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Everything posted by Pangloss

  1. You can add whatever you want to add without modifying any DCS-World file. Here are some examples : To avoid to use the generic vehicules just write : --Chassis GT.chassis = {} GT.chassis.life = 2 GT.chassis.mass = 10300--ok GT.chassis.length = 7.56--ok GT.chassis.width = 2.82--ok etc To add your animations : --Animations GT.animation_arguments={} GT.animation_arguments.alarm_state = 3 etc To create your own sensors : GT.Sensors = { OPTIC = { {--TVN-2Day type = OPTIC_SENSOR_TV, scan_volume = { azimuth = {-135.0, 135.0}, elevation = {-5.0, 25.0},--ok }, view_volume_max = { azimuth_sector = 30.0,--ok elevation_sector = 30.0,--ok }, magnifications = {1.0,},--ok resolution = 1.0,--ok }, {--TVN-2Night type = OPTIC_SENSOR_LLTV, scan_volume = { azimuth = {-135.0, 135.0}, elevation = {-5.0, 25.0}, }, view_volume_max = { azimuth_sector = 30.0, elevation_sector = 30.0, }, magnifications = {1.0,}, resolution = 1.0, }, } You can do the same for everything! Using this system, all what is related to your vehicule is in the vehicule.lua in the mod folder! Just take a look at how things work in common ED scripts and do the same in your script.
  2. What do you mean here? You can add AI (or DCS:CA) objects with the same properties as ED's ones. You can create your own basic sensors, weapons, create your custom chassis with its own caracteristics etc But I agree, possibiliy to add your own systems through DLLs and customs 3D cockpits would be nice! But I guess it's not a priority!
  3. As far as I know you cannot add connectors if you don't have the original model file... Otherwise Beczl made a small tutorial explaining how to add connectors : here But your "Plan B" looks really great!
  4. Hi It's seems that in the last version (1.2.4) a sound bug occurs when firing machine guns (tested on a Strela-10 with the 7.62 machine gun). When pressing the trigger the weapon shoots and the firing sound is played, that's OK. But if you keep pressing the trigger when reloading, the shooting sound is still played. If you stop shooting, and try to shoot again when reloading, the sound is not played, no bug there
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