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About dartuil

  • Birthday June 20

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  1. Same the only one im waiting for. :cry:
  2. Same they are very bad once you get in F2 view. Pretty crazy.
  3. Viggen is the new prey online today! M2000C pilots have a new victim! :)
  4. 2.5GB for me! Time to go outside looking for some food and chick waiting the update! :)
  5. Viggen have no chance versus mig-29 and su-27 for me. Only if the pilot do a mistake and u get the chance, but you better get out lol.
  6. Someone recorded the stream today? Fishbed vs tiger and viggen?
  7. Someone please records The twitch for those with shitty speed Like me. Thanks that would be cool.
  8. I've mastered all my fast aircrafts! I need a new one! :) Dear cobra847, hear my voice. :)
  9. My problem is the ping not the servers. Buddy spike server is cool but my ping isnt there with more than 200. On 104 I get 150 ma EDIT: seems like im banned on BUDDY SIKE server dont know why as I dont play there. :(
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