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Posts posted by Irishlad200000

  1. Unless you are a super user in terms of understanding game code (I'm not either lol) I would stick to using the Beta unmodded. Let ED techies worry about what's under the hood! As the game progresses over time mods to the core system will obviously become unstable and eventually stop working.

  2. As a RL pilot of light aircraft, I can see the interest in making civil aircraft. The flight model in DCS supercedes the other sims! With the addition of new weather, it will be better! I think there is better feel and control compared to the other sims!28629bc0e5047ce838770e65e1fb3073.jpg

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    • Thanks 1
  3. Could we have the option of setting the direction of the active runway in low wind conditions please?
    As a RL pilot it sometimes pisses me off when the active is set for a 1 knot wind and it makes the taxi labouringly long! But in any controlled airport the active can't be changed. Best idea is change your wind direction. Wish I could do that in real life!

    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

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  4. The amount of ocean area now warrants proper usage. More expansion on combined arms would be nice too. If only you could control an infantry commander and be able to enter vehicles. That would be fun. We are a long way off from that mechanic I think

    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

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  5. Ugra Media need a kick in the ass. A year later and not even a reply. They have made a lot of money selling this map and have literally put the one finger up to paying customers. ED should be putting pressure on them to repair this. Really pissed off as it's a decent map, however a big black texture is breaking immersion!!!

    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

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  6. You can disable wake turbulence in the game options, you know... I also think it's over-modeled a bit but who knows? I've never been up there in a fighter jet so I have no idea if it would be tossed around so easily.
    In my training I was warned of the old 737 in front, to give decent separation or the washing machine effect would happen. I have landed at commercial airports, but luckily have not experienced it! I would have thought at higher speeds and altitude it would be less of an effect. I cruise in RL between 90-130kts. In the sim surely at 300 plus it shouldn't effect it too much!75e81dc269d72b3378f0ec81ac80888c.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

  7. The funny thing is I'm a RL pilot and own a light sports aircraft! Can I bloody get the basket!!!!? NO.


    An issue I'm having is when I'm close to the right distance to connect, what appears to be Wake Turbulence knocks me off. Is anyone else having the same issue?


    I prefer making my own missions. What way, Alt and speed is better to set the tanker up?


    Do you all use a racetrack or straight waypoints? What G/S do you set the tanker at?


    I'm loving the module, but when you need too many Ext Tanks, the weapon load is restricted! I need to nail the refueling to get the most out of it. Syria is bloody massive and some of the better tgts are too far from the coast or neighbouring States!


    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk



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  8. Don't be ashamed of not getting this right lol! I'm a real life light aircraft owner and Pilot and I have issues with the deck landing! In real life I land in all sorts of STOL environments. All I can say is fly the plane until the brakes are on and engine is off. Use power to control your descent rate, as any irratic elevator or aileron input will put you off course in the final seconds of final. Remember to cage you velocity vector so that you get a good idea of your descent angle. Remember to throttle full power after touchdown to enable you to do a bolter if the landing is botched. This sim has more feel than any other sim available including MSFS 2020. Its the only one that gives me a challenge!

    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk

  9. DCS is my go to flight sim. I own and fly a light aircraft in RL and the feel in dcs is as close as it gets.


    Can we please have,


    1. More infantry / civilian types.

    2. More defensive positions to match map, ie both desert and temperate colours.


    3. Better AI. Especially moving around on the ground. I have been hit a few times in the rear!!


    4. I have asked before, can we have the option of including a PDF mission briefing. The current system is not fit for purpose re viewing images or maps.


    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk



  10. Guys there are so many unanswered questions on the forum, especially regarding the Channel and Normandy Maps. What's going on? Can someone please review and drop us at least one line answers???


    Sent from my SM-G981B using Tapatalk



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