn but the A10 HOTAS just works so well!
  3. I was having issues with this in the Operation Piercing Fury campaign where targets are placed on top of buildings. Lasing AAA units on the roof still put the mark point on the ground beyond the building.
  4. What I remember worked for me was to leave the HOTAS throttle maxed and then use the keyboard commands to reduce one throttle to idle. Default for left engine is LAlt + LWin + Num-
  5. I finally passed it when I held down the weapons release button for a couple of seconds. I remember you will hear an audible cue like "two away." There is also a file you can edit to skip a mission in a campaign - I think I saw that in the Blackshark forum.
  6. I passed this time, getting a success call at TGT 2 after only destroying the SKP-11. Previously I had only destroyed the Sborka. At TGT 2 the mission data lists the Sborka as the primary but the triggers seem to react to the SKP-11 as the primary. Thanks for your response,
  7. After hitting both primary targets the instructor says to refuel but I get a knock it off as I leave the range as the tanker is outside of the training range. Second time I tried contacting the tanker prior to leaving the range but still got the same failure. Any suggestions? Thanks,
  8. For the record I was having trouble with the AFT05 illumination flare mission as well but once I held down the weapons release button for an extra second over each target I got my Q.
  9. I just finished the campaign and enjoyed it. I could figure out what needed to be done, though I did have to replay a couple of missions because of missed triggers when I didn't fly over the right spot. My advice would be to navigate using the radio beacons and not use the Doppler navigation based on heading and distances that are in the briefings. While overall narrative quality and dynamism is not as high quality as the included campaign (however I saw the English mistranslations as interesting flavor) it includes some skills that weren't in "Spring Tension" like sling-loading, radio navigation, and bombing. While there's room for improvement I think if you like flying the Mi-8 you'll like this campaign.
  10. Did you expend all your bombs? It seems like the mission progresses after the last bomb lands. The first time I only destroyed one building and got a mission failure, the second I destroyed two of the three and the mission continued with the Mi-24s mopping up and the assault starting.
  11. Hit WP3 I came here after my first fly through ended the same way as the OP. 2nd try went OK, following the river more closely. I got the radio option to talk to 102 at waypoint 3 - that may be the place you have to hit.
  12. This is what I use for axis tune on my zoom controls - I use RY on my x52 Pro. The result is maybe not as nice as a continuous adjustment but it then holds the set zoom rock steady. Credit is due to someone else on these forums years ago.
  13. I'm happy with my 980 at 3840x2160. At high settings it's at 60 fps (vsync on) nearly all the time except for certain situations that involve trees. So I wouldn't think you'd need to go with a 980ti.
  14. It is broken; the mission doesn't load the door gunners by default. You can either contact the ground crew and have them add the door guns or modify the mission in the editor so the loadout include door guns.
  15. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3V_hc8E1lGBR1ctcEpSUTNlUG8/view?usp=sharing Changing the Avionics Language under the Gameplay tab in Options works for me on the Su-25t.
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