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    Red Baron (original), IL2 Sturmovik (original), Pacific Fighters, Falcon 4.0 (BMS), Rise of Flight, DCS
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  1. Just a reminder (6:15) And another reminder (1:13:58)
  2. I'm not able to reproduce any such issue. Please post a short track replay showing the issue, thanks.
  3. I don't run DCS in admin mode as I don't see any reason to do so.
  4. If you're referring to the HB UI issue, then I recommend to read the Delay Announcement again, because nowhere does it say that it broke on first test on most systems. It literally said that it caused a critical issue on a very small number of systems that was detected when mass testing begun: https://store.heatblur.com/blogs/news/of-delays-and-silence
  5. Or maybe he is referring to Intel Application Optimization, which uses DTT https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000095419/processors.html
  6. No.1 rule of DCS: Everything takes longer than expected. It's just something one needs to get used to.
  7. Oh, ok, so in order to be able to activate IFF Mode 4 in the F1 you need a special panel, which isn't available in the F1 cockpit by default, but becomes available if you activate it in the special options?
  8. I'm not very familiar with the F1, so I have to ask: What does that mean exactly? As far as I understand you need a special panel in the F1 to enable Mode 4, but is that panel implemented in the DCS F1 as of now?
  9. Does that mean all the other modes were rather useless in practical use?
  10. The upcoming DCS update will include a big overhaul of INS/GPS for the F-16: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/news/newsletters/ac7733b5517ca577c5a11bddb0a605a1/ Should you still encounter this issue after the update, please let us know!
  11. Niemand von uns weiß wirklich was da los ist, von daher ist es sinnlos wenn wir hier darübr diskutieren ohne die Fakten zu kennen. Das würde nur dazu führen, dass Gerüchte entstehen die sich am Ende als komplett falsch erweisen. Das müssen ED und RB untereinander klären.
  12. Ja, das geht. Da musst du vorher nicht mal DCS installieren. Einfach alte Platte raus, neue Platte rein (mit selbem Laufwerksbuchstaben!) und Daten unter Beibehaltung des selben Pfades rüberkopieren. Solange Laufwerksbuchstabe und Orderpfad gleich bleiben, stimmen auch noch alle Verweise (Desktopsymbole, Registryeinträge, etc).
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