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Everything posted by xpereta

  1. Everything is sorted out. The second payment enabled me to download the game, and lockon.ru cancelled the first failed payment. Thank you.
  2. I have paid a second time And received another confirmation email. This time the transaction id is TXN495Q9N4G643Y9IP and I now seem to be able to download. The problem seems to be with Javascript, even though the PROTOX web site tells you that Javascript is not necessary to make the payment, the process will not end successfully unless you have Javascript activated. Please check this so that I'm not billed two times.
  3. I've just made the payment, and I received a confirmation email from the address DoNotReply@protx.com saying that my transaction id is: TXNAV4JDKE9TC8X7PL . However I can't find where should I download from. I think there was a problem in the last step of the paiment because I did not return to the lockon website automaticaly. When I log in http://www.lockon.ru, should I see a link to download the game under the "Files>Downloads" section? In this section there's a button that says "Pay by PROTIX", but I have just done that!
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