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Everything posted by Mirco91

  1. "OpenBeta installers will be available soon. ETA: Oct 4 2015 18:00 UTC" Two hours ago it said 12:00 UTC. Thanks Obama.
  2. When is the next sale? Anyone has an idea? :)
  3. I couldn't make out any chants or words that someone could find offensive, even if they were prone to being upset (butthurt) very easily. Neither could I make out what person was talking.
  4. Hab TrackIR für eine Woche gehabt und dann zurückgeschickt. Kann mit dem Ding nix anfangen, fühlt sich unnatürlich an und lenkt mich zu sehr ab beim fliegen von den eigentlichen Aufgaben. Hab außerdem keinen Bock wie festgefroren zu sitzen wenn ich z.B. im warthog auf ein Ziel zufliege damit ich mit dem Fadenkreuz richtig zielen kann. Keine Ahnung warum alle über das Gerät so ausflippen, hat mich für ~160€ nicht zufrieden gestellt. Hab vlt. einfach höhere Ansprüche bei dem Preis. Nächste Anschaffung für mich wären 100% Pedale.
  5. If you want an AI controlled unit to attack another unit you'd do the following. 1.)Create the group you want to be the agressor and choose its Task. Different tasks give you different options when assigning orders to that group. For this example we're just going to use an A-10C which gets the task "CAS." 2.)Create a group you want the A-10C to attack. Give that group a name you'll easily recognize. For example use two BTR-80 and call them "enemy vehicle group 01." 3.) Choose the A-10 again. You know that second half of the screen where you can manage waypoints of that unit or payload, well the third page of it has a symbol when you hover over it it says "triggered actions." Here you'll click on add. This opens a new window where you choose under type "Perform Task" and under action choose "Attack Group." Then next to group you choose your "enemy vehicle group 01." Now in the Editor you'll see when the A-10 is selected that a straight line is drawn from the plane to the enemy vehicle group which ends in a triangle. My english sounds clunky since it's not my first language. :) Edit: Lol I typed too long. :D
  6. ^ Thank you very much it worked. I can now see the Gunner AI Panel under UH-1H Sim layer. C: I didn't copy input settings over from my 1.2.6 though but I guess when installing the module from the 1.2.7 module manager it did something like that. However I'm not sure if I'm the only guy that had this problem. Anyway testing the AI in practice now.
  7. I can't see the Gunners AI Panel options under UH-1H Sim, only under game mode. :c Edit:
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