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  1. Hi, I got a rift and every Oculus app works fine. When I start DCS, the Oculus turns on (white light and "DCS.exe is loading"). DCS Window pops open, but all I see is black, no loading bar, no sound, nothing. I tried switching the HDMI Output (SLI GTX 970s) Anyone got any suggestion? I already reinstalled DCS, turned all Settings to LOW, tried every guide out there that I found. One thing to mention, I move my PC from one room to another. Before the move it worked! Only difference: I have now connected 1 monitor less, than in the other room.
  2. Hy CmdrMoros. When I am online, my server has always kind of Test / Training like maps. Just search for iowahc. Always fun to fly together ;) Best regards
  3. Well, it seems, that my whole view is off by 80 pixels, which is caused by the monitor 4. i just shift the viewport down by 80 pixels and everything is fine :)
  4. Hello there, I got a Monitor Setup like this . I already found the "PhantomMonitorFix.exe" To resolve the issue, that my primary Screen is always my 0|0 coordinate for my viewport. But because my 3 main monitors (1, 2, 3) which shall display my viewport, have different heights, my center monitor gets cut ~120 pixels from the bottom and moving the viewport up. also my MFDs displayed on 4 are slightly off due to the window repositioning i guess. Anyone has any other fix than the PhantomMonitorFix.exe? And no, I don't want to move my primary monitor to the left. it would screw up my whole other system settings. Thanks in advance
  5. Anyone could share their Arduino / Export.lua Code? to give me some hints on how to do it best? Best regards
  6. Well I actually found your way already, but i would like to use the ethernet shield. anyway. could you share some code on how to send and receive through your interface? the examples on your page only provides acces through a terminal and controlling the leds by commands. not with the export.lua. Could you give some advice? Best regards
  7. Hello Pilots! I want to begin building my own home cockpit, but I have quite a lack of understanding how to achieve this. My idea is to build the panels with the switches and LEDs attached to my Arduino board with an Ethernet shield, and controlling DCS through the export.lua function. Can anyone give me some kind of tutorial on how to let the arduino communicate with the export.lua. and how to use the export.lua in a proper way? Best regards and thanks in advance :)
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