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Everything posted by Raistlen007

  1. Placebo. Just tested. Wing still drops it like it's hot.
  2. I as well would like to know what the developers feel about this issue. The stall behavior definitely impairs enjoyment of the module to some extent. Even an acknowledgement that they won't be looking into it because of internal priorities is a valid and honest response.
  3. There's an error message of your SPI is too high or higher than your current altitude. This can also happen if your target altitude is set manually and not automatically (DTS.) The generic error for being unable to compute a drop is CCIP INVALID.
  4. Make sure you put in the leading zero. You can't input just 38 degrees east, it needs to be 038, Zero three Eight at the start
  5. Hover with the mouse over the grayed out square, note the little black triangle on the top right, click it, then select 'buttons'
  6. TGP Being SOI is not a requirement. the TGP needs to be pointing at some point on the ground. Got a track?
  7. In DCS you have to input the wind data into the CDU manually. In real life it automatically updates.
  8. Same here. For some reason Windows 10 has issues with my phone and diskonkey USB drivers. It keeps showing up as 'unknown device' and I keep having to reinstall the drivers, and when I do, the MIG21 needs another activation. And best part is... the activation often fails for some reason and then I have to erase it from the Registry and do it again. I'm down to 4. This is the only module that gives me issues. Please please please fix this!
  9. Sounds pretty good, but honestly I can't really tell the normal and reversed apart, but I think it's soft enough.
  10. The end transmission sound I think would get a little jarring after a while. Maybe it could be softened it up a tad?
  11. Some quality of life improvements made in the real A-10C would be nice, but I don't know if they exist in the currently modeled suite, such as deleting markpoints, make last markpoint SPI, and maverick toggle ground stabilize, but I agree that have pretty much moved on and these additions will likely never be implemented.
  12. Can you please clarify what we could submit that would be helpful? If we can't link to any USAF document because they're "classified" and ED can see them anyway... and HUD video is dismissed because "you can't recreate the exact conditions" and A-10 pilot input is dismissed because "muscle memory is not a substitute to data" and expertise of ground crew is dismissed because "not hard data"... I would seriously, no sarcasm, like to know what would be helpful here? Because right now I feel like this is an artificially constructed catch-22.
  13. The file is \Mods\aircraft\A-10C\Cockpit\Scripts\IFFCC\IFFCC_param.lua The relevant section is: function ReadHUDOptions(f) local str str=f:read() local temp str, temp = GetStringField(str) str, temp = GetStringField(str) local SPEED_OPTIONS_STRINGS = {} SPEED_OPTIONS_STRINGS[0] = "Indicated" SPEED_OPTIONS_STRINGS[1] = "True" SPEED_OPTIONS_STRINGS[2] = "Ground" -- AIRSPEED_DISPLAY_OPTIONS -- SPEED_OPT_IAS, -- SPEED_OPT_TAS, -- SPEED_OPT_GS, -- SPEED_OPT_MACH_IAS GetValueFromString(IFFCC_data, "SpeedDisplayOptions", TrimStringLeft(TrimStringRight(temp)), SPEED_OPTIONS_STRINGS) --TO DO: ЗАПОЛНИТЬ ТАБЛИЦУ РЕАЛЬНЫХ ЗНАЧЕНИЙ str, temp = GetStringField(str) str, temp = GetStringField(str) if nil ~= string.find(temp, "Numerics", 1, true) then IFFCC_data["Tapes"] = false else IFFCC_data["Tapes"] = true end str, temp = GetStringField(str) str, temp = GetStringField(str) if nil ~= string.find(temp, "Standard", 1, true) then IFFCC_data["Metric"] = false else IFFCC_data["Metric"] = true end end Changing what you want from true to false is the easy bit. I'm sorry but I don't know the rest. It's something I know others have figured out, but the relevant post links to a database that's no longer there.
  14. I can understand wanting to have the settings already there so you don't have to adjust them. You can change them in the .LUA to be permanent settings. I don't recommend using flight -> prepare. In my experience it breaks more than it helps.
  15. The built in loadout window will give you your weight but not rotation speed.
  16. AI wingman or other player wingman? If other player, if both of you have JTRS on and you have unique own and group IDs, you'l see each other. If you're in the same group ID, you'l see each other in purple.
  17. The ripple starts from the first bomb, and goes away from the aircraft. So you put the pipper on the first vehicle closest to you. In pairs mode, the bombs hit either side of the pipper.
  18. Thanks for the reply, Ciribib, but I'm still curious, does DCS export what server IP you're connected to?
  19. Even without knowing the exact conditions, if we create in the simulator ideal or plausible conditions we can deduce whether or not it is possible for the airplane in the sim to preform close to the real thing, or if not then we know there is a real gap. Don't take my word for it. Don't listen to how I feel about it. Jump in and just try it yourself. See if you feel like you can comfortably and reliably replicate that maneuver without stalling and spiraling out. If you feel like you can and the sim is accurate enough to your taste, and you feel I'm wrong, that's a valuable data point. Edit: You can clearly see the heading, altitude, airspeed, and attitude in the climbs and dives. It isn't hard to time the turn and deduce a precise rate of turn.
  20. If I should open a separate thread for the AOA, I will, but I tried doing that maneuver myself with min fuel and no ordianance, and I can't do it. The airplane stalls coming up from the dive and doesn't let you complete the maneuver. I challenge you to replicate the maneuver yourself. Just try it. Edit: After many tries I've managed to get pretty close, but during a climb turn the DCS flight model seems to bleed a lot more airpseed than the real life counterpart in the video does. The engine thrust issue might not just be engine modeling. Could be aerodynamics or drag modeling issues, which is why I feel the AoA issue and the engine issue might be related.
  21. Regarding the AoA stall issue, here is a HUD video of an A-10 taking on F-16s. You'l notice the stall warnings go off multiple times during the video, including during extreme banks, climbs, and dives, and not once did the A-10 spiral out of control like it does in DCS. [ame] [/ame]
  22. When you go from a linear 1:1 input to output to an extrapolation, you're sacrificing sensor resolution from one area and giving you more resolution in another area, so yes, there is some data loss, but if you need that resolution for fine adjustments, it's worth it. I would suggest you apply some curves next time you refuel and see how you like it, and play with it during the flight until you feel comfortable with it.
  23. The way I'd like to see the server bookmark feature implemented is a button that says 'servers' that opens a list window with an 'add new server' button that just asks for a server name and IP and has a 'save' button. On the list each server should have the ability to edit that entry, an option to delete one or multiple servers in the list, and an option for auto connecting to a server, and an indicator to show if the server is up (by pinging it, and color coding the response, red being offline, yellow being high ping, and green being low ping.) by the way, does DCS export what server you are connecting to? If so, there should be an option to auto connect to a simple radio server on the same IP as the DCS mutliplayer server. that would sure make things simpler and more universally adopted!
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