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Everything posted by LETCHIK

  1. What kind of events? Means new missions?
  2. Дорогие разработчики, Почему во Второй Мировой Войне бегают муджахеды с калашами? Почему у американского сержанта каска капитана?
  3. Hello guys, We made some changes: 1. Weather change (added dynamic weather) 2. Reduced mission duration 3. Adjusted amount of AAA 4. Adjusted custom labels visibility and opacity Now we are working on bombers raids over France.
  4. Hi guys, Our TeamSpeak server down. We will fix the problem ASAP sorry After first run "Wings over France", yesterday, we analyzed some issues and made couple of changes. It is still very important to save plane. They are limited at airfields. As today all plane cold started. We'll see how it works, if necessary we'll add hot started too. thanks. TeamSpeak server back online
  5. Hello guys, Quick update. We started to work on new set of missions. The general idea of missions are planes. Amount of planes. How it works. It’s going to be airbases from both side of front line. Amount of planes will be limited and goal is to save planes, Very important to land. If base lost all planes it still going to be base for refuel and rearming but to grab new plane you have to from far base. If that base also lost all planes you will go another base. If you like to take plane from far base you can do it. That was planes settings. Also will be ships with soldiers and armors. Reds have to destroy them and Blues have to defend. Next options will be B-17 and same goal, Reds destroy Blues defend. Let’s call this map beta, and we will continue working. I’ll let you know about any changes here on forum. Thanks again to all pilots who flying with us and shows your support. Special thanks to pilots who sent email with comments and suggestions Steel balls team. :pilotfly:
  6. Hello guys, Server back on DCS: 2.1.0 only Thanks
  7. Hi guys, Steel Balls Server randomly host DCS 1.5 and 2.1 missions. We are testing this option now. Subject to change. Just trying to help those pilots who still have only DCS: 1.5 and don't able to buy Normandy or upgrade computer. Thanks a lot
  8. Дорогие девелоперы ну что за фигня ((((((((((( Что случилось с прицелом Мустанга? Два огромных черных пятна и через них не фига не видно. Второе - дымы от заводов стали черные видать за много километров. Трава мелькает на аэродроме. Короче неделя убита у меня.
  9. Dear friends, Steel Balls - Normandy online Statistic at http://www.steelballs.us/stats/ also activated. Come get score and be number one (numero uno) Couple of things we wanna bring to you guys. DCS: Normandy and WWII pack are still ALFA, there is a lot of changes or fixes must be done. I believe we have to be thankful for everything made by ED team. About Steel Balls server: We making changes every day. We put modern AAA because...... everyone knows why. Yesterday, May 29th we accidentally left lables ON, sorry for that. Thanks to all of you who flying on SB serer, thanks to that people who contacting us and reporting bugs, mistakes, mismatches ....... Project "Steel Balls" is not commercial project, we don't ask any donations or other help. We're asking a little explanation, if you say "this server is sucks and ****ed up" please tell us why. If it's our mistake we will find the solution. If you killed by another pilot just more practice. Thanks again to all of you guys. German Alex Rtyfgv
  10. Thanks man, we work to make it better. ))))
  11. ЗЕНИТКИ, где зенитки??????????????
  12. Server back online. Statistics will be ready Monday
  13. Server down for migration to Normandy Map
  14. Даже у нас в Америке уже 26 Мая, вот зе фак?
  15. That is very good question. We did not discussed about it. After we migrate to 2.1.0 we'll back to this conversation. thanks for flying with us.
  16. Чиж, здравствуйте можно просьбу от диваного маркетолога? Пожалуйста сделайте винт у Спита чуть чтуь прозрачнее. Я не эпилепсик но реально вызывает головную боль. Ну не молодой уже а летать хочется.
  17. Hi, As soon as Normandy will release our server migrates to v2.1.00 and we all jump to WWII atmosphere.
  18. Уважаемые разработчики, я диванный маркетолог со стажем и уже задавал вопрос очень давно. Ещё раз если вы позволите. 1. Почему вы не продаёте ключи на неделю (с правом передачи/подарка другу)? 2. Если вас не устраивало движение за передачу и обмен купленных самолётов между летчиками, то почему вы не возглавили это движение сами? Берите определенную сумму и перекидывайте с одного юзера на другого. Сегодня самолёты взлетают и садятся а такие мелочи как временные ключи и передача тормозится. Мне кажется это прибавит популярности ДКС и вам ресурся на процветания проекта. Спасибо.
  19. Hello everyone! A little server update now. 1. Missions "Scramble over the Bay" extended to 3 hrs. 2. Patrolling AI disabled (PvP only) 3. Interceptors AI still in effect (activating in enemy airfield zone) Thanks.
  20. Hello, thanks for flying with us. There is two ways to create live statistic. First is DIY and second to pay someone who will do it for you. I found people and told them what I want, what I need. Our statistic still WIP. Price I’m not gonna discuss on forum. If you want I can ask them, may be they will do it for you too.
  21. Hi guys!! Today we celebrating first anniversary of our server. March 21, 2016 we started. Big mega thanks to ACG owner. Thanks to RTyfgv and Lt. Zero, and many many thanks to all pilots.:cheer3nc:
  22. Уважаемые разработчики, Сделали вы всё красиво но преподнесли не правильно. Конечно же ваша работа стоит $50 за предзаказ и $70 за после него. Просто не надо было разделять пакеты так как вы это сделали. Я не диванный маркетолог но мне кажется надо было написать цену на предзаказ не делая акцент на компоненты а потом добавить "для тех кто просто хочет полетать над новыми территориями будет возможность приобрести облегченный вариант Нормандии, только карту". Спасибо вам огромное за ДКС
  23. Командир, постой... Я читаю и не могу догнать. Если сервер на отдельно стоящем компе то и туда надо все компоненты покупать дополнительно?????????
  24. Statistic for Steel Balls open for test. Come, fly and check your record. Be the best :pilotfly: http://www.steelballs.us/stats/
  25. Hi guys, Monday we gonna open statistic page. I call it pre-alfa but it's alive, will see how it works for our server.
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