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About BattleRabbit

  • Birthday 03/28/1993

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Zürich, Switzerland
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Flightsim
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer
  1. You don't really need accurate QFE to use all the weapons properly there are only a handful of delivery options where you need QFE all the others the radar (altimeter) is sufficient in providing accurate ranging.
  2. As far as I was able to understand from his thread https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=178801 he replaced the farp model with the one in the video and presto, I haven't tried it yet myself.
  3. I want them to respawn randomly inside a zone using mist.respawnInZone but they just sit there and only move once I use mist.goRoute('xx', mist.getGroupRoute(xx')) Does mist.respawnGroup work differently than mist.respawnInZone? Not yet, I though it would be possible only using MIST. EDIT I just checked the docu and saw that there is a task value available for mist.respawnGroup, I don't know how I could have missed that.
  4. For the upcoming Viggen release I have thrown myself back into the ME and MIST trying to make a training mission with ships that respawn and follow the original route after being destroyed. The only way I've been able to do that was with the MIST script mist.goRoute('SHIP_original', mist.getGroupRoute('SHIP_original_route')) the group(single ship) SHIP_original_route has the same route setup as the SHIP_original group and is set to invisible and immortal but naturally it can still be seen by the player. Is there another way this can be done or do I just have to live with this one immortal ship sailing around. Thanks
  5. Ahh interesting, thanks for clearing that up for me.
  6. Something I noticed during the Grudge Match, does anybody know what this panel is for at first glance it looks like CM but the viggen doesn't carry any internally.
  7. Wouldn't chaff be more effective once the missile is close enough seeing as how ships throw chaff walls between it and the threat, if the missile picks up on this before it adjust for the speed of the target the missile will fly past the ship. Unless the final flight phases are close enough together that it would depend on luck if the missile detected the chaff or not.
  8. How effective would ship launched chaff or a helicopter decoy be? Will it be possible to spoof the missile with a helo in-game?
  9. SB Pro PE 4.0 was released yesterday Tue 09/08/16. http://www.esimgames.com/?p=1959 http://www.steelbeasts.com/topic/10355-sb-pro-pe-40-discussion-thread/ The upgrade costs 40 USD and a new licence costs 125 USD
  10. I really hope that Leatherneck doesn't make a WW2 plane there are enough of those being made by other 3rd party developers. I'm not against prop planes and would instantly buy an A-1 Skyraider or OV-10 Bronco its just that WW2 are starting to get "boring". The MIG was and and still is the only properly made "modern" (multirole-) fighter and I hope they stick to that "era"
  11. When flying at the AoA and at that speed the only movement you can do is up and down (and a bit with the rudder) :lol: I was constantly moving the throttle back and forth.
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