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  1. I have same question, it’s nearly unreadable
  2. Hi Mike, Our group focus is A2A focus with the air superiority C model. Typically flown in 80s scenario. IFF, MQT, 2FLUG/4FLUG training from qualified IP pilots. We have the E and can use it for training purposes but it’s not our primary ride hope that helps.
  3. Please DM if interested. Private small group focused on the F-15C . Looking for one possibility two pilots. NA pilots only
  4. I installed Ultraleap software and then went to start DCS and it won't load in VR - any ideas ?
  5. Same thing, after installing the ultraleap software from leap site, when I start DCS in my Crystal it won't goto VR , even if I try to force it. I had to uninstall ultraleap. So not working all ??? I just bought this hand tracking for DCS - bad timing since 2.9 breaks it ?
  6. We are seeing inconsistency where in STT the Aim 7 won't track. Seems the MH does track but M having some inconsistency of not tracking Could be related to other semi-active as well. I've seen some AI fire and see ER not track
  7. we could use some presets for FC3 aircraft
  8. This week I was given access to a new beta firmware that features the 72Hz for the Crystal. In combination with eye tracking using DFR, I was getting 80-90 fps with my i7 13700 with 4090. As everyone knows though, especially in DCS multiplayer it’s nearly impossible to maintain 90fps, and the result can mean ghosting effects etc . With 72Hz, I can definitely maintain > 70 fps and the result is buttery smoothness! I noticed no side effects at all. Rolling toward the ground tracking a bandit made it easier to follow, etc . As a side note I tried warbirds as well, and saw no visuals issues. Basically already running at 35 PPD, DFR and 72Hz provides a great experience for DCS - really looking forward to everyone getting this soon! I also think this will really help folks with lower system specs. I went from a G2 to a Crystal and it’s like going from a 3rd gen to a 5th gen fighter, a headset perfect for DCS VR simmers!
  9. I have this issue, often times it has to do with press vs short press. One patch awhile back broke it .
  10. Two suggestions. 1. If you fly straight at bandit and don’t offset they will typically go one circle. Create offset (put bandit outside canopy bow). Try to get a lead turn through the bandits control zone. Offsetting keeps you out of a WEZ. Slightly be higher or lower to avoid head on gun shots. 2. You can also merge, watch and wait to see the direction bandit turns and simply go opposite to setup the 2 circle. Control the fight don’t just be reactionary . Don’t just blindly turn a certain way assuming that will be a two circle speed is relative to bandit, use speed as a guide not as a robot. Angles, aspect, closure is more important to understand
  11. I think ED now makes clean canopy not ic compliant, so stuck with very unrealistic canopy reflections
  12. Didn’t realize 300/600 missile unlock. I assume this is what nearly all other dcs jets call cage/uncage ? Wish Aerges worked on I,proving their naming for bindings . Super confusing
  13. I read the guide and it doesn’t have a nice breakdown at all ??? thanks to other here for actually answering the question Awesome thanks ! also, the Matra tones are deafening, does F1 have a way to turn that down ie like F-5 ?
  14. No explanation of cannon600 nothing even in chucks guide. Care to elaborate on this poorly named binding ? obscure binding names makes it hard to use your module
  15. Looking to learn the differences of the missile types on the F1, is there a good summary anywhere ?
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