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Posts posted by Olgerd

  1. I encountered the slight problem that whenever I pull some kind of vertical or inverted maneuver (like a loop) the game freezes and then shuts down. The message “DCS has stopped working” appears. Everything else works perfectly fine and I never had that issue (or any issue at all) with another module. This is quite annoying and I almost start to regret buying this module.

    Has someone experienced the same or maybe has an idea to solve the problem? Thank you.


    Hi! Can you please share your DCS.log and the latest .crash file?

  2. Is the gun on the hornet tilted up slightly vs centerline of the plane to make firing on a turning adversary easier, but making engaging ground targets more difficult? I could have sworn I read that somewhere many years ago but a quick internet search turned up nothing.


    At least the pilot has 15 degrees of available sight depression - 13 deg down from the waterline to the nose plus 2 deg of gun tilt.

  3. But ATFLIR is using one of the precious AMRAAM slots :D


    I hope we'll see Litening as well for more various loadout options, especially since most (if not all) export customers are using Litening.


    So far Litening is not planned. Really a lot of other things to do. :)

  4. -Any hope of seeing a redfor multi role, or even DCS or FC3 redfor multi roles in the near future "by DCS standards", The Mplayer Arena in DCS is painfully lacking such a platform and with several 3PD bringing some amazing bluefor products i fear it will just get worse for online preference.


    We definitely would like to do this, but plans here are still vague.

  5. I know the hornet per say might have not taking that long but possibly the tech its needed is the bulk of the tough work.


    Question, Does this underlying engine rebuild means that it will shorten the development time frame for future products? or will we only see ED push out a "complex" product every 3-5 years?


    Well, F/A-18C is going to have 'a full pack' of complex features needed for other modern jets - AG radar, JHMCS, Link 4/16, HUD repeater, automatic landing, AA radar + long range missiles, 3 displays in the cockpit (one with different rendering method), 2 mission computers, Digital FCS, supersonic flight, arrested landings, HARM, Walleye, JDAM/JSOW, etc... So, yes new compex products will be done faster after F/A-18C.

  6. With all due respect, this thread is about Eagle Dynamics @ E3, not how long the Hornet has been in development,



    So, that Being said,

    If IIRC and Looked back at official announcements,


    Late 2007 - ED Was Given Permission to Convert DTT to Entertainment DCS: A-10C

    Late 2011- DCS A-10C Entertainment was Released

    Jan 2013 - Updated F/A-18C External Model Introduced

    Early May 2013 - F/A-18C was said to Still be Planned, but not in Development Yet, and was noted that it would take longer than any previous Module.

    Late May 2013 - Work On Cockpit Model was On Going

    June 2013 - Plans were stated that after FC3 was Finished, the next DCS: Fighter would be the F/A-18C

    December 2014 - DCS: F/A-18C is Confirmed to be in Full Development


    Between Now and Then, things have Changed, Specifically the Original Plan was to have an older Lot Aircraft, However Recently the ED Changed this to Lot 20,

    as a Result the Cockpit had to undergo a lot of 3D Art Changes, and the External Model was also re-done.


    Dec 2014 -> Now is 30 to 31 Months.


    A-10C Took a few years to Develop the DTT Version, and then another 4 to Convert it to the DCS:A-10C Version. So We'll say 72 Months to be fair.


    There was Also Breaks in Development why Underlying Technologies were developed to Support the Hornet. (A2G Radar, Super Sonic PFMs, etc etc)


    There was no Attempts to hide the length of development the Hornet Would take, it was stated up front before development was in full gear it would take significantly longer.


    So Again, With all due respect, please dont assume and speculate on how long something has been in development or how long it should take.


    Yes, supersonic PFM was one of showstoppers. That is why F-15C/F-5E FMs were worked on before F/A-18C FM. We needed the tech to grow and to become mature.

  7. я немного не про то.


    Пусть летит с креном , но главное чтобы заправщик не пытался следовать маршруту.


    А то бывает маршрут довольно крутой и в процессе перекачки топлива, заправщик резко без предупреждения начинает "заруливать.." это особенно актуально при "жесткой" сцепке. (А-10, F-15)


    пусть хотя бы на момент дозаправки забывает про свой маршрут. (летит по шаблону, хоть "О", хоть прямо... неважно. )


    Это да, другое дело. С другой стороны, заправщику можно и нормальный закольцованный маршрут сделать для заправки.

  8. ну по крайней мере он не маневрирует (наверное) а имеет какую-то более менее постоянную понятную траекторию. Если радиус виража достаточно большой, то впринципе считай что прямо летит.


    Ну как не маневрирует.. Крен до 30 градусов.

  9. Хотелка по топливозаправщику.


    Сделать так чтобы в процессе выполнения операций заправки топливозаправщик игнорировал свои ППМ и летел только прямо и ровно.


    Имхо, выглядит как то неправильно когда заправщик с пристегнутым ЛА начинает выполнять развороты и т.п.


    В реале, заправщики не летают все время прямо, во время дозаправки. Может быть наши так летают, но заграничные точно нет. Обычно, его траектория - это вытянутая O.

  10. If I understand this right from reading the manual there should be a comm page which is missing from the MFCD, what I can't quite piece together and haven't been able to find searching it how useful implementing this feature would be including the rest of IFF.


    The manual mentions it can both transmit and receive which I assumed to mean either two things.


    1) that it shows information on other flight positions somehow on the TAD? If so I realllly hope this gets implemented because that sounds pretty awesome, but right now it's just my assumption since it's unclear to me exactly what features are included in the a10c with regards to IFF.


    2) that the manual means it receives an IFF signal and transmits a signal back. The extra functionality is mostly about tricking ground stations as to the whereabouts of your location? Not as interesting apart from maybe using with combined arms.


    Can someone fill me in on the details?


    MFCD Comm page is not the part of Suite 3. It was added in later suites.

  11. Смысл таков, что на экране будет физическая кнопка, которую можно тыцнуть мышкой:)


    Вы определитесь, мой дорогой, - кнопка все-таки физическая или на экране? :D

  12. Если на TGP вылезает надпись GIMB ROLL, тогда только и спасает чайна хэт короткое назад. В связи с чем это возникает, я не в курсе, но проявляется сия проблема не так часто. Так что особых проблем с этим быть не должно.


    У головы контейнера есть ограничение по крену +/- 720 градусов.

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