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Posts posted by trindade

  1. Thanks for the detailed response. I certainly have not been waiting 8 seconds or longer in pac1 lock. Alot of my attacks are also at high angle so this might explain the jump.


    What do you guys experience after a long pac1 lock? Does the gun pipper stay on inital target point durring a burst?


    Short bursts instead of long usually helps.

  2. IMO the problem of the cheapest joysticks regarding the Hog is the lack of buttons, so at least you will need an HOTAS to do the job as it should. I think it is possible to grab one in second hand for that price (saitek x52 for example). You won't regret.

    BTW welcome Juicyx:)

  3. Ralfidude was it one of the tasks I have created on Tears of Allah???


    So I've recognized that crash several times. If you bomb any military ship the server will crash. Doing this on the cargo ships do not.


    This does first happend after the latest patch like the client crash if there is any KC-135 or AWACS alive....




    I'm having great fun on your server, Quax! Thanks again mate!:thumbup:

  4. IMHO the best way to master the A-10 in full extend is to practise one step at a time : STARTUP-TAKEOFF AND LANDING - NAVIGATION - MFCD and CDU - CHOICE OF WEAPONS - ATTACK RUNS - MISSIONS (not limited) ! Concentrate on one thing at a time to get finally the full picture as to act in every single situation !!



  5. It only takes about 45 steps to safely get the bird into the air and ready for a guns-only dogfight (although, as you noted, it's much more complicated to get missiles, navigation, and communication systems up and running). I had this basic procedure memorized by the third day--and I'm usually quite poor at memorization.




    Indeed, after a while it's not a big deal to memorize all that stuff but it's a good idea to keep a checklist near you!:music_whistling:



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